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nservant committed
  hicFindTADs --matrix ${cool} \
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  	      --outPrefix tad \
	      --correctForMultipleTesting fdr \
	      --numberOfProcessors ${task.cpus}

if (!params.skip_tads){
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
  chIS = maps_cool_insulation.combine(tads_res_insulation).filter{ it[1] == it[3] }.dump(tag : "ins")
  chIS = Channel.empty()
nservant's avatar
nservant committed

process tads_insulation {
  tag "$sample - $res"
  label 'process_medium'
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  publishDir "${params.outdir}/tads/insulation", mode: 'copy'
nservant's avatar
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  !params.skip_tads && params.tads_caller =~ 'insulation'

  set val(sample), val(res), file(cool), val(r) from chIS

  file("*tsv") into insulation_tads

  cooltools diamond-insulation --window-pixels ${cool} 15 25 50 > ${sample}_insulation.tsv
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nservant committed
 * MultiQC
nservant's avatar
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   label 'process_low'
nservant's avatar
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   publishDir "${params.outdir}/MultiQC", mode: params.publish_dir_mode
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   file multiqc_config from ch_multiqc_config
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   file (mqc_custom_config) from ch_multiqc_custom_config.collect().ifEmpty([])
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   file ('input_*/*') from all_mstats.concat(all_mergestat).collect()
   file ('software_versions/*') from ch_software_versions_yaml
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   file workflow_summary from ch_workflow_summary.collect()
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   file "*multiqc_report.html" into multiqc_report
   file "*_data"
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   rtitle = ''
   rfilename = ''
   if (!(workflow.runName ==~ /[a-z]+_[a-z]+/)) {
     rtitle = "--title \"${workflow.runName}\""
     rfilename = "--filename " + workflow.runName.replaceAll('\\W','_').replaceAll('_+','_') + "_multiqc_report"
   custom_config_file = params.multiqc_config ? "--config $mqc_custom_config" : ''
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
   multiqc -f $rtitle $rfilename $custom_config_file .
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nservant committed
nservant's avatar
nservant committed
 * Output Description HTML
process output_documentation {
    publishDir "${params.outdir}/pipeline_info", mode: params.publish_dir_mode

    file output_docs from ch_output_docs
    file images from ch_output_docs_images
    file 'results_description.html' $output_docs -o results_description.html
workflow.onComplete {

    // Set up the e-mail variables
    def subject = "[nf-core/hic] Successful: $workflow.runName"
    if (!workflow.success) {
        subject = "[nf-core/hic] FAILED: $workflow.runName"
    def email_fields = [:]
    email_fields['version'] = workflow.manifest.version
    email_fields['runName'] = workflow.runName
    email_fields['success'] = workflow.success
    email_fields['dateComplete'] = workflow.complete
    email_fields['duration'] = workflow.duration
    email_fields['exitStatus'] = workflow.exitStatus
    email_fields['errorMessage'] = (workflow.errorMessage ?: 'None')
    email_fields['errorReport'] = (workflow.errorReport ?: 'None')
    email_fields['commandLine'] = workflow.commandLine
    email_fields['projectDir'] = workflow.projectDir
    email_fields['summary'] = summary
    email_fields['summary']['Date Started'] = workflow.start
    email_fields['summary']['Date Completed'] = workflow.complete
    email_fields['summary']['Pipeline script file path'] = workflow.scriptFile
    email_fields['summary']['Pipeline script hash ID'] = workflow.scriptId
    if (workflow.repository) email_fields['summary']['Pipeline repository Git URL'] = workflow.repository
    if (workflow.commitId) email_fields['summary']['Pipeline repository Git Commit'] = workflow.commitId
    if (workflow.revision) email_fields['summary']['Pipeline Git branch/tag'] = workflow.revision
    email_fields['summary']['Nextflow Version'] = workflow.nextflow.version
    email_fields['summary']['Nextflow Build'] =
    email_fields['summary']['Nextflow Compile Timestamp'] = workflow.nextflow.timestamp

    // On success try attach the multiqc report
    def mqc_report = null
    try {
        if (workflow.success) {
            mqc_report = ch_multiqc_report.getVal()
            if (mqc_report.getClass() == ArrayList) {
                log.warn "[nf-core/hic] Found multiple reports from process 'multiqc', will use only one"
                mqc_report = mqc_report[0]
    } catch (all) {
        log.warn "[nf-core/hic] Could not attach MultiQC report to summary email"

