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#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
 nf-core/hic Analysis Pipeline.
 #### Homepage / Documentation
*/ Headers.nf_core(workflow, params.monochrome_logs)
/* --               PRINT HELP                 -- */
def json_schema = "$projectDir/nextflow_schema.json"
if ( {
    def command = "nextflow run nf-core/hic --input '*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz' -profile docker" NfcoreSchema.params_help(workflow, params, json_schema, command)
/* --         VALIDATE PARAMETERS              -- */
if (params.validate_params) {
    NfcoreSchema.validateParameters(params, json_schema, log)

// Check if genome exists in the config file
if (params.genomes && params.genome && !params.genomes.containsKey(params.genome)) {
    exit 1, "The provided genome '${params.genome}' is not available in the iGenomes file. Currently the available genomes are ${params.genomes.keySet().join(', ')}"
if (params.digest && params.digestion && !params.digest.containsKey(params.digestion)) {
   exit 1, "Unknown digestion protocol. Currently, the available digestion options are ${params.digest.keySet().join(", ")}. Please set manually the '--restriction_site' and '--ligation_site' parameters."
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

params.restriction_site = params.digestion ? params.digest[ params.digestion ].restriction_site ?: false : false
params.ligation_site = params.digestion ? params.digest[ params.digestion ].ligation_site ?: false : false

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
// Check Digestion or DNase Hi-C mode
if (!params.dnase && !params.ligation_site) {
   exit 1, "Ligation motif not found. Please either use the `--digestion` parameters or specify the `--restriction_site` and `--ligation_site`. For DNase Hi-C, please use '--dnase' option"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
// Reference index path configuration
params.bwt2_index = params.genome ? params.genomes[ params.genome ].bowtie2 ?: false : false
params.fasta = params.genome ? params.genomes[ params.genome ].fasta ?: false : false

/* --     Collect configuration parameters     -- */
// Check AWS batch settings
if (workflow.profile.contains('awsbatch')) {
    // AWSBatch sanity checking
    if (!params.awsqueue || !params.awsregion) exit 1, 'Specify correct --awsqueue and --awsregion parameters on AWSBatch!'
    // Check outdir paths to be S3 buckets if running on AWSBatch
    // related:
    if (!params.outdir.startsWith('s3:')) exit 1, 'Outdir not on S3 - specify S3 Bucket to run on AWSBatch!'
    // Prevent trace files to be stored on S3 since S3 does not support rolling files.
    if (params.tracedir.startsWith('s3:')) exit 1, 'Specify a local tracedir or run without trace! S3 cannot be used for tracefiles.'
ch_multiqc_config = file("$projectDir/assets/multiqc_config.yaml", checkIfExists: true)
ch_multiqc_custom_config = params.multiqc_config ? Channel.fromPath(params.multiqc_config, checkIfExists: true) : Channel.empty()
ch_output_docs = file("$projectDir/docs/", checkIfExists: true)
ch_output_docs_images = file("$projectDir/docs/images/", checkIfExists: true)
 * input read files
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
if (params.input_paths){
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

   raw_reads = Channel.create()
   raw_reads_2 = Channel.create()

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      .from( params.input_paths )
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      .map { row -> [ row[0], [file(row[1][0]), file(row[1][1])]] }
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      .separate( raw_reads, raw_reads_2 ) { a -> [tuple(a[0] + "_R1", a[1][0]), tuple(a[0] + "_R2", a[1][1])] }
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   raw_reads = Channel.create()
   raw_reads_2 = Channel.create()

   if ( params.split_fastq ){
         .fromFilePairs( params.input, flat:true )
         .splitFastq( by: params.fastq_chunks_size, pe:true, file: true, compress:true)
         .separate( raw_reads, raw_reads_2 ) { a -> [tuple(a[0] + "_R1", a[1]), tuple(a[0] + "_R2", a[2])] }
         .fromFilePairs( params.input )
	 .separate( raw_reads, raw_reads_2 ) { a -> [tuple(a[0] + "_R1", a[1][0]), tuple(a[0] + "_R2", a[1][1])] }
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
// Update sample name if splitFastq is used
def updateSampleName(x) {
   if ((matcher = x[1] =~ /\s*(\.[\d]+).fastq.gz/)) {
        res = matcher[0][1]
   return [x[0] + res, x[1]]
if (params.split_fastq ){
  raw_reads = raw_reads.concat( raw_reads_2 ).map{it -> updateSampleName(it)}.dump(tag:'input')
  raw_reads = raw_reads.concat( raw_reads_2 ).dump(tag:'input')
 * Other input channels
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nservant committed
// Reference genome
if ( params.bwt2_index ){
   //lastPath = params.bwt2_index.lastIndexOf(File.separator)
   //bwt2_dir =  params.bwt2_index.substring(0,lastPath+1)
   //bwt2_base = params.bwt2_index.substring(lastPath+1)
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

