- Jan 27, 2021
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/community_calibration.py: creation of input and output for hipMCL inside it's result folder
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/__main__.py src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_analyser.py: ad dinflation parameter
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/community_finder.py: add inflation parameter to multiple_community_launcher function
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/*.py: add a parameter inflation in get_community_file function broadly use in this submodule
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/community_calibration.py: create a script to see the variation of modularity when the inflation parameter changes
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/community_finder.py: fix create_graph to use weight if wanted + add 2 paramters in findo_community functions
nfontrod authored
- Jan 25, 2021
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_analyser.py: change in add_regulation_column to display if the gene contains an exons regulated by a splicing factor rather than the proportion of regulated exon inside each gene
nfontrod authored
src/download_encode_eclip/*.py: creation of a module used to download all the eclip data (on hg19) from Encode
- Jan 22, 2021
nfontrod authored
src/misc/: script that creates a table indicating the number of splicing lore, chia-pet and clip project made on each cell line
- Jan 21, 2021
- Jan 20, 2021
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/community_figures/fig_functions.py: change de offset between community_size and community_data axis
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_analyser.py: deletion of files=[files[0]] in clip_folder_analysis function
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/community_figures/fig_functions.py: handles community_data column + fix logit test
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
- Jan 19, 2021
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_compo_analyser.py: fix update_composition_group function
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/__main__.py: add 3 new parameters: display_size, community_file and ps
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_analyser.py: add 3 new parameters: display_size, community_file and ps
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/nt_and_community.py: add 2 new parameters to multiple_nt_lm_launcher: display_size and community_file + creation of launcher_community_file function
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/config.py: get_community -> get_communities_basefile and creation of a new get_community function
- Jan 18, 2021
- Jan 15, 2021
- Jan 13, 2021
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_compo_analyser.py: launch create_multiple_figures for every clip file
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_compo_*: creation of a script to analyse the nucleotide composition of communities enrichied or impoverished in peak density from clip data
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored