SNP calling pipeline to find homozygote SNPs present in JU2817 strain but not in JU2859
## Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
These instructions will get you a working version of the pipeline the SNP calling pipeline.
### Prerequisites
@@ -35,75 +28,34 @@ To install nextflow on you computer simply run the following command:
Then to initialize a given tools run the following command:
R -e'install.packages(c("tidyverse", "seqinr"), repos = "")'
For example to run the tests on `Bowtie2` run:
### Running
## Available tools
| tool | nf module | docker module | sge module |
BEDtools | ok | ok | ok
Bowtie | ok | ok | **no**
Bowtie2 | ok | ok | ok
canu | ok | ok | ok
cutadapt | ok | ok | ok
deepTools | **no** | ok | ok
FastQC | ok | ok | ok
file_handle | **no** | ok | ok
HISAT2 | **no** | ok | **no**
HTSeq | ok | ok | ok
Kallisto | ok | ok | ok
MACS2 | **no** | ok | ok
MultiQC | ok | ok | ok
MUSIC | ok | ok | ok
picard | **no** | ok | ok
pigz | **no** | ok | ok
RSEM | ok | ok | ok
SAMtools | ok | ok | ok
SRAtoolkit | ok | ok | ok
Salmon | **no** | ok | ok
TopHat | **no** | ok | ok
Trimmomatic | **no** | ok | ok
UrQt | ok | ok | ok
To launch the analysis, you can execute the content of the script `src/`.
There, is a first section to run the pipeline locally with Docker on a training set (after generating the training set), a second to run it with Docker on the full data set, and a last seciton to run it on the PSMN.
After running the `src/` pipeline, the `src/intersect_SNP.R` R scripts will format the `.vcf` files into `.csv` table.
The final output is filtered to keep only SNP matching a list of enzymes and SNP that are homozygote in one strain and not present in the other.