   Channel.fromPath( params.bwt2_index , checkIfExists: true)
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      .ifEmpty { exit 1, "Genome index: Provided index not found: ${params.bwt2_index}" }
      .into { bwt2_index_end2end; bwt2_index_trim }
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
else if ( params.fasta ) {
   //lastPath = params.fasta.lastIndexOf(File.separator)
   //fasta_base = params.fasta.substring(lastPath+1)
   //fasta_base = fasta_base.toString() - ~/(\.fa)?(\.fasta)?(\.fas)?(\.fsa)?$/
   Channel.fromPath( params.fasta )
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
	.ifEmpty { exit 1, "Genome index: Fasta file not found: ${params.fasta}" }
        .into { fasta_for_index }
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
else {
   exit 1, "No reference genome specified!"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
// Chromosome size
if ( params.chromosome_size ){
   Channel.fromPath( params.chromosome_size , checkIfExists: true)
         .into {chrsize; chrsize_build; chrsize_raw; chrsize_balance; chrsize_zoom, chrsize_compartments}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
else if ( params.fasta ){
   Channel.fromPath( params.fasta )
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
	.ifEmpty { exit 1, "Chromosome sizes: Fasta file not found: ${params.fasta}" }
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
       	.set { fasta_for_chromsize }
else {
   exit 1, "No chromosome size specified!"

// Restriction fragments
if ( params.restriction_fragments ){
   Channel.fromPath( params.restriction_fragments, checkIfExists: true )
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      .set {res_frag_file}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
else if ( params.fasta && params.restriction_site ){
   Channel.fromPath( params.fasta )
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
           .ifEmpty { exit 1, "Restriction fragments: Fasta file not found: ${params.fasta}" }
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
           .set { fasta_for_resfrag }
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
else if (! params.dnase) {
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
    exit 1, "No restriction fragments file specified!"

// Resolutions for contact maps
map_res = Channel.from( params.bin_size ).splitCsv().flatten()
all_res = params.bin_size
if (params.res_tads && !params.skip_tads){
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  Channel.from( "${params.res_tads}" )
    .into {tads_bin; tads_res_hicexplorer; tads_res_insulation}
    map_res = map_res.concat(tads_bin)
    all_res = all_res + ',' + params.res_tads
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  if (!params.skip_tads){
    log.warn "[nf-core/hic] Hi-C resolution for TADs calling not specified. See --res_tads" 

if (params.res_dist_decay && !params.skip_dist_decay){
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  Channel.from( "${params.res_dist_decay}" )
    .into {ddecay_res; ddecay_bin }
    map_res = map_res.concat(ddecay_bin)
    all_res = all_res + ',' + params.res_dist_decay
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  ddecay_res = Channel.create()
  ddecay_bin = Channel.create()
  if (!params.skip_dist_decay){
    log.warn "[nf-core/hic] Hi-C resolution for distance decay not specified. See --res_dist_decay" 

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
if (params.res_compartments && !params.skip_compartments){
  Channel.fromPath( params.fasta )
    .ifEmpty { exit 1, "Compartments calling: Fasta file not found: ${params.fasta}" }
    .set { fasta_for_compartments }
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  Channel.from( "${params.res_compartments}" )
    .into {comp_bin; comp_res}
    map_res = map_res.concat(comp_bin)
    all_res = all_res + ',' + params.res_compartments
  fasta_for_compartments = Channel.empty()
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  comp_res = Channel.create()
  if (!params.skip_compartments){
    log.warn "[nf-core/hic] Hi-C resolution for compartment calling not specified. See --res_compartments" 

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
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  .into { map_res_summary; map_res; map_res_cool; map_comp }
/* --         PRINT PARAMETER SUMMARY          -- */
//////////////////////////////////////////////////// NfcoreSchema.params_summary_log(workflow, params, json_schema)

