This script allows for data filtering and normalization, output a normalized matrix.
- T2EC_sister_cells_2_distances_analysis.R
This script allows to calculate Manhattan distances between pairs of cells, compares the mean Manhattan distance between sister-cells and randomly paired cells and plot the results (figure 4 B, D, E).
- T2EC_sister_cells_3_MEM_analysis.R
This script applies a mixed effect model on the dataset to identify genes for which there exist a stastical correlation of expression between sister-cells and plot the results (figure 6).
This script allows for data filtering and normalization, output a normalized matrix.
- T2EC_cousins_cells_2_distances_analysis.Rmd
This script allows to calculate Manhattan distances between pairs of cells, compares the mean Manhattan distance between sister-cells and randomly paired cells, cousin-cells and randomly paired cells and plot the results (figure 5).