/* * sra-tools : */ /* fastq-dump * Imputs : srr list * Outputs : fastq files */ params.list_srr = "$baseDir/data/SRR/*.txt" log.info "downloading list srr : ${params.list_srr}" Channel .fromPath( params.list_srr ) .ifEmpty { error "Cannot find any bam files matching: ${params.list_srr}" } .splitCsv() .map { it -> it[0]} .set { SRR } //run is the column name containing SRR ids process fastq_dump { tag "$file_id" publishDir "results/download/fastq/${file_id}/", mode: 'copy' input: val file_id from SRR output: set file_id, "*.fastq" into fastq script: """ HOME=\$(pwd) # ensure that fastq dump tmp file are in the right place #for test only 10000 reads are downloading with the option -N 10000 -X 20000 fastq-dump --split-files --defline-seq '@\$ac_\$si/\$ri' --defline-qual "+" -N 10000 -X 20000 ${file_id} if [ -f ${file_id}_1.fastq ] then mv ${file_id}_1.fastq ${file_id}_R1.fastq fi if [ -f ${file_id}_2.fastq ] then mv ${file_id}_2.fastq ${file_id}_R2.fastq fi """ }