// Header log info
def summary = [:]
if (workflow.revision) summary['Pipeline Release'] = workflow.revision
summary['Run Name']         = workflow.runName
summary['Input']            = params.input
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
summary['splitFastq']       = params.split_fastq
if (params.split_fastq)
   summary['Read chunks Size'] = params.fastq_chunks_size
summary['Fasta Ref']        = params.fasta
if (params.restriction_site){
   summary['Digestion']        = params.digestion
   summary['Restriction Motif']= params.restriction_site
   summary['Ligation Motif']   = params.ligation_site
   summary['Min Fragment Size']= params.min_restriction_fragment_size
   summary['Max Fragment Size']= params.max_restriction_fragment_size
   summary['Min Insert Size']  = params.min_insert_size
   summary['Max Insert Size']  = params.max_insert_size
   summary['DNase Mode']    = params.dnase
   summary['Min CIS dist']  = params.min_cis_dist
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
summary['Min MAPQ']         = params.min_mapq
summary['Keep Duplicates']  = params.keep_dups ? 'Yes' : 'No'
summary['Keep Multihits']   = params.keep_multi ? 'Yes' : 'No'
summary['Maps resolution']  = all_res
summary['Max Resources']    = "$params.max_memory memory, $params.max_cpus cpus, $params.max_time time per job"
if (workflow.containerEngine) summary['Container'] = "$workflow.containerEngine - $workflow.container"
summary['Output dir']       = params.outdir
summary['Launch dir']       = workflow.launchDir
summary['Working dir']      = workflow.workDir
summary['Script dir']       = workflow.projectDir
summary['User']             = workflow.userName
if (workflow.profile.contains('awsbatch')) {
    summary['AWS Region']   = params.awsregion
    summary['AWS Queue']    = params.awsqueue
    summary['AWS CLI']      = params.awscli
summary['Config Profile'] = workflow.profile
if (params.config_profile_description) summary['Config Profile Description'] = params.config_profile_description
if (params.config_profile_contact)     summary['Config Profile Contact']     = params.config_profile_contact
if (params.config_profile_url)         summary['Config Profile URL']         = params.config_profile_url
summary['Config Files'] = workflow.configFiles.join(', ')
if ( || params.email_on_fail) {
    summary['E-mail Address']    =
    summary['E-mail on failure'] = params.email_on_fail
    summary['MultiQC maxsize']   = params.max_multiqc_email_size
// Check the hostnames against configured profiles
Channel.from(summary.collect{ [it.key, it.value] })
    .map { k,v -> "<dt>$k</dt><dd><samp>${v ?: '<span style=\"color:#999999;\">N/A</a>'}</samp></dd>" }
    .reduce { a, b -> return [a, b].join("\n            ") }
    .map { x -> """
    id: 'nf-core-hic-summary'
    description: " - this information is collected when the pipeline is started."
    section_name: 'nf-core/hic Workflow Summary'
    section_href: ''
    plot_type: 'html'
    data: |
        <dl class=\"dl-horizontal\">
    """.stripIndent() }
    .set { ch_workflow_summary }

 * Parse software version numbers
process get_software_versions {
    publishDir "${params.outdir}/pipeline_info", mode: params.publish_dir_mode,
        saveAs: { filename -> if (filename.indexOf('.csv') > 0) filename else null }
    file 'software_versions_mqc.yaml' into ch_software_versions_yaml
    file 'software_versions.csv'
   echo $workflow.manifest.version > v_pipeline.txt
   echo $workflow.nextflow.version > v_nextflow.txt
   bowtie2 --version > v_bowtie2.txt
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   python --version > v_python.txt 2>&1
   samtools --version > v_samtools.txt
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   multiqc --version > v_multiqc.txt &> software_versions_mqc.yaml
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

if(!params.bwt2_index && params.fasta){
    process makeBowtie2Index {
        tag "$fasta_base"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
        label 'process_highmem'
	publishDir path: { params.save_reference ? "${params.outdir}/reference_genome" : params.outdir },
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
                   saveAs: { params.save_reference ? it : null }, mode: params.publish_dir_mode
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

        file fasta from fasta_for_index

        file "bowtie2_index" into bwt2_index_end2end
	file "bowtie2_index" into bwt2_index_trim
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

        fasta_base = fasta.toString() - ~/(\.fa)?(\.fasta)?(\.fas)?(\.fsa)?$/
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
        mkdir bowtie2_index
	bowtie2-build ${fasta} bowtie2_index/${fasta_base}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

if(!params.chromosome_size && params.fasta){
    process makeChromSize {
        tag "$fasta"
	label 'process_low'
	publishDir path: { params.save_reference ? "${params.outdir}/reference_genome" : params.outdir },
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
                   saveAs: { params.save_reference ? it : null }, mode: params.publish_dir_mode
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

