diff --git a/src/10_ribowave.nf b/src/10_ribowave.nf
deleted file mode 100644
index a9c41c33314c05275354d84f1cc6475614a7e04b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/10_ribowave.nf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-* Ribowave :
-* Inputs : gtf genome files
-* Inputs : bam file
-* Inputs : genome size file
-/* 		PARAMETERS		 */
-params.gtf = ""
-params.genome = ""
-params.bam = ""
-params.genomesize = ""
-log.info "gtf file : ${params.gtf}"
-log.info "genome fasta file : ${params.genome}"
-log.info "bam file(s) : ${params.bam}"
-log.info "genomesize file : ${params.genomesize}"
-  .fromPath( params.gtf )
-  .ifEmpty { error "Cannot find any fasta files matching: ${params.gtf}" }
-  .set { gtf_file }
-  .fromPath( params.genome )
-  .ifEmpty { error "Cannot find any fasta files matching: ${params.genome}" }
-  .set { genome_file }
-  .fromPath( params.bam )
-  .ifEmpty { error "Cannot find any fastq files matching: ${params.bam}" }
-  .set { bam_files }
-bam_files.into {bam_deter_P_site ; bam_track_P_site}
-  .fromPath( params.genomesize )
-  .ifEmpty { error "Cannot find any index files matching: ${params.genomesize}" }
-  .set { genomesize_file }
-process create_annot {
-  publishDir "results/ribowave/annotation", mode: 'copy'
-  input:
-    file gtf from gtf_file
-    file genome from genome_file
-  output:
-    file "*" into annot_file
-    file "start_codon.bed" into start_codon_channel
-    file "final.ORFs" into finalORF_channel
-    file "exons.gtf" into exon_gtf_channel
-  script:
-/Ribowave/scripts/create_annotation.sh -G ${gtf} -f ${genome}  -o ./  -s /Ribowave/scripts
-/*		P-site determination		*/
-process determination_P_site {
-  tag "$bam.baseName"
-  publishDir "results/ribowave", mode: 'copy'
-  input:
-  file bam from bam_deter_P_site
-  file start from start_codon_channel
-  output:
-  file "*" into p_site_channel
-  file "*psite1nt.txt" into psite1nt_channel
-  script:
-/Ribowave/scripts/P-site_determination.sh -i ${bam} -S ${start} -o ./ -n ${bam.baseName} -s /Ribowave/scripts
-/*		P-site track		*/
-process track_P_site {
-  tag "$bam.baseName"
-  publishDir "results/ribowave", mode: 'copy'
-  input:
-  file bam from bam_track_P_site
-  file exon from exon_gtf_channel
-  file genomesize from genomesize_file
-  file p_site from psite1nt_channel
-  output:
-  file "*" into track_p_site_channel
-  file "final.psite" into psite_channel
-  script:
-/Ribowave/scripts/create_track_Ribo.sh -i ${bam} -G ${exon} -g ${genomesize} -P ${p_site} -o ./ -n ${bam.baseName} -s /Ribowave/scripts
-/*		ribowave Identifying translated ORF		*/
-process ribowave_transORF {
-  publishDir "results/ribowave", mode: 'copy'
-  input:
-  file psite from psite_channel
-  file finalORF from finalORF_channel
-  output:
-  file "*" into ribowave_channel
-  script:
-/Ribowave/scripts/Ribowave -PD -a ${psite} -b ${finalORF} -o ./ -n ${bam.baseName} -s /Ribowave/scripts -p 2
diff --git a/src/RNAseq.nf b/src/RNAseq.nf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d7ab45e8d8507c2ddbc53ad2891160b1073531f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/RNAseq.nf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-params.fastq = "$baseDir/data/fastq/*_{1,2}.fastq" /* we can use now a param -fastq to specify where are fastq files. this path is the default path */
-params.fasta = "$baseDir/data/fasta/*.fasta"
-params.bed = "$baseDir/data/annot/*.bed"
-log.info "fastq files : ${params.fastq}"
-log.info "fasta file : ${params.fasta}"
-log.info "bed file : ${params.bed}"
-  .fromFilePairs( params.fastq )
-  .ifEmpty { error "Cannot find any fastq files matching: ${params.fastq}" }
-  .set { fastq_files }
