# nf-core/hic bug report
Thanks for telling us about a problem with the pipeline.
Please delete this text and anything that's not relevant from the template below:
## Description of the bug
<!-- A clear and concise description of what the bug is. -->
## Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:
1. Command line: <!-- [e.g. `nextflow run ...`] -->
2. See error: <!-- [Please provide your error message] -->
## Expected behaviour
<!-- A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. -->
## System
- Hardware: <!-- [e.g. HPC, Desktop, Cloud...] -->
- Executor: <!-- [e.g. slurm, local, awsbatch...] -->
- OS: <!-- [e.g. CentOS Linux, macOS, Linux Mint...] -->
- Version <!-- [e.g. 7, 10.13.6, 18.3...] -->
## Nextflow Installation
- Version: <!-- [e.g. 19.10.0] -->
- Engine: <!-- [e.g. Conda, Docker or Singularity] -->
- version: <!-- [e.g. 1.0.0] -->
- Image tag: <!-- [e.g. nfcore/hic:1.0.0] -->
<!-- Add any other context about the problem here. -->