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Commit 68fe4dca authored by Xavier Grand's avatar Xavier Grand
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Modification of of NanoSplicer tool and corresponding Dockerfile

parent 91a010e8
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FROM xgrand/nanosplicer:1.0
RUN mv /NanoSplicer/bin/ /NanoSplicer/bin/
COPY /NanoSplicer/bin/
RUN mv /NanoSplicer/bin/ /NanoSplicer/bin/
WORKDIR /NanoSplicer/bin
# command to run on container start
CMD [ "bash" ]
Finding junctions within reads (JWRs) from a bam file
bam_filename <str>:
filename of the BAM
output_name <str> <default: "JWR_full_list.hd5">:
the filename of the output table.
A HDF5 with given output_name will be generated with the following
1. read_id: <str> the id of original read of the JWR
2. mapQ: <Int> the mapping quality in the input BAM
3. transcript_strand: '+'/'-'
4. chrID: mapped chromosome name
5. <tuple> location of the splice junciton in the reference genome
6. JAQ: <float> junction alignment quality
import h5py
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import textwrap
import pysam
import os
import re
import numpy as np
import sys
import getopt
from tqdm import tqdm
import concurrent.futures
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
import multiprocessing as mp
import helper
# suppress pd performace warning
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=pd.errors.PerformanceWarning)
class JWR_to_hdf(h5py.File):
modify the output HDF5 fil
def __init__(self, Filename):
super().__init__(Filename, 'r+')
def add_setting_info(self, name, value):
name = 'setting/' + name
self[name] = value
class JWR_from_reads:
Get information from bam
def __init__(self, read_iter):
read_iter: read iterator from pysam. e.g. from .fetch function
self.read_iter = read_iter
def get_JWR(self):
read: AlignedSegment object from pysam
list of introns [(start, stop),...]
Listing the intronic sites in the reads (identified by
'N' in the cigar strings).
for read in self.read_iter:
match_or_deletion = {0, 2, 7, 8} # only M/=/X (0/7/8) and D (2) are related to genome position
ref_skip = 3
base_position = read.pos
for op, nt in read.cigartuples:
if op in match_or_deletion:
base_position += nt
elif op == ref_skip:
junc_start = base_position
base_position += nt
yield JWR_class(read, (junc_start, base_position),read.reference_name)
class JWR_class:
def __init__(self, read, loc, chrID):
Define a junction within read (JWR)
read: pysam AlignedSegment
loc: tuple of intron location corresponding to the JWR
self.qname = read.qname
self.cigarstring = read.cigarstring
self.reference_start = read.reference_start
self.reference_end =read.reference_end
self.loc = loc
self.chrID = chrID
self.mapq = read.mapping_quality
self.ts = read.get_tag("ts")
if read.is_reverse:
if self.ts == '+':
self.ts = '-'
elif self.ts == '-':
self.ts = '+'
self.ts = None
def get_JAQ(self, half_motif_size=25):
Report the junction alignment quality
junction_cigar = \
junction_alignment_quality =\
return junction_alignment_quality
def get_junction_cigar(self, half_motif_size):
Return the cigar letter of around the JWR
cigar_long = []
for count, op in re.findall('(\d+)([A-Za-z=])', self.cigarstring):
cigar_long += int(count) * [op]
junc1_rel_read_start = self.loc[0] - self.reference_start
junc2_rel_read_start = self.loc[1] - self.reference_start
junction_cigar1 = ''
junction_cigar2 = ''
ref_index = -1
for i in cigar_long:
if i in 'MND=X':
ref_index += 1
if ref_index >= max(0, junc1_rel_read_start - half_motif_size) \
and ref_index < junc1_rel_read_start \
and i != 'N':
junction_cigar1 += i
if ref_index >= junc1_rel_read_start \
and ref_index < min(junc2_rel_read_start + half_motif_size,
self.reference_end - self.reference_start) \
and i != 'N':
junction_cigar2 += i
if ref_index >= min(junc2_rel_read_start + half_motif_size,
self.reference_end - self.reference_start):
return junction_cigar1[-25:] + junction_cigar2[:25]
def get_junc_map_quality(self, cigar):
The junc map quality is simply as the proportion of 'M's within the cigar string
if not cigar:
return np.nan
elif 'M' in cigar:
return cigar.count('M')/len(cigar)
elif '=' in cigar:
return cigar.count('=')/len(cigar)
return 0
class JWR_checker_param:
def __init__(self, arg = sys.argv):
self.arg = arg
opts, args = getopt.getopt(arg[1:],"hw:",
except getopt.GetoptError:
helper.err_msg("ERROR:Invalid input.")
self.junc_cigar_win = 25
self.chrID, self.g_loc = None, (None,None)
self.threads = 32
self.output_csv = False
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
elif opt in ("-w", "--window"):
self.junc_cigar_win = int(arg)
elif opt == "--chrID":
self.chrID = arg
elif opt == "--genome-loc":
self.g_loc =\
tuple([int(i) for i in arg.split('-')])
if len(self.g_loc) != 2:
helper.err_msg("ERROR:Invalid genome-loc.")
elif opt == "--threads":
self.threads = int(arg)
elif opt == "--output_csv":
self.output_csv = True
if len(args) <2:
helper.err_msg("ERROR:Invalid input.")
self.bamfile, self.outfile = args
def print_help(self):
help_message =\
Finding junctions within reads (JWRs) from a spliced mapping result (BAM).