-  .fromPath( params.fasta )
-  .ifEmpty { error "Cannot find any fasta files matching: ${params.fasta}" }
-  .set { fasta_files }
-  .fromPath( params.bed )
-  .ifEmpty { error "Cannot find any bed files matching: ${params.bed}" }
-  .set { bed_files }
-process adaptor_removal {
-  tag "$pair_id"
-  publishDir "results/fastq/adaptor_removal/", mode: 'copy'
-  input:
-  set pair_id, file(reads) from fastq_files
-  output:
-  file "*_cut_R{1,2}.fastq.gz" into fastq_files_cut
-  script:
-  """
-  -o ${pair_id}_cut_R1.fastq.gz -p ${pair_id}_cut_R2.fastq.gz \
-  ${reads[0]} ${reads[1]} > ${pair_id}_report.txt
-  """
-process trimming {
-  tag "${reads}"
-  cpus 4
-  publishDir "results/fastq/trimming/", mode: 'copy'
-  input:
-  file reads from fastq_files_cut
-  output:
-  file "*_trim_R{1,2}.fastq.gz" into fastq_files_trim
-  script:
-UrQt --t 20 --m ${task.cpus} --gz \
---in ${reads[0]} --inpair ${reads[1]} \
---out ${reads[0].baseName}_trim_R1.fastq.gz --outpair ${reads[1].baseName}_trim_R2.fastq.gz \
-> ${reads[0].baseName}_trimming_report.txt
-process fasta_from_bed {
-  tag "${bed.baseName}"
-  cpus 4
-  publishDir "results/fasta/", mode: 'copy'
-  input:
-  file fasta from fasta_files
-  file bed from bed_files
-  output:
-  file "*_extracted.fasta" into fasta_files_extracted
-  script:
-bedtools getfasta -name \
--fi ${fasta} -bed ${bed} -fo ${bed.baseName}_extracted.fasta
-process index_fasta {
-  tag "$fasta.baseName"
-  publishDir "results/mapping/index/", mode: 'copy'
-  input:
-    file fasta from fasta_files_extracted
-  output:
-    file "*.index*" into index_files
-  script:
-kallisto index -k 31 --make-unique -i ${fasta.baseName}.index ${fasta} \
-> ${fasta.baseName}_kallisto_report.txt
-process mapping_fastq {
-  tag "$reads"
-  cpus 4
-  publishDir "results/mapping/quantification/", mode: 'copy'
-  input:
-  file reads from fastq_files_trim
-  file index from index_files.toList()
-  output:
-  file "*" into counts_files
-  script:
-mkdir ${reads[0].baseName}
-kallisto quant -i ${index} -t ${task.cpus} \
---bias --bootstrap-samples 100 -o ${reads[0].baseName} \
-${reads[0]} ${reads[1]} &> ${reads[0].baseName}_kallisto_report.txt
diff --git a/src/cutadapt.config b/src/cutadapt.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bb81606793301c8ddde9dd4e0b143c8db51fd40..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/cutadapt.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-profiles {
-  docker {
-    docker.temp = 'auto'
-    docker.enabled = true
-    process {
-      $adaptor_removal {
-        container = "cutadapt:1.14"
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  sge {
-    process{
-      $adaptor_removal {
-        beforeScript = "module purge; module load cutadapt/1.14"
-        executor = "sge"
-        cpus = 1
-        memory = "5GB"
-        time = "6h"
-        queueSize = 1000
-        pollInterval = '60sec'
-        queue = 'h6-E5-2667v4deb128'
-        penv = 'openmp8'
-      }
-    }
-  }
-profiles {
-  docker {
-    docker.temp = 'auto'
-    docker.enabled = true
-    process {
-      $trimming {
-        container = "urqt:d62c1f8"
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  sge {
-    process{
-      $trimming {
-        beforeScript = "module purge; module load UrQt/d62c1f8"
-        executor = "sge"
-        cpus = 4
-        memory = "5GB"
-        time = "6h"
-        queueSize = 1000
-        pollInterval = '60sec'
-        queue = 'h6-E5-2667v4deb128'
-        penv = 'openmp8'
-      }
-    }
-  }
-profiles {
-  docker {
-    docker.temp = 'auto'
-    docker.enabled = true
-    process {
-      $fasta_from_bed {
-        container = "bedtools:2.25.0"
