Explore projects
Program analyzing QY2H data (.fcs files) and generating affinity ladder. A GUI has been developed for later release in the context of the publication to come.
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This repository is a template containing scripts to help you build your own nextflow pipeline.
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This repository is a template containing scripts to help you build your own nextflow pipeline.
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A program and a set of tools for QC and analysis of coding transcripts obtained after parsing of .gff3 and genome .fa files.
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Database of public ChIA-PET data to visualise proximal interactions.
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This repository is a template containing scripts to help you build your own nextflow pipeline.
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This repository is a template containing scripts to help you build your own nextflow pipeline.
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This project aims to create plots that will represent the coverage of transcripts in different conditions
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script allowing the visualization of the coverage in bigwig files
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Source code for generating the main figures of the article "Reduction of a sothcastic model of gene expression: Lagrangian dynamics gives acces to basins of attraction as cell types and metastability".
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François Gindraud, a postdoc in the SBDM Team, who has a loot of experience in software development, will be with us for a few months. François, will be able to give a series of small tutorials session on how to write better code.
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