    // Check if we are only sending emails on failure
    email_address =
    if (! && params.email_on_fail && !workflow.success) {
        email_address = params.email_on_fail

    // Render the TXT template
    def engine = new groovy.text.GStringTemplateEngine()
    def tf = new File("$projectDir/assets/email_template.txt")
    def txt_template = engine.createTemplate(tf).make(email_fields)
    def email_txt = txt_template.toString()

    // Render the HTML template
    def hf = new File("$projectDir/assets/email_template.html")
    def html_template = engine.createTemplate(hf).make(email_fields)
    def email_html = html_template.toString()

    // Render the sendmail template
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nservant committed
    def smail_fields = [ email: email_address, subject: subject, email_txt: email_txt, email_html: email_html, projectDir: "$projectDir", mqcFile: mqc_report, mqcMaxSize: params.max_multiqc_email_size.toBytes() ]
    def sf = new File("$projectDir/assets/sendmail_template.txt")
    def sendmail_template = engine.createTemplate(sf).make(smail_fields)
    def sendmail_html = sendmail_template.toString()

    // Send the HTML e-mail
    if (email_address) {
            if (params.plaintext_email) { throw GroovyException('Send plaintext e-mail, not HTML') }
            // Try to send HTML e-mail using sendmail
            [ 'sendmail', '-t' ].execute() << sendmail_html
   "[nf-core/hic] Sent summary e-mail to $email_address (sendmail)"
            // Catch failures and try with plaintext
            def mail_cmd = [ 'mail', '-s', subject, '--content-type=text/html', email_address ]
            if ( mqc_report.size() <= params.max_multiqc_email_size.toBytes() ) {
              mail_cmd += [ '-A', mqc_report ]
            mail_cmd.execute() << email_html
   "[nf-core/hic] Sent summary e-mail to $email_address (mail)"

    // Write summary e-mail HTML to a file
    def output_d = new File("${params.outdir}/pipeline_info/")
    if (!output_d.exists()) {
    def output_hf = new File(output_d, "pipeline_report.html")
    output_hf.withWriter { w -> w << email_html }
    def output_tf = new File(output_d, "pipeline_report.txt")
    output_tf.withWriter { w -> w << email_txt }

    c_green = params.monochrome_logs ? '' : "\033[0;32m";
    c_purple = params.monochrome_logs ? '' : "\033[0;35m";
    c_red = params.monochrome_logs ? '' : "\033[0;31m";
    c_reset = params.monochrome_logs ? '' : "\033[0m";

    if (workflow.stats.ignoredCount > 0 && workflow.success) { "-${c_purple}Warning, pipeline completed, but with errored process(es) ${c_reset}-" "-${c_red}Number of ignored errored process(es) : ${workflow.stats.ignoredCount} ${c_reset}-" "-${c_green}Number of successfully ran process(es) : ${workflow.stats.succeedCount} ${c_reset}-"

    if (workflow.success) { "-${c_purple}[nf-core/hic]${c_green} Pipeline completed successfully${c_reset}-"
    } else {
        checkHostname() "-${c_purple}[nf-core/hic]${c_red} Pipeline completed with errors${c_reset}-"

workflow.onError {
    // Print unexpected parameters - easiest is to just rerun validation
    NfcoreSchema.validateParameters(params, json_schema, log)

def checkHostname() {
    def c_reset = params.monochrome_logs ? '' : "\033[0m"
    def c_white = params.monochrome_logs ? '' : "\033[0;37m"
    def c_red = params.monochrome_logs ? '' : "\033[1;91m"
    def c_yellow_bold = params.monochrome_logs ? '' : "\033[1;93m"
    if (params.hostnames) {
        def hostname = 'hostname'.execute().text.trim()
        params.hostnames.each { prof, hnames ->
            hnames.each { hname ->
                if (hostname.contains(hname) && !workflow.profile.contains(prof)) {
                    log.error '====================================================\n' +
                            "  ${c_red}WARNING!${c_reset} You are running with `-profile $workflow.profile`\n" +
                            "  but your machine hostname is ${c_white}'$hostname'${c_reset}\n" +
                            "  ${c_yellow_bold}It's highly recommended that you use `-profile $prof${c_reset}`\n" +