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  sge {
-    process{
-      $fasta_from_bed {
-        beforeScript = "module purge; module load BEDtools/2.25.0"
-        executor = "sge"
-        cpus = 1
-        memory = "5GB"
-        time = "6h"
-        queueSize = 1000
-        pollInterval = '60sec'
-        queue = 'h6-E5-2667v4deb128'
-        penv = 'openmp8'
-      }
-    }
-  }
-profiles {
-  docker {
-    docker.temp = 'auto'
-    docker.enabled = true
-    process {
-      $index_fasta {
-        container = "kallisto:0.43.1"
-      }
-      $mapping_fastq {
-        container = "kallisto:0.43.1"
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  sge {
-    process{
-      $index_fasta {
-        beforeScript = "module purge; module load Kallisto/0.43.1"
-        executor = "sge"
-        cpus = 1
-        memory = "5GB"
-        time = "6h"
-        queueSize = 1000
-        pollInterval = '60sec'
-        queue = 'h6-E5-2667v4deb128'
-        penv = 'openmp8'
-      }
-      $mapping_fastq {
-        beforeScript = "module purge; module load Kallisto/0.43.1"
-        executor = "sge"
-        cpus = 4
-        memory = "5GB"
-        time = "6h"
-        queueSize = 1000
-        pollInterval = '60sec'
-        queue = 'h6-E5-2667v4deb128'
-        penv = 'openmp8'
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/fasta_sampler.nf b/src/fasta_sampler.nf
deleted file mode 100644
index d1200ed496c77756cde525835f581b71b2528990..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/fasta_sampler.nf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-  .fromPath( "data/tiny_dataset/fasta/*.fasta" )
-  .set { fasta_file }
-process sample_fasta {
-  publishDir "results/sampling/", mode: 'copy'
-  input:
-file fasta from fasta_file
-  output:
-file "*_sample.fasta" into fasta_sample
-  script:
-head ${fasta} > ${fasta.baseName}_sample.fasta
diff --git a/src/ribowave.config b/src/ribowave.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 59e6a55d6dee082b8b54f6b2cc98391d65350087..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/ribowave.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-profiles {
-  docker {
-    docker.temp = 'auto'
-    docker.enabled = true
-    process {
-      $create_annot {
-        container = "ribowave:1.0"
-      }
-      $determination_P_site {
-        container = "ribowave:1.0"
-      }
-      $track_P_site {
-        container = "ribowave:1.0"
-      }
-      $ribowave_transORF {
-        container = "ribowave:1.0"
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  sge {
-    process{
-      $create_annot {
-        beforeScript = "source /home/elabaron/.bashrc; module load BEDtools/2.25.0"
-        executor = "sge"
-        cpus = 8
-        memory = "5GB"
-        time = "6h"
-        queue = '*-E5-2667*'
-        penv = 'openmp8'
-      }
-      $determination_P_site {
-        beforeScript = "source /home/elabaron/.bashrc; module load BEDtools/2.25.0"
-        executor = "sge"
-        cpus = 8
-        memory = "5GB"
-        time = "6h"
-        queue = '*-E5-2667*'
-        penv = 'openmp8'
-      }
-      $track_P_site {
-        beforeScript = "source /home/elabaron/.bashrc; module load BEDtools/2.25.0"
-        executor = "sge"
-        cpus = 8
-        memory = "5GB"
-        time = "6h"
-        queue = '*-E5-2667*'
-        penv = 'openmp8'
-      }
-      $ribowave_transORF {
-        beforeScript = "source /home/elabaron/.bashrc; module load BEDtools/2.25.0"
-        executor = "sge"
-        cpus = 8
-        memory = "128GB"
-        time = "6h"
-        queue = '*-E5-2667*'
-        penv = 'openmp8'
-      }
-    }
-  }