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Created with Raphaël 2.2.017May1621Feb15Oct12Aug28Apr1615Mar27Jan1512118718Dec3130Nov201612654327Oct26232221src/ add stat parametermastermastersrc/visu/ add line at bins different between two conditions.gitignore: update files to ignoresrc/bed_handler/ add filter_expressed functionsrc/bed_handler/ change in filter_bed typessrc/bed_handler/ Add expressed_genes variablesrc/visu/ add a stat parametersrc/visu/ Add a stat parameter to perform statistical analysis on the metagene figuresrc/ update Figures 1C, figures 5C and 5B to use the new bigwig filessrc/ updatesrc/visu/ remove sd displaysrc/visu/ small simplicationsrc/gc_content/ removal of the palette colordoc/source/modules.rst: change of updatedoc/source/index.rst: documentation updatedoc/source/Licence.rst: add doc for the licence.gitignore: update gitignoredoc/: add docsrc/ add init filesrc/visu/ modification in launcher updateLICENCE: add add readmesrc/visu/ small change in load_bedsrc/gc_content/ add an id column in the table returned by build_gc_dataframe, change bar colors in make_gc_barplot functionsrc/ add creation of meatagene and gc content figure for readthrough, readthrough_ctcf and no_readthrough exon listsrc/gc_content/ modfication of add_stat_annotation calls in make_gc_barplotsrc/gc_content/ fix mann_whitney and make_stat function used when more than two lists of exons are usedsrc/gc_content/ major pep8 modificationssrc/bed_handler/ new function get_bed_ctcf_exon to only recover exons close to CTCF peaks in a given bed file containing exonssrc/bed_handler/ script to get the last exons of each gene in a bed file given in inputsrc/bed_handler/ add a new variable all_vs_ctcfsrc/ modification of metaexon file of exons regulated or in a gene containing exons regulated by DDX5/17 near or Far from CTCFsrc/visu/ change style of the figure + add parameter ylimsrc/visu/ add parameter ylimsrc/gc_content/ change graphic style of the figuresrc/ change gc content figure -e parameter to 2000 + coverage figure for 5y only on expressed genessrc/ removing genes with readthrough/no readthrough with a basemean <= 5