"help_text":"By default, parameters set as _hidden_ in the schema are not shown on the command line when a user runs with `--help`. Specifying this option will tell the pipeline to show all parameters."
"hicstuff options":{
"title":"Hicstuff options",
"description":"Options for hicstuff workflow, set in the config file.",
"help_text":"These options are specific to the hicstuff workflow and allow you to customise the parameters",
"description":"Selection of the workflow to run. Choices are hicstuff or hicpro",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Parameters for bowtie2 alignment",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Minimum contig size required to keep it",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Minimum mapping quality required to keep a pair of Hi-C reads",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Use if the genome is circular",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Binsize for plotting matrix",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Name of info contigs file",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Name of fragments list file",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Name of valid pairs file",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Name of valid pairs index file",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Common name of matrix files",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Whether plots should be generated at different steps of the pipeline",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Whether fragments plot should be generated",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Name of fragments plot file",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Prefix of distribution plot file during filter events",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Prefix of distance plot file during filter events",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"If True, generates a distance law file with the values of the probabilities to have a contact between two distances for each chromosomes or arms if the file with the positions has been given. The values are not normalized, or averaged.",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Name of distance law table file",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Whether distance law table should be plotted",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Name of distance law table plot if hicstuff_distance_plot is true",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Base use to construct the logspace of the bins for distance law",
"fa_icon":"fas fa_cogs"
"description":"If the distance law is computed, this is the number of kb that will be removed around the centromere position given by in the centromere file",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"If not None, path of file with Positions of the centromeres separated by aspace and in the same order than the chromosomes",
"fa_icon":"fas fa_cogs"
"description":"Filter spurious or uninformative 3C events. Requires a restriction enzyme",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Name of filtered valid pairs index file",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"If True, PCR duplicates will be filtered based on genomic positions Pairs where both reads have exactly the same coordinates are considered duplicates and only one of those will be conserved.",
"fa_icon":"fas fa-cogs"
"description":"Name of pair file after PCR filtering",