diff --git a/covid_comp_dataset.Rnw b/covid_comp_dataset.Rnw
index 50497236412da61b5c6d1708b81c25960ec24246..157f677a86e2323ea591bc65a415e1a9fbbc98b3 100644
--- a/covid_comp_dataset.Rnw
+++ b/covid_comp_dataset.Rnw
@@ -233,6 +233,42 @@ write.csv(tablo[tablo$nprimates>=3,"tmp$Gene.name"], "primatessup3.csv", row.nam
 write.csv(tablo, "primatesVbats.csv", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
+Restreindre ce tableau aux gènes présent dans l'analyse de Krogan.
+# Reading the Krogan table
+  "data/COVID_PAMLresults_332hits_plusBatScreens_2020_Apr14.csv"),
+	fill=T, h=T, dec=",")
+#Formating the column Gene.name and changing one wierd name
+#Adding ACE2 and TMPRSS2
+krogan<-c(tab$Gene.name,  "ACE2", "TMPRSS2")
+# The list
+#In the table, I select line that match the krogan gene name liste
+tabloK<-tablo[tablo$`tmp$Gene.name` %in% krogan,]
+# How many gene lost?
+# Les gènes perdus (dans le tableau mais pas dans la liste de Krogan)
+sort(tablo$`tmp$Gene.name`[tablo$`tmp$Gene.name` %in% krogan==F])
+# Les gènes de Krogan non présent dans cette liste
+sort(krogan[krogan %in% tablo$`tmp$Gene.name`==F])
+write.csv(tabloK, "primatesVbats_onlykrogan.csv", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
diff --git a/covid_comp_dataset.pdf b/covid_comp_dataset.pdf
index 37591cdac73e60769156f51add05788c9a09e198..9e62965b4d1d683bf7642c49d32a27d61ec8d0de 100644
Binary files a/covid_comp_dataset.pdf and b/covid_comp_dataset.pdf differ
diff --git a/covid_comp_dataset.tex b/covid_comp_dataset.tex
index b32dd9a7f4693cbc036e5b2a7f54c75d1098b042..a5f59cfd989a107b6b8bee9889a8ba575754ef8c 100644
--- a/covid_comp_dataset.tex
+++ b/covid_comp_dataset.tex
@@ -233,30 +233,18 @@ Analysis were formatted by the script covid\_comp\_script0\_table.Rnw.
 \hlstd{monddata[monddata}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{bats_dginn4}\hlopt{==}\hlnum{1} \hlopt{&} \hlstd{monddata}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{primate_dginn4}\hlopt{==}\hlnum{1}\hlstd{,]}
-##     tmp$Gene.name bats_dginn3 primate_dginn3 bats_dginn4
-## 6           ACADM           1              1           1
-## 7            ACE2           1              1           1
-## 109           GGH           1              1           1
-## 117        GOLGA7           1              1           1
-## 134           IDE           1              1           1
-## 139         ITGB1           1              1           1
-## 146         LMAN2           1              1           1
-## 212         POLA1           1              1           1
-## 263       SLC27A2           1              1           1
-## 301      TOR1AIP1           1              1           1
-## 314         VPS39           1              1           1
-##     primate_dginn4
-## 6                1
-## 7                1
-## 109              1
-## 117              1
-## 134              1
-## 139              1
-## 146              1
-## 212              1
-## 263              1
-## 301              1
-## 314              1
+##     tmp$Gene.name bats_dginn3 primate_dginn3 bats_dginn4 primate_dginn4
+## 6           ACADM           1              1           1              1
+## 7            ACE2           1              1           1              1
+## 109           GGH           1              1           1              1
+## 117        GOLGA7           1              1           1              1
+## 134           IDE           1              1           1              1
+## 139         ITGB1           1              1           1              1
+## 146         LMAN2           1              1           1              1
+## 212         POLA1           1              1           1              1
+## 263       SLC27A2           1              1           1              1
+## 301      TOR1AIP1           1              1           1              1
+## 314         VPS39           1              1           1              1
@@ -269,44 +257,25 @@ Analysis were formatted by the script covid\_comp\_script0\_table.Rnw.
