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src/find_interaction_cluster/graph_figures/ graph...

src/find_interaction_cluster/graph_figures/ graph creation displaying the community regulated by many splicing factors and how they interact between them
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
Description: Create a graph figure showing wich community is regulated \
by which splicing factor
import networkx as nx
from typing import List
import pandas as pd
import sqlite3
import numpy as np
from .graph_functions import Parameters, recover_json_graph_of_interest, \
Config, get_regulation_table, get_community_tables, merge_dataframes, \
get_regulated_community, subgraph_creation, load_graphic, check_if_exist
from .create_community_node_graph import create_community_sized_graph
from ..sf_and_communities import get_sfname
import as cm
from pathlib import Path
import json
from import Network
import lazyparser as lp
from matplotlib.colors import to_hex
def add_node_color(c_graph: nx.Graph, sf_name: str, color: str,
communities: List[str]) -> nx.Graph:
Update the graphic of community to add the color ``color`` to \
the community containing a enriched amount of exons or genes \
regulated by a splicing factor.
:param c_graph: The graphic of community to update
:param sf_name: The name of the splicing factor regulating the \
communities given in communities.
:param color: The color to give to the communities
:param communities: The list of community to update
:return: The network update
>>> g = nx.Graph()
>>> g.add_nodes_from(list("ABC"))
>>> g.add_edges_from([("A", "B"), ("A", "C")])
>>> ng = add_node_color(g, "TRA2_down", "red", ["A", "B"])
>>> list(ng.nodes[x] for x in list("ABC")) == [{'reg': 'TRA2_down',
... 'color': 'red', 'title': 'TRA2_down'}, {'reg': 'TRA2_down',
... 'color': 'red', 'title': 'TRA2_down'}, {}]
>>> ng = add_node_color(ng, "SR1_up", "white", ["A", "C"])
>>> list(ng.nodes[x] for x in list("ABC")) == [{'reg':
... 'TRA2_down, SR1_up', 'color': 'red', 'title': 'TRA2_down<br/>SR1_up',
... 'shape': 'triangle'}, {'reg': 'TRA2_down', 'color': 'red',
... 'title': 'TRA2_down'}, {'reg': 'SR1_up', 'color': 'white',
... 'title': 'SR1_up'}]
for c in communities:
if "reg" not in c_graph.nodes[c].keys():
c_graph.nodes[c]["reg"] = sf_name
c_graph.nodes[c]["color"] = color
c_graph.nodes[c]["reg"] += f", {sf_name}"
c_graph.nodes[c]["shape"] = 'triangle'
if "title" not in c_graph.nodes[c].keys():
c_graph.nodes[c]["title"] = sf_name
c_graph.nodes[c]["title"] += f"<br/>{sf_name}"
return c_graph
def get_regulated_communities(c_graph: nx.Graph) -> List[str]:
Get the communities regulated by a splicing factor.
:param c_graph: The graphic of community to update
:return: The list of regulated communities
>>> g = nx.Graph()
>>> g.add_nodes_from(list("ABC"))
>>> g.add_edges_from([("A", "B"), ("A", "C")])
>>> ng = add_node_color(g, "TRA2_down", "red", ["A", "B"])
>>> get_regulated_communities(ng)
['A', 'B']
return [node for node in c_graph.nodes
if "reg" in c_graph.nodes[node].keys()]
def select_splicing_factors(sf_list: List[str]) -> List[str]:
Return sf_list if sf_list doesn't contain ALL else return ALL.
:param sf_list: A list of splicing factor of interest
:return: sf_list if sf_list doesn't contain ALL else return ALL.
>>> select_splicing_factors(list("ABC"))
['A', 'B', 'C']
return sf_list if "ALL" not in sf_list else get_sfname()
def get_title(nb_sf: int, reg: str, threshold: float, min_reg, feature: str,
iteration: int) -> str:
Return a title
:param nb_sf: The number of splicing factor analyzed
:param reg: The name of the regulation chosen
:param threshold: Minimum frequency of gene regulated in a colony to \
select it (but it must also contains at least min_reg gene regulated)
:param min_reg: The minimum of regulated exon in a community to \
take it into account
:param feature: The kind of feature we want to analyse
:param iteration: The number of iteration to perform
:return: The title of the figure
>>> get_title(5, "down", 0.1, 2, "gene", 0)
'Figure of the communities containing at least 10.0 % of their genes \
(or more than 2 genes) down-regulated by 5 splicing factors'
reg = "regulated" if reg == "reg" else f"{reg}-regulated"
if iteration < 20:
return f"Figure of the communities containing at least " \
f"{threshold * 100} % of their {feature}s (or more than " \
f"{min_reg} {feature}s) {reg} by {nb_sf} splicing factors"
return f"Figure of the communities enriched in {feature}s" \
f" {reg} by {nb_sf} splicing factors (permutation test " \
f"{iteration} iteration)"
def get_outfiles(c_graph_file: Path, sf_list: List[str], threshold: float,
min_reg: int, min_community: int, min_community_size: int,
iteration: int) -> List[Path]:
Return the figure and json outfile to store and visualize graph data
:param c_graph_file: A graph containing a community level graph
:param sf_list: The list of splicing factor of interest
:param threshold: Minimum frequency of gene regulated in a colony to \
select it (but it must also contains at least min_reg gene regulated)
:param min_reg: The minimum of regulated exon in a community to \
take it into account
:param min_community: The minimum number of enriched community \
required to produce a figure
:param min_community_size: The minimum size used to consider communities
:param iteration: If this parameter is greater or equal to 20 then a \