        file fasta from fasta_for_chromsize

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
        file "*.size" into chrsize, chrsize_build, chrsize_raw, chrsize_balance, chrsize_zoom
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

	samtools faidx ${fasta}
	cut -f1,2 ${fasta}.fai > chrom.size
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
if(!params.restriction_fragments && params.fasta && !params.dnase){
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
    process getRestrictionFragments {
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
        tag "$fasta ${params.restriction_site}"
	label 'process_low'
        publishDir path: { params.save_reference ? "${params.outdir}/reference_genome" : params.outdir },
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
                   saveAs: { params.save_reference ? it : null }, mode: params.publish_dir_mode
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

        file fasta from fasta_for_resfrag

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
        file "*.bed" into res_frag_file
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed -r ${params.restriction_site} -o restriction_fragments.bed ${fasta}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
 * HiC-pro - Two-steps Reads Mapping
process bowtie2_end_to_end {
   tag "$sample"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   label 'process_medium'
   publishDir path: { params.save_aligned_intermediates ? "${params.outdir}/mapping/bwt2_end2end" : params.outdir },
              saveAs: { filename -> if (params.save_aligned_intermediates) filename }, mode: params.publish_dir_mode
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   set val(sample), file(reads) from raw_reads
   file index from bwt2_index_end2end.collect()
   set val(sample), file("${prefix}_unmap.fastq") into unmapped_end_to_end
   set val(sample), file("${prefix}.bam") into end_to_end_bam
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   prefix = reads.toString() - ~/(\.fq)?(\.fastq)?(\.gz)?$/
   def bwt2_opts = params.bwt2_opts_end2end
   if (!params.dnase){
   INDEX=`find -L ./ -name "*.rev.1.bt2" | sed 's/.rev.1.bt2//'`
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   bowtie2 --rg-id BMG --rg SM:${prefix} \\
	${bwt2_opts} \\
	-p ${task.cpus} \\
	-x \${INDEX} \\
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
	--un ${prefix}_unmap.fastq \\
 	-U ${reads} | samtools view -F 4 -bS - > ${prefix}.bam
   INDEX=`find -L ./ -name "*.rev.1.bt2" | sed 's/.rev.1.bt2//'`
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   bowtie2 --rg-id BMG --rg SM:${prefix} \\
	${bwt2_opts} \\
	-p ${task.cpus} \\
	-x \${INDEX} \\
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
	--un ${prefix}_unmap.fastq \\
 	-U ${reads} > ${prefix}.bam
process trim_reads {
   tag "$sample"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   label 'process_low'
   publishDir path: { params.save_aligned_intermediates ? "${params.outdir}/mapping/bwt2_trimmed" : params.outdir },
              saveAs: { filename -> if (params.save_aligned_intermediates) filename }, mode: params.publish_dir_mode
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

   set val(sample), file(reads) from unmapped_end_to_end
   set val(sample), file("${prefix}_trimmed.fastq") into trimmed_reads
   prefix = reads.toString() - ~/(\.fq)?(\.fastq)?(\.gz)?$/
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   cutsite_trimming --fastq $reads \\
                    --cutsite  ${params.ligation_site} \\
                    --out ${prefix}_trimmed.fastq
process bowtie2_on_trimmed_reads {
   tag "$sample"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   label 'process_medium'
   publishDir path: { params.save_aligned_intermediates ? "${params.outdir}/mapping/bwt2_trimmed" : params.outdir },
   	      saveAs: { filename -> if (params.save_aligned_intermediates) filename }, mode: params.publish_dir_mode
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

   set val(sample), file(reads) from trimmed_reads
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   file index from bwt2_index_trim.collect()
   set val(sample), file("${prefix}_trimmed.bam") into trimmed_bam
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   prefix = reads.toString() - ~/(_trimmed)?(\.fq)?(\.fastq)?(\.gz)?$/
   INDEX=`find -L ./ -name "*.rev.1.bt2" | sed 's/.rev.1.bt2//'`
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   bowtie2 --rg-id BMG --rg SM:${prefix} \\
           ${params.bwt2_opts_trimmed} \\
           -p ${task.cpus} \\
           -x \${INDEX} \\
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
           -U ${reads} | samtools view -bS - > ${prefix}_trimmed.bam
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
if (!params.dnase){
   process bowtie2_merge_mapping_steps{
      tag "$prefix = $bam1 + $bam2"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      label 'process_medium'
      publishDir "${params.outdir}/hicpro/mapping", mode: params.publish_dir_mode,
   	      saveAs: { filename -> if (params.save_aligned_intermediates && filename.endsWith("stat")) "stats/$filename"
			else if (params.save_aligned_intermediates) filename}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      set val(prefix), file(bam1), file(bam2) from end_to_end_bam.join( trimmed_bam ).dump(tag:'merge')
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      set val(sample), file("${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam") into bwt2_merged_bam
      set val(oname), file("${prefix}.mapstat") into all_mapstat
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      sample = prefix.toString() - ~/(_R1|_R2)/
      tag = prefix.toString() =~/_R1/ ? "R1" : "R2"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      oname = prefix.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/
      samtools merge -@ ${task.cpus} \\
    	             -f ${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam \\
                     ${bam1} ${bam2}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      samtools sort -@ ${task.cpus} -m 800M \\
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      	            -n  \\
	            -o ${prefix}_bwt2merged.sorted.bam \\
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      mv ${prefix}_bwt2merged.sorted.bam ${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam

