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% Please edit documentation in R/simulation.R
\title{Prepare data using effects from a normal distribution}
getDataFromRnorm(list_var, n_genes, fix_reference_effect = FALSE)
\item{list_var}{A list of variables (already initialized)}
\item{n_genes}{Number of genes to generate data for.}
\item{fix_reference_effect}{A logical value indicating whether the effect of the reference label should be fixed to zero. If set to TRUE, the effect of the
reference label is constrained to zero, ensuring that it does not contribute to the model. If set to FALSE, the effect from the reference label is picked
randomly from the distribution specified by the user. This option works only when \code{normal_distr} is set to 'univariate'. Default is FALSE.}
A dataframe containing gene metadata and effects generated from a normal distribution.
Prepares the data by generating effects from a normal distribution for each gene.