@@ -351,6 +351,43 @@ You can copy to your `src/RNASeq.nf` file the relevant content of [src/nf_module
We are going to work with paired-end so only copy the relevant processes. The `index_fasta` process need to take as input the output of your `fasta_from_bed` process. The `fastq` input of your `mapping_fastq` process need to take as input the output of your `index_fasta` process and the `trimming` process.
Commit your work and test your pipeline.
You now have a RNASeq analysis pipeline that can run locally with Docker !
As we don't want nextflow to be killed in case of deconnection we start by launching `tmux`. In case of deconnection, you can restore your session with the command `tmux a`.