- Jun 08, 2021
nfontrod authored
- Jun 03, 2021
- May 12, 2021
- May 10, 2021
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/graph_figures/sf_community_graph.py: graph creation displaying the community regulated by many splicing factors and how they interact between them
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/graph_figures/create_community_node_graph.py: create a graph where each dot corresponds to a dot
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/sf_and_communities.py: get_sfname: dont get factors corresponding to the union of the splicing factor
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/sf_and_communities.py: get_sfname: update the function to get all the splicing factor stored in the database
- May 07, 2021
- May 04, 2021
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/graph_figures/*.py: add a submodule to represent each community enriched in genes/exons regulated by a splicing factor
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/__main__.py: changes in clip_analysis to be able to make community figure showing the precentage of gene in each community regulated by a splicing factor
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_analyser.py : changes in create_figure and in clip_folder_analysis to be able to create figures of exons regulated by a splicing factor
- Apr 30, 2021
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/community_finder.py: modification of write_cytoscape graph to produce json graph
- Apr 29, 2021
- Apr 23, 2021
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/community_figures/create_table_4_community_figures.py: script to build the input table used in src/find_interaction_cluster/community_figures/__main__.py script
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/communities_similarities.py: removing print in is_overlapping method of partition class
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_analyser_fake_community.py: fix test in create_compo_figures
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
- Mar 23, 2021
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_compo_analyser.py: modification to create on the component (nt, dnt, aa) enrichment for each factors analysed
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/download_encode_eclip/merge_eclip.py: add a parameter level in create_merged_files function to filter within genes (without first and last exons) or within exons (extended by 200 nt at each side)
nfontrod authored
src/download_encode_eclip/create_gene_bed.py: add a parameter level in create_gene_bed to choose ti create a bed containing genes without their first and last exons or a bed file containing exons (extended by 200 nt at both side) without the first and the last exons
nfontrod authored
- Mar 19, 2021
nfontrod authored