      echo "## ${prefix}" > ${prefix}.mapstat
      echo -n "total_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
      samtools view -c ${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam >> ${prefix}.mapstat
      echo -n "mapped_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
      samtools view -c -F 4 ${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam >> ${prefix}.mapstat
      echo -n "global_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
      samtools view -c -F 4 ${bam1} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
      echo -n "local_${tag}\t"  >> ${prefix}.mapstat
      samtools view -c -F 4 ${bam2} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   process dnase_mapping_stats{
      tag "$sample = $bam"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      label 'process_medium'
      publishDir "${params.outdir}/hicpro/mapping",  mode: params.publish_dir_mode, 
   	      saveAs: { filename -> if (params.save_aligned_intermediates && filename.endsWith("stat")) "stats/$filename"
	                else if (params.save_aligned_intermediates) filename}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

      set val(prefix), file(bam) from end_to_end_bam
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

      set val(sample), file(bam) into bwt2_merged_bam
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      set val(oname), file("${prefix}.mapstat") into all_mapstat
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

      //sample = prefix.toString() - ~/(_R1|_R2|_val_1|_val_2|_1|_2)/
      sample = prefix.toString() - ~/(_R1|_R2)/
      //tag = prefix.toString() =~/_R1|_val_1|_1/ ? "R1" : "R2"
      tag = prefix.toString() =~/_R1/ ? "R1" : "R2"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      oname = prefix.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/
      echo "## ${prefix}" > ${prefix}.mapstat
      echo -n "total_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
      samtools view -c ${bam} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      echo -n "mapped_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
      samtools view -c -F 4 ${bam} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      echo -n "global_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
      samtools view -c -F 4 ${bam} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      echo -n "local_${tag}\t0"  >> ${prefix}.mapstat
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
process combine_mates{
   tag "$sample = $r1_prefix + $r2_prefix"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   label 'process_low'
   publishDir "${params.outdir}/hicpro/mapping", mode: params.publish_dir_mode,
   	      saveAs: {filename -> filename.endsWith(".pairstat") ? "stats/$filename" : "$filename"}
   set val(sample), file(aligned_bam) from bwt2_merged_bam.groupTuple()
   set val(oname), file("${sample}_bwt2pairs.bam") into paired_bam
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   set val(oname), file("*.pairstat") into all_pairstat
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   r1_bam = aligned_bam[0]
   r1_prefix = r1_bam.toString() - ~/_bwt2merged.bam$/
   r2_bam = aligned_bam[1]
   r2_prefix = r2_bam.toString() - ~/_bwt2merged.bam$/
   oname = sample.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/

   def opts = "-t"
   if (params.keep_multi) {
     opts="${opts} --multi"
   }else if (params.min_mapq){
     opts="${opts} -q ${params.min_mapq}"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   """ -f ${r1_bam} -r ${r2_bam} -o ${sample}_bwt2pairs.bam ${opts}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
 * HiC-Pro - detect valid interaction from aligned data
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
if (!params.dnase){
   process get_valid_interaction{
      tag "$sample"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      label 'process_low'
      publishDir "${params.outdir}/hicpro/valid_pairs", mode: params.publish_dir_mode,
   	      saveAs: {filename -> if (filename.endsWith("RSstat")) "stats/$filename"
                                   else if (filename.endsWith(".validPairs")) filename
                                   else if (params.save_nonvalid_pairs) filename}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      set val(sample), file(pe_bam) from paired_bam
      file frag_file from res_frag_file.collect()
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      set val(sample), file("*.validPairs") into valid_pairs
      set val(sample), file("*.validPairs") into valid_pairs_4cool
      set val(sample), file("*.DEPairs") into de_pairs
      set val(sample), file("*.SCPairs") into sc_pairs
      set val(sample), file("*.REPairs") into re_pairs
      set val(sample), file("*.FiltPairs") into filt_pairs
      set val(sample), file("*RSstat") into all_rsstat
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      if (params.split_fastq){
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
         sample = sample.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/

