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simulation.R 6.11 KiB
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Arnaud Duvermy committed
# WARNING - Generated by {fusen} from /dev/flat_full.Rmd: do not edit by hand

#' Get input for simulation based on coefficients
#' This function generates input data for simulation based on the coefficients provided in the \code{list_var} argument.
#' @param list_var A list of variables (already initialized)
#' @param n_genes Number of genes to simulate (default: 1)
#' @param input2mvrnorm Input to the \code{mvrnorm} function for simulating data from multivariate normal distribution (default: NULL)
#' @return A data frame with input coefficients for simulation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Example usage
#' list_var <- init_variable()
#' getInput2simulation(list_var, n_genes = 10)
getInput2simulation <- function(list_var, n_genes = 1, input2mvrnorm = NULL) {
  # Use default input to mvrnorm if not provided by the user
  if (is.null(input2mvrnorm)) input2mvrnorm = getInput2mvrnorm(list_var)  

  l_dataFromMvrnorm = getDataFromMvrnorm(list_var, input2mvrnorm, n_genes)
  l_dataFromUser = getDataFromUser(list_var)
  df_input2simu <- getCoefficients(list_var, l_dataFromMvrnorm, l_dataFromUser, n_genes)

#' getCoefficients
#' Get the coefficients.
#' @param list_var A list of variables (already initialized)
#' @param l_dataFromMvrnorm Data from the `getGeneMetadata` function (optional).
#' @param l_dataFromUser Data from the `getDataFromUser` function (optional).
#' @param n_genes The number of genes.
#' @export
#' @return A dataframe containing the coefficients.
#' @examples
#' # Example usage
#' list_var <- init_variable()
#' input2mvrnorm = getInput2mvrnorm(list_var)
#' l_dataFromMvrnorm = getDataFromMvrnorm(list_var, input2mvrnorm, n_genes)
#' l_dataFromUser = getDataFromUser(list_var)
#' getCoefficients(list_var, l_dataFromMvrnorm, l_dataFromUser, n_genes = 3)
getCoefficients <- function(list_var, l_dataFromMvrnorm, l_dataFromUser, n_genes) {
  if (length(l_dataFromMvrnorm) == 0) {
    metaData <- getGeneMetadata(list_var, n_genes)
    l_dataFromMvrnorm <- list(metaData)
  l_df2join <- c(l_dataFromMvrnorm, l_dataFromUser)
  df_coef <- Reduce(function(d1, d2){ column_names = colnames(d2)
                                      idx_key = grepl(pattern = "label", column_names )
                                      keys = column_names[idx_key]
                                      join_dtf(d1, d2, k1 = keys , k2 = keys)
                    , l_df2join ) %>%
  column_names <- colnames(df_coef)
  idx_column2factor <- grep(pattern = "label_", column_names)
  if (length(idx_column2factor) > 1) {
    df_coef[, idx_column2factor] <- lapply(df_coef[, idx_column2factor], as.factor)
  } else {
    df_coef[, idx_column2factor] <- as.factor(df_coef[, idx_column2factor])

#' Get the log_qij values from the coefficient data frame.
#' @param dtf_coef The coefficient data frame.
#' @return The coefficient data frame with log_qij column added.
#' @export
getLog_qij <- function(dtf_coef) {
  dtf_beta_numeric <- dtf_coef[sapply(dtf_coef, is.numeric)]
  dtf_coef$log_qij <- rowSums(dtf_beta_numeric, na.rm = TRUE)

#' Calculate mu_ij values based on coefficient data frame and scaling factor
#' This function calculates mu_ij values by raising 2 to the power of the log_qij values
#' from the coefficient data frame and multiplying it by the provided scaling factor.
#' @param dtf_coef Coefficient data frame containing the log_qij values
#' @return Coefficient data frame with an additional mu_ij column
#' @examples
#' list_var <- init_variable()
#' dtf_coef <- getInput2simulation(list_var, 10)
#' dtf_coef <- getLog_qij(dtf_coef)
#' dtf_coef <- addBasalExpression(dtf_coef, 10, c(10, 20, 0))
#' getMu_ij(dtf_coef)
#' @export
getMu_ij <- function(dtf_coef) {
  log_qij_scaled <- dtf_coef$log_qij + dtf_coef$basalExpr
  dtf_coef$log_qij_scaled <- log_qij_scaled
  mu_ij <- exp(log_qij_scaled)  
  dtf_coef$mu_ij <- mu_ij

#' getMu_ij_matrix
#' Get the Mu_ij matrix.
#' @param dtf_coef A dataframe containing the coefficients.
#' @importFrom reshape2 dcast
#' @importFrom stats as.formula

#' @export
#' @return A Mu_ij matrix.
getMu_ij_matrix <- function(dtf_coef) {
  column_names <- colnames(dtf_coef)
  idx_var <- grepl(pattern = "label", column_names)
  l_var <- column_names[idx_var]
  str_formula_rigth <- paste(l_var, collapse = " + ")
  if (str_formula_rigth == "") stop("no variable label detected")
  str_formula <- paste(c("geneID", str_formula_rigth), collapse = " ~ ")
  formula <- stats::as.formula(str_formula)
  dtf_Muij <- dtf_coef %>% reshape2::dcast(formula = formula, value.var = "mu_ij", drop = F)
  dtf_Muij[] <- 0
  mtx_Muij <- data.frame(dtf_Muij[, -1], row.names = dtf_Muij[, 1]) %>% as.matrix()
  mtx_Muij <- mtx_Muij[, order(colnames(mtx_Muij)), drop = F]

#' getSubCountsTable
#' Get the subcounts table.
#' @param matx_Muij The Mu_ij matrix.
#' @param matx_dispersion The dispersion matrix.
#' @param replicateID The replication identifier.
#' @param l_bool_replication A boolean vector indicating the replicates.
#' @importFrom stats rnbinom
#' @return A subcounts table.
getSubCountsTable <- function(matx_Muij, matx_dispersion, replicateID, l_bool_replication) {
  getKijMatrix <- function(matx_Muij, matx_dispersion, n_genes, n_samples) {
    k_ij <- stats::rnbinom(n_genes * n_samples,
                           size = matx_dispersion,
                           mu = matx_Muij) %>%
              matrix(nrow = n_genes, ncol = n_samples)
    k_ij[] <- 0
  if (!any(l_bool_replication))
  matx_Muij <- matx_Muij[, l_bool_replication, drop = FALSE]
  matx_dispersion <- matx_dispersion[, l_bool_replication, drop = FALSE] 
  l_sampleID <- colnames(matx_Muij)
  l_geneID <- rownames(matx_Muij)
  dimension_mtx <- dim(matx_Muij)
  n_genes <- dimension_mtx[1]
  n_samples <- dimension_mtx[2]
  matx_kij <- getKijMatrix(matx_Muij, matx_dispersion, n_genes, n_samples)
  colnames(matx_kij) <- paste(l_sampleID, replicateID, sep = "_")
  rownames(matx_kij) <- l_geneID