Derived physical metrics and measurements of an organism by the analysis of image through mathematical morphology.
## Description
Add in-depth description.
## Installation
### Prerequisites/Requirements
-**R** version **4.4.1**
### Steps
1. Download this repository or clone it if you wish to contribute.
2. Build the R environment:
* launch the R project `ImageMeasurement.Rproj`,
* download the dependencies with the R command: `renv::restore()`
## Usage
Once you have restore the R environment, you can run the script: `main.R`. If everything goes smoothly, a folder "data/tmp" should be populated with images.
## Contributing
Found a typo in the documentation? Interested in adding a feature or
[fixing a bug][issues]? Then by all means [submit an issue][new-issue] or take a
stab at submitting a [pull request][using-pull-requests]. If this is your first
pull request, it may be helpful to read up on the [GitHub Flow][github-flow].