      def opts = ""
      opts += params.min_cis_dist > 0 ? " -d ${params.min_cis_dist}" : ''
      opts += params.min_insert_size > 0 ?  " -s ${params.min_insert_size}" : ''
      opts += params.max_insert_size > 0 ? " -l ${params.max_insert_size}" : ''
      opts += params.min_restriction_fragment_size > 0 ? " -t ${params.min_restriction_fragment_size}" : ''
      opts += params.max_restriction_fragment_size > 0 ? " -m ${params.max_restriction_fragment_size}" : ''
      opts += params.save_interaction_bam ? " --sam" : ''
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      prefix = pe_bam.toString() - ~/.bam/
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      """ -f ${frag_file} -r ${pe_bam} --all ${opts}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      sort -k2,2V -k3,3n -k5,5V -k6,6n -o ${prefix}.validPairs ${prefix}.validPairs
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   process get_valid_interaction_dnase{
      tag "$sample"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      label 'process_low'
      publishDir "${params.outdir}/hicpro/valid_pairs", mode: params.publish_dir_mode,
   	      saveAs: {filename -> if (filename.endsWith("RSstat")) "stats/$filename" 
                                   else filename}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      set val(sample), file(pe_bam) from paired_bam
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      set val(sample), file("*.validPairs") into valid_pairs
      set val(sample), file("*.validPairs") into valid_pairs_4cool
      set val(sample), file("*RSstat") into all_rsstat
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      if (params.split_fastq){
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
         sample = sample.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/

      opts = params.min_cis_dist > 0 ? " -d ${params.min_cis_dist}" : ''
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      prefix = pe_bam.toString() - ~/.bam/
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      """ -r ${pe_bam} ${opts}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
      sort -k2,2V -k3,3n -k5,5V -k6,6n -o ${prefix}.validPairs ${prefix}.validPairs
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
 * Remove duplicates
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
process remove_duplicates {
   tag "$sample"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   label 'process_highmem'
   publishDir "${params.outdir}/hicpro/valid_pairs", mode: params.publish_dir_mode
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   set val(sample), file(vpairs) from valid_pairs.groupTuple()
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   set val(sample), file("*.allValidPairs") into ch_vpairs, ch_vpairs_cool
   file("stats/*") into all_mergestat
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

   if ( ! params.keep_dups ){
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   mkdir -p stats/${sample}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

   ## Sort valid pairs and remove read pairs with same starts (i.e duplicated read pairs)
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   sort -S 50% -k2,2V -k3,3n -k5,5V -k6,6n -m ${vpairs} | \
   awk -F"\\t" 'BEGIN{c1=0;c2=0;s1=0;s2=0}(c1!=\$2 || c2!=\$5 || s1!=\$3 || s2!=\$6){print;c1=\$2;c2=\$5;s1=\$3;s2=\$6}' > ${sample}.allValidPairs
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   echo -n "valid_interaction\t" > stats/${sample}/${sample}_allValidPairs.mergestat
   cat ${vpairs} | wc -l >> stats/${sample}/${sample}_allValidPairs.mergestat
   echo -n "valid_interaction_rmdup\t" >> stats/${sample}/${sample}_allValidPairs.mergestat
   cat ${sample}.allValidPairs | wc -l >> stats/${sample}/${sample}_allValidPairs.mergestat
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

   ## Count short range (<20000) vs long range contacts
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   awk 'BEGIN{cis=0;trans=0;sr=0;lr=0} \$2 == \$5{cis=cis+1; d=\$6>\$3?\$6-\$3:\$3-\$6; if (d<=20000){sr=sr+1}else{lr=lr+1}} \$2!=\$5{trans=trans+1}END{print "trans_interaction\\t"trans"\\ncis_interaction\\t"cis"\\ncis_shortRange\\t"sr"\\ncis_longRange\\t"lr}' ${sample}.allValidPairs >> stats/${sample}/${sample}_allValidPairs.mergestat

   mkdir -p stats/${sample}
   cat ${vpairs} > ${sample}.allValidPairs
   echo -n "valid_interaction\t" > stats/${sample}/${sample}_allValidPairs.mergestat
   cat ${vpairs} | wc -l >> stats/${sample}/${sample}_allValidPairs.mergestat
   echo -n "valid_interaction_rmdup\t" >> stats/${sample}/${sample}_allValidPairs.mergestat
   cat ${sample}.allValidPairs | wc -l >> stats/${sample}/${sample}_allValidPairs.mergestat
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

   ## Count short range (<20000) vs long range contacts
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   awk 'BEGIN{cis=0;trans=0;sr=0;lr=0} \$2 == \$5{cis=cis+1; d=\$6>\$3?\$6-\$3:\$3-\$6; if (d<=20000){sr=sr+1}else{lr=lr+1}} \$2!=\$5{trans=trans+1}END{print "trans_interaction\\t"trans"\\ncis_interaction\\t"cis"\\ncis_shortRange\\t"sr"\\ncis_longRange\\t"lr}' ${sample}.allValidPairs >> stats/${sample}/${sample}_allValidPairs.mergestat
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
process merge_stats {
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   tag "$ext"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   label 'process_low'
   publishDir "${params.outdir}/hicpro/", mode: params.publish_dir_mode
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   set val(prefix), file(fstat) from all_mapstat.groupTuple().concat(all_pairstat.groupTuple(), all_rsstat.groupTuple())
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   file("stats/") into all_mstats
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

  sample = prefix.toString() - ~/(_R1|_R2|_val_1|_val_2|_1|_2)/
  if ( (fstat =~ /.mapstat/) ){ ext = "mmapstat" }
  if ( (fstat =~ /.pairstat/) ){ ext = "mpairstat" }
  if ( (fstat =~ /.RSstat/) ){ ext = "mRSstat" }
  mkdir -p stats/${sample} -f ${fstat} > stats/${sample}/${prefix}.${ext}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
 * HiC-Pro build matrix processes
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
 * kept for backward compatibility
process build_contact_maps{
   tag "$sample - $mres"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   label 'process_highmem'
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   publishDir "${params.outdir}/hicpro/matrix/raw", mode: params.publish_dir_mode
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   !params.skip_maps && params.hicpro_maps
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   set val(sample), file(vpairs), val(mres) from ch_vpairs.combine(map_res)
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   file chrsize from chrsize.collect()
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   set val(sample), val(mres), file("*.matrix"), file("*.bed") into raw_maps, raw_maps_4cool
   build_matrix --matrix-format upper  --binsize ${mres} --chrsizes ${chrsize} --ifile ${vpairs} --oprefix ${sample}_${mres}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
process run_ice{
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   label 'process_highmem'
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   publishDir "${params.outdir}/hicpro/matrix/iced", mode: params.publish_dir_mode
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   !params.skip_maps && !params.skip_balancing && params.hicpro_maps
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   set val(sample), val(res), file(rmaps), file(bed) from raw_maps
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   set val(sample), val(res), file("*iced.matrix"), file(bed) into hicpro_iced_maps
   file ("*.biases") into hicpro_iced_bias
   prefix = rmaps.toString() - ~/(\.matrix)?$/
   ice --filter_low_counts_perc ${params.ice_filter_low_count_perc} \
   --results_filename ${prefix}_iced.matrix \
   --filter_high_counts_perc ${params.ice_filter_high_count_perc} \
   --max_iter ${params.ice_max_iter} --eps ${params.ice_eps} --remove-all-zeros-loci --output-bias 1 --verbose 1 ${rmaps}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
 * Cooler
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
process convert_to_pairs {
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   label 'process_medium'
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   set val(sample), file(vpairs) from ch_vpairs_cool
   file chrsize from chrsize_build.collect()
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   set val(sample), file("*.txt.gz") into cool_build, cool_build_zoom
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   ## chr/pos/strand/chr/pos/strand
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   awk '{OFS="\t";print \$1,\$2,\$3,\$5,\$6,\$4,\$7}' $vpairs > contacts.txt
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   gzip contacts.txt
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
process cooler_raw {
  tag "$sample - ${res}"
  label 'process_medium'

  publishDir "${params.outdir}/contact_maps/", mode: 'copy',
              saveAs: {filename -> filename.endsWith(".cool") ? "raw/cool/$filename" : "raw/txt/$filename"}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  set val(sample), file(contacts), val(res) from cool_build.combine(map_res_cool)
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  file chrsize from chrsize_raw.collect()

  set val(sample), val(res), file("*cool") into raw_cool_maps
  set file("*.bed"), file("${sample}_${res}.txt") into raw_txt_maps