Usage: python3 {} [OPTIONS] <BAM file> <output hdf5 file>
-h/--help Print this help text
-w/--window Candidate search window size (nt) <default: 25>
--chrID Target a specific chromosome, chrID should match
the chromosome name in the BAM. All chromosomes
in the BAM will be searched if not specified
--genome-loc Target a specific genomic region, e.g. --genome-loc=0-10000
Use in conjunction with --chrID option. Entire
chromosome will be searched if location not specified
--threads Number of threads used <default: 32>.
--output_csv With this option, a csv file will be output along with the hdf5 file
def tqdm_parallel_map(executor, fn, *iterables, **kwargs):
Equivalent to, *iterables),
but displays a tqdm-based progress bar.
Does not support timeout or chunksize as executor.submit is used internally
**kwargs is passed to tqdm.
futures_list = []
for iterable in iterables:
futures_list += [executor.submit(fn, i) for i in iterable]
for f in tqdm(concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures_list), total=len(futures_list), **kwargs):
yield f.result()
def get_row(jwr_class_list, junc_cigar_win):
d = pd.DataFrame(
{'id': [jwr.qname for jwr in jwr_class_list],
'mapQ': [jwr.mapq for jwr in jwr_class_list],
'transcript_strand': [jwr.ts for jwr in jwr_class_list],
'chrID': [jwr.chrID for jwr in jwr_class_list],
'loc': [jwr.loc for jwr in jwr_class_list],
'JAQ': [jwr.get_JAQ(junc_cigar_win) for jwr in jwr_class_list]
return d
def chunks(lst, n):
"""Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst."""
for i in range(0, len(lst), n):
yield lst[i:i + n]
def main():
# read command line arguments
param = JWR_checker_param()
# check mismatch recorded in CIGAR
algn_file = pysam.AlignmentFile(param.bamfile)
for read in algn_file.fetch():
if 'M' in read.cigarstring:
warning_text =\
Warning: Mismatches are not explicitly labeled in the CIGAR from the input BAM file.
The JAQs can still be calculated but mismatched bases will be treated as matched bases.
It is recommended to update the mapping setting (e.g., use '--eqx' option in minimap2)
to label the mismatches in CIGAR.
if '=' in read.cigarstring or 'X' in read.cigarstring:
print("Searching for JWRs ...\n\n")
# get splice junctions from BAM
algn_file = pysam.AlignmentFile(param.bamfile)
reads_fetch = algn_file.fetch(param.chrID,
JWR_fetch = JWR_from_reads(reads_fetch)
JWRs = list(JWR_fetch.get_JWR())
# JWRs = [x for x in JWRs if x.loc[0] > param.g_loc[0] - 50 and
# x.loc[1] < param.g_loc[1] + 50 ]
print("Calculating JAQ for {} JWRs found".format(len(JWRs)))
executor = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(param.threads)
futures = [executor.submit(get_row, jwr, param.junc_cigar_win) for jwr in chunks(JWRs, 500)]
pbar = tqdm(total = len(JWRs))
for future in as_completed(futures):
d_list = [x.result() for x in futures if x.result() is not None]
if d_list:
d = pd.concat(d_list)
d.to_hdf(param.outfile, 'data')
pd.DataFrame([]).to_hdf(param.outfile, 'skipped')
# output csv file if required
if param.output_csv:
d.to_csv(param.outfile + ".csv")
empty_data = pd.DataFrame({
'id': [],
'mapQ': [],
'transcript_strand': [],
'chrID': [],
'loc': [],
'JAQ': []
empty_data.to_hdf(param.outfile, 'data')
pd.DataFrame([]).to_hdf(param.outfile, 'skipped')
if param.output_csv:
empty_data.to_csv(param.outfile + ".csv")
# d = pd.concat([x.result() for x in futures])
# d.to_hdf(param.outfile, 'data')
# pd.DataFrame([]).to_hdf(param.outfile, 'skipped')
# # output csv file if required
# if param.output_csv:
# d.to_csv(param.outfile + ".csv")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# docker pull lbmc/nanosplicer:1.1
# docker build src/.docker_modules/nanosplicer/1.1 -t 'lbmc/nanosplicer:1.1'
# docker push lbmc/nanosplicer:1.1
# docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t "lbmc/nanosplicer:1.1" --push src/.docker_modules/nanosplicer/1.1
# docker pull xgrand/nanosplicer:1.1
docker build src/.docker_modules/nanosplicer/1.1 -t 'xgrand/nanosplicer:1.1'
docker push xgrand/nanosplicer:1.1
# docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t "xgrand/nanosplicer:1.1" --push src/.docker_modules/nanosplicer/1.1
version = "1.0"
version = "1.1"
container_url = "xgrand/nanosplicer:${version}"
params.nanosplicer_out = ""
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