- Feb 17, 2021
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_compo_analyser.py: chnages and creation of new functions creation of function to handle clip results folder produced by clip_launcher_4_many_communities and modification of get_middle_group, get_extreme_groups and get_interest_groups to simplify the names of each groups + pep8 chnages
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_launcher_4_many_communities.py: chnage tiles in merge_figures function + pep8 changes
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/download_encode_eclip/merge_eclip.py: modification of merge_files function to remove the heading chr in the first bed column
nfontrod authored
src/hic_TAD_caller/create_TAD_HiC_files/calling_tads.py: Add a step that merges the TADs before the liftover
- Feb 09, 2021
nfontrod authored
src/hic_TAD_caller/create_TAD_HiC_files/calling_tads.py: change in liftover and check_n_save_bed function
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_launcher_4_many_communities.py: add pointsize argument in mantage command
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/tad_to_communities/tad_to_communities.py: creation of functions targeted_tad_to_communities removing_chr and targeted_bedtools_intersect to convert custom TAD to communities
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/config.py: fix merge problem by re-creating function get_communities_basefile
nfontrod authored
src/hic_TAD_caller/create_TAD_HiC_files/__main__.py: creation of a function launcher with a parameter resolution
nfontrod authored
- Feb 08, 2021
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_launcher_4_many_communities.py: create for each clip the community figures obtained using many community files
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/config.py: add variables communities and communitites name
nfontrod authored
src/hic_TAD_caller/: Script to call TADs with ArrowHead from different Hic files recovered from data.4dnucleome.org
- Feb 05, 2021
- Feb 02, 2021
- Feb 01, 2021
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/figures_utils/config_figures.py: add a parameter to get_good_project to select the cell of interest in our projects
nfontrod authored
src/download_encode_eclip/get_encode_clips.py: modifications to be hable to download RIP-seq, iCLIP and RIP-chip experiments
- Jan 27, 2021
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/__main__.py src/find_interaction_cluster/community_finder.py: add the parameter use weight
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/community_calibration.py: creation of input and output for hipMCL inside it's result folder
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/__main__.py src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_analyser.py: ad dinflation parameter
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/community_finder.py: add inflation parameter to multiple_community_launcher function
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/*.py: add a parameter inflation in get_community_file function broadly use in this submodule
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/community_calibration.py: create a script to see the variation of modularity when the inflation parameter changes
nfontrod authored
src/find_interaction_cluster/community_finder.py: fix create_graph to use weight if wanted + add 2 paramters in findo_community functions
nfontrod authored