  cooler makebins ${chrsize} ${res} > ${sample}_${res}.bed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  cooler cload pairs -c1 2 -p1 3 -c2 4 -p2 5 ${sample}_${res}.bed ${contacts} ${sample}_${res}.cool
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  cooler dump ${sample}_${res}.cool | awk '{OFS="\t"; print \$1+1,\$2+1,\$3}' > ${sample}_${res}.txt
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

process cooler_balance {
  tag "$sample - ${res}"
  label 'process_medium'

  publishDir "${params.outdir}/contact_maps/", mode: 'copy',
              saveAs: {filename -> filename.endsWith(".cool") ? "norm/cool/$filename" : "norm/txt/$filename"}
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  set val(sample), val(res), file(cool) from raw_cool_maps
  file chrsize from chrsize_balance.collect()

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  set val(sample), val(res), file("${sample}_${res}") into balanced_cool_maps
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  file("${sample}_${res}_norm.txt") into norm_txt_maps

  cp ${cool} ${sample}_${res}
  cooler balance ${sample}_${res} -p ${task.cpus} --force
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  cooler dump ${sample}_${res} --balanced --na-rep 0 | awk '{OFS="\t"; print \$1+1,\$2+1,\$4}' > ${sample}_${res}_norm.txt
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

process cooler_zoomify {
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   tag "$sample"
   label 'process_medium'
   publishDir "${params.outdir}/contact_maps/norm/mcool", mode: 'copy'

nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   set val(sample), file(contacts)  from cool_build_zoom
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   file chrsize from chrsize_zoom.collect()

   file("*mcool") into mcool_maps
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   cooler makebins ${chrsize} ${params.res_zoomify} > bins.bed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   cooler cload pairs -c1 2 -p1 3 -c2 4 -p2 5 bins.bed ${contacts} ${sample}.cool
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   cooler zoomify --nproc ${task.cpus} --balance ${sample}.cool
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
(maps_cool_insulation, maps_cool_comp, maps_hicexplorer_ddecay, maps_hicexplorer_tads) = balanced_cool_maps.into(4)

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
 * Counts vs distance QC

if (!params.skip_dist_decay){
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  chddecay = maps_hicexplorer_ddecay.combine(ddecay_res).filter{ it[1] == it[3] }.dump(tag: "ddecay") 
  chddecay = Channel.empty()
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

process dist_decay {
  tag "$sample"
  label 'process_medium'
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  publishDir "${params.outdir}/dist_decay", mode: 'copy'
nservant's avatar
nservant committed


nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  set val(sample), val(res), file(maps), val(r) from chddecay
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  hicPlotDistVsCounts --matrices ${maps} \
                      --plotFile ${maps.baseName}_distcount.png \
  		      --outFileData ${maps.baseName}_distcount.txt
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
 * Compartment calling

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  chcomp = maps_cool_comp.combine(comp_res).filter{ it[1] == it[3] }.dump(tag: "comp")
  chcomp = Channel.empty()
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

process compartment_calling {
  tag "$sample - $res"
  label 'process_medium'
  publishDir "${params.outdir}/compartments", mode: 'copy'


nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  set val(sample), val(res), file(cool), val(r) from chcomp
  file(fasta) from fasta_for_compartments
  file(chrsize) from chrsize_compartments.collect()
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  file("*compartments*") optional true into out_compartments
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

  cooltools genome binnify ${chrsize} ${res} > genome_bins.txt
  cooltools genome gc genome_bins.txt ${fasta} > genome_gc.txt 
  cooltools call-compartments --reference-tracks genome_gc.txt --contact-type cis -o ${sample}_compartments ${cool}
  awk -F"\t" 'NR>1{OFS="\t"; if($6==""){$6=0}; print $1,$2,$3,$6}' ${sample]_compartments.cis.vecs.tsv | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > ${sample]_compartments.cis.E1.bedgraph
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

 * TADs calling

if (!params.skip_tads){
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  chtads = maps_hicexplorer_tads.combine(tads_res_hicexplorer).filter{ it[1] == it[3] }.dump(tag: "hicexp")
  chtads = Channel.empty()
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

process tads_hicexplorer {
  tag "$sample - $res"
  label 'process_medium'
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  publishDir "${params.outdir}/tads/hicexplorer", mode: 'copy'
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

  !params.skip_tads && params.tads_caller =~ 'hicexplorer'

nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  set val(sample), val(res), file(cool), val(r) from chtads
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

  file("*.{bed,bedgraph,gff}") into hicexplorer_tads