[Formation BioComp] nextflow for experimental biologists
Dear all,
You registered for the nextflow formation which will take place this afternoon starting at 13h30 in the room M7.1H04.
Please check that you have an account on our gitlab server at the following url :
To connect, simply click on the CAS button.
Your account is now linked to the gitlab server, but blocked
You can send an email to to activate your account.
You will also need an account on the PSMN (
If you want to work on your laptop, or plan to work remotely on your desktop via ssh ( you need to have the following software installed :
- ssh
- git
- java (>=1.8)
- docker
Dear all,
You registered to the formation Git (12/12) or/and the formation Nextlflow (13/12) from 13:30 pm to 18pm in the in the room M7.1H04.
Please check that you have an account on our gitlab server at the following url : (only available from the ENS network)
To connect, simply click on the CAS button.
Your account is now linked to the gitlab server, but blocked
You can send an email to to activate your account.
You will also need an account on the PSMN ( (don’t wait until the 12 to request an account !)
If you want to work on your laptop, or plan to work remotely on your desktop via ssh ( you need to have the following software installed :
- ssh
- git
- java (>=1.8) (for the nextflow formation)
- docker (for the nextflow formation)
Otherwise, you will need to request an account to use the computer in the room (