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These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

To run nextflow on you computer you need to have `java` (>= 1.8) installed.
To be able to run existing tools in nextflow on your computer (`src/nf_modules/` to see the list). You need to have `docker` installed.
docker run hello-world
Alternatively if you are on Linux, you can use `singularity`:
singularity run docker://hello-world
To install nextflow on you computer simply run the following command:
git clone
cd nextflow/
## Running a toy RNASeq quantification pipeline

To run tests we first need to get a training set
cd data
git clone
cp tiny_dataset/fastq/tiny_R1.fastq tiny_dataset/fastq/tiny2_R1.fastq
cp tiny_dataset/fastq/tiny_R2.fastq tiny_dataset/fastq/tiny2_R2.fastq
cp tiny_dataset/fastq/tiny_S.fastq tiny_dataset/fastq/tiny2_S.fastq
cd ..

Then to run the tests for a given tools run the following command:

./nextflow src/ --fastq "data/tiny_dataset/fastq/tiny2_R{1,2}.fastq.gz" --fasta "data/tiny_dataset/fasta/tiny_v2_10.fasta" --bed "data/tiny_dataset/annot/tiny.bed" -profile docker
## Nextflow profile

By default le `src/nextflow.config` file define 4 different profiles

- `-profile docker` each process of the pipeline will be executed within a `docker` container locally
- `-profile singularity` each process of the pipeline will be executed within a `singularity` container locally
- `-profile psmn` each process will be sent as a separate job within a `singularity` container on the PSMN
- `-profile ccin2p3` each process will be sent as a separate job within a `singularity` container on the CCIN2P3

If the container are not found locally, they are automatically downloaded befor running the process. For the PSMN and CCIN2P3, the `singularity` images are downloaded in a shared folder (`/scratch/Bio/singularity` for the PSMN)

When running `nextflow` on the PSMN, we recommand to use `tmux` before launching the pipeline:
./nextflow src/ --fastq "data/tiny_dataset/fastq/tiny2_R{1,2}.fastq.gz" --fasta "data/tiny_dataset/fasta/tiny_v2_10.fasta" --bed "data/tiny_dataset/annot/tiny.bed" -profile psmn

Therefore, the `nextflow` process will continue to run even if you are disconnected.
You can reatach the `tmux` session, with the command `tmux a` (and press `ctrl` `+` `b` `+` `d` to detach the attached session).