permutation test is made to find the significantly enriched communities. \
Below 20, significant communities are found
outfolder = c_graph_file.parent / "graph_figures" / "community_level"
outfolder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if iteration < 20:
return [outfolder / f"community_graph_{len(sf_list)}_"
f"{ext}" for ext in ["json", "html"]]
return [outfolder / f"community_graph_{len(sf_list)}_"
f"{ext}" for ext in ["json", "html"]]
def update_community_graphic(p: Parameters, c_graph: nx.Graph, color: str,
sf_name: str, reg: str,
threshold: float, min_reg: int = 2,
iteration: int = 0, min_community: int = 3,
min_community_size: int = 10) -> nx.Graph:
:param p: A class containing configurations
:param c_graph: A community level graph
:param sf_name: The name of the splicing factor of interest
:param reg: The name of the regulation chosen
:param color: color of the regulated node
:param threshold: Minimum frequency of gene regulated in a colony to \
select it (but it must also contains at least min_reg gene regulated)
:param min_reg: The minimum of regulated exon in a community to \
take it into account
:param iteration: If this parameter is greater or equal to 20 then a \
permutation test is made to find the significantly enriched communities. \
Below 20, significant communities are found
:param min_community: The minimum number of enriched community \
required to produce a figure
:param min_community_size: The minimum size used to consider communities
print(f"Working on {sf_name}, {reg}")
graph_file, comm_file = recover_json_graph_of_interest(p)
reg_table = get_regulation_table(sqlite3.connect(Config.db_file),
sf_name, reg, p.feature)
df_com_file = pd.read_csv(comm_file, sep="\t")
df_com = get_community_tables(df_com_file, p.feature)
full_com = merge_dataframes(reg_table, df_com, p.feature)
full_com.loc[full_com["community_size"] < min_community_size,
["community", "community_size"]] = [np.nan, np.nan]
list_communities = get_regulated_community(full_com, p.feature, threshold,
min_reg, iteration)
if len(list_communities) >= min_community:
c_graph = add_node_color(c_graph, f"{sf_name}_{reg}", color,
return c_graph
def write_figure(c_graph: nx.Graph, outfile: Path, title: str = ""
) -> None:
Write the network figure.
:param c_graph: An html figure
:param outfile: The file where the graphic will be created
:param title: The title of the figure
net = Network(width="100%", height="100%", heading=title)
net.show_buttons(filter_=["nodes", "edges", "physics"])
def create_community_sf_graph(project: str, weight: int, global_weight: int,
same_gene: bool, inflation: float,
cell_line: str, feature: str, sf_list: List[str],
reg: str, threshold: float, min_reg: int = 2,
iteration: int = 0, min_community: int = 3,
min_community_size: int = 10):
:param project: A project name of interest. Used only if \
global_weight is 0
:param weight: The weight of interaction to consider
:param global_weight: The global weight to consider. if \
the global weight is equal to 0 then then density figure are \
calculated by project, else all project are merge together and the \
interaction seen in `global_weight` project are taken into account \
:param same_gene: Say if we consider as co-localised, exons within \
the same gene (True) or not (False)
:param inflation: The inflation parameter
:param cell_line: Interactions are only selected from projects made \
on a specific cell line (ALL to disable this filter)
:param feature: The feature we want to analyse
:param sf_list: The list of the splicing factor of interest
:param reg: The name of the regulation chosen
:param threshold: Minimum frequency of gene regulated in a colony to \
select it (but it must also contains at least min_reg gene regulated)
:param min_reg: The minimum of regulated exon in a community to \
take it into account
:param iteration: If this parameter is greater or equal to 20 then a \
permutation test is made to find the significantly enriched communities. \
Below 20, significant communities are found
:param min_community: The minimum number of enriched community \
required to produce a figure
:param min_community_size: The minimum size used to consider communities
c_graph_file = create_community_sized_graph.__wrapped__(
project, weight, global_weight, same_gene, inflation, cell_line,
feature, min_community_size)
c_graph = load_graphic(c_graph_file)
p = Parameters(project, weight, global_weight, same_gene, inflation,
cell_line, feature)
sf_list = select_splicing_factors(sf_list)
colors = cm.hsv(np.linspace(0, 1, min(len(sf_list), 5)))
colors = [to_hex(c) for c in colors]
for sf_name, color in zip(sf_list, colors):
c_graph = update_community_graphic(p, c_graph, color, sf_name, reg,
threshold, min_reg, iteration,
min_community, min_community_size)
regulated_com = get_regulated_communities(c_graph)
c_graph = subgraph_creation(c_graph, [regulated_com])
outfiles = get_outfiles(c_graph_file, sf_list, threshold, min_reg,
min_community, min_community_size, iteration)
title = get_title(len(sf_list), reg, threshold, min_reg, feature,
g_json = nx.json_graph.node_link_data(c_graph)
json.dump(g_json, outfiles[0].open('w'), indent=2)
write_figure(c_graph, outfiles[1], title)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
import doctest
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