#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
Description: Create a figure showing the ChIP-Seq coverage of particular \
gene regions from ChIP-seq experiment.
from .figure_maker import create_figure
import lazyparser as lp
from pathlib import Path

@lp.parse(design='file', region_beds='file',
show_replicate=['y', 'n', 'Y', 'N'])

def launcher(design: str, bw_folder: str, region_beds: List[str],
region_names: List[str], nb_bin: int = 100,
figure_type: str = 'metagene', norm: str = 'None',
show_replicate: str = 'y', environment: List[int] = (0, 0),
border_names: List[str] = ('', ''),
output: str = '.', ylim: List[float] = (None, None),
stat: bool = False) -> None:
Create A metagene or a barplot figure from bigwig file on regions defined \
in the bed file provided with 'region_bed' parameter.
:param design: A tabulated file containing 3 columns. The first columns \
contains a bigwig filename, the second contains the condition name and \
the last one contains the replicate of the condition.
:param bw_folder: The folder containing the bigwig file mentioned in \
the first column of the 'design' table.

:param region_beds: A list of bed files containing the regions to visualise
:param region_names: A list of names identifying regions insides \
the given beds.
:param nb_bin: The number of bins used to represents the regions of \
:param figure_type: The kind of representation wanted (barplot or metagene)
:param norm: A number corresponding to a bin, a file with \
the normalisation value to apply for each replicate. 'None' for no \
normalisation (default 'None')
:param show_replicate: 'y' to create a figure showing the replicate \
'n' else.
:param environment: A list of two int. The first contains the number of \
nucleotide to represent around the region of interest and the second,
the number of bin used to represent those surrounding regions.
:param border_names: The name of the borders
:param output: Folder where the results will be created
:param ylim: The y-axis range (default None)
:param stat: A boolean indicating whether to perform \
statistical analysis. This parameter can only be set to True \
if figure_type is 'metagene' (default: False)
if ylim[0] is not None and (len(ylim) != 2 or ylim[0] >= ylim[1]):
raise ValueError("The ylim must have two values and the first value "
"must be lower to the second value")
environment[0] < environment[1]:
raise ValueError(f"The two values given with --environment must "
f"be greater than 0 and the first value must be "
f"greater than the second")
show_rep = show_replicate.lower() == 'y'
norm = int(norm) if norm.isdigit() else None if norm == 'None' else norm
if stat and figure_type != "metagene":
raise NotImplementedError(f"the stat parameter can only be used if "
f"figure type is metagene")
if isinstance(norm, str):
norm = Path(norm)
if not norm.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"The file {norm} was not found")

reg_beds = [Path(p) for p in region_beds]
create_figure(Path(design), Path(bw_folder), reg_beds,
region_names, nb_bin, figure_type, norm, show_rep,
environment, border_names, Path(output), ylim, stat)