 \hlstd{monddata[monddata}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{bats_dginn3}\hlopt{==}\hlnum{1} \hlopt{&} \hlstd{monddata}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{primate_dginn3}\hlopt{==}\hlnum{1}\hlstd{,]}
-##     tmp$Gene.name bats_dginn3 primate_dginn3 bats_dginn4
-## 6           ACADM           1              1           1
-## 7            ACE2           1              1           1
-## 9           ADAM9           1              1           0
-## 34       CDK5RAP2           1              1           0
-## 71          EDEM3           1              1           1
-## 109           GGH           1              1           1
-## 117        GOLGA7           1              1           1
-## 134           IDE           1              1           1
-## 139         ITGB1           1              1           1
-## 146         LMAN2           1              1           1
-## 157        MIPOL1           1              1           0
-## 159         MOV10           1              1           0
-## 212         POLA1           1              1           1
-## 239      RAP1GDS1           1              1           1
-## 257        SCCPDH           1              1           0
-## 263       SLC27A2           1              1           1
-## 301      TOR1AIP1           1              1           1
-## 314         VPS39           1              1           1
-##     primate_dginn4
-## 6                1
-## 7                1
-## 9                0
-## 34               1
-## 71               0
-## 109              1
-## 117              1
-## 134              1
-## 139              1
-## 146              1
-## 157              1
-## 159              0
-## 212              1
-## 239              0
-## 257              0
-## 263              1
-## 301              1
-## 314              1
+##     tmp$Gene.name bats_dginn3 primate_dginn3 bats_dginn4 primate_dginn4
+## 6           ACADM           1              1           1              1
+## 7            ACE2           1              1           1              1
+## 9           ADAM9           1              1           0              0
+## 34       CDK5RAP2           1              1           0              1
+## 71          EDEM3           1              1           1              0
+## 109           GGH           1              1           1              1
+## 117        GOLGA7           1              1           1              1
+## 134           IDE           1              1           1              1
+## 139         ITGB1           1              1           1              1
+## 146         LMAN2           1              1           1              1
+## 157        MIPOL1           1              1           0              1
+## 159         MOV10           1              1           0              0
+## 212         POLA1           1              1           1              1
+## 239      RAP1GDS1           1              1           1              0
+## 257        SCCPDH           1              1           0              0
+## 263       SLC27A2           1              1           1              1
+## 301      TOR1AIP1           1              1           1              1
+## 314         VPS39           1              1           1              1
@@ -322,88 +291,47 @@ Analysis were formatted by the script covid\_comp\_script0\_table.Rnw.
 \hlstd{monddata[monddata}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{bats_dginn4}\hlopt{==}\hlnum{0} \hlopt{&} \hlstd{monddata}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{primate_dginn4}\hlopt{==}\hlnum{1}\hlstd{,]}
-##     tmp$Gene.name bats_dginn3 primate_dginn3 bats_dginn4
-## 31           BRD4           0              1           0
-## 34       CDK5RAP2           1              1           0
-## 37         CEP135           0              1           0
-## 40          CEP68           0              1           0
-## 47          CLIP4           0              1           0
-## 67          DNMT1           0              1           0
-## 68           DPH5           0              1           0
-## 75           EMC1           0              1           0
-## 80          ERO1B           0              1           0
-## 101         FYCO1           0              1           0
-## 105          GCC2           0              1           0
-## 110         GHITM           0              1           0
-## 111        GIGYF2           0              1           0
-## 112           GLA           0              1           0
-## 127        HECTD1           0              1           0
-## 143         LARP1           0              1           0
-## 144        LARP4B           0              1           0
-## 150         MARK1           0              1           0
-## 157        MIPOL1           1              1           0
-## 160     MPHOSPH10           0              1           0
-## 166        MYCBP2           0              1           0
-## 171       NDUFAF2           0              1           0
-## 172        NDUFB9           0              1           0
-## 187         NUP58           0              1           0
-## 195          PCNT           0              1           0
-## 218         PRIM2           0              1           0
-## 220       PRKAR2A           0              1           0
-## 227           PVR           0              1           0
-## 245         REEP6           0              1           0
-## 248         RIPK1           0              1           0
-## 253         SAAL1           0              1           0
-## 259       SEPSECS           0              1           0
-## 261         SIRT5           0              1           0
-## 262      SLC25A21           0              1           0
-## 296       TMEM39B           0              1           0
-## 298       TMPRSS2           0              1           0
-## 304       TUBGCP2           0              1           0
-## 307         UBAP2           0              1           0
-## 310         UGGT2           0              1           0
-## 321        ZNF318           0              1           0
-##     primate_dginn4
-## 31               1
-## 34               1
-## 37               1
-## 40               1
-## 47               1
-## 67               1
-## 68               1
-## 75               1
-## 80               1
-## 101              1
-## 105              1
-## 110              1
-## 111              1
-## 112              1
-## 127              1
-## 143              1
-## 144              1
-## 150              1
-## 157              1
-## 160              1
-## 166              1
-## 171              1
-## 172              1
-## 187              1
-## 195              1
-## 218              1
-## 220              1
-## 227              1
-## 245              1
-## 248              1
-## 253              1
-## 259              1
-## 261              1
-## 262              1
-## 296              1
-## 298              1
-## 304              1
-## 307              1
-## 310              1
-## 321              1
+##     tmp$Gene.name bats_dginn3 primate_dginn3 bats_dginn4 primate_dginn4
+## 31           BRD4           0              1           0              1
+## 34       CDK5RAP2           1              1           0              1
+## 37         CEP135           0              1           0              1
+## 40          CEP68           0              1           0              1
+## 47          CLIP4           0              1           0              1
+## 67          DNMT1           0              1           0              1
+## 68           DPH5           0              1           0              1
+## 75           EMC1           0              1           0              1
+## 80          ERO1B           0              1           0              1
+## 101         FYCO1           0              1           0              1
+## 105          GCC2           0              1           0              1
+## 110         GHITM           0              1           0              1
+## 111        GIGYF2           0              1           0              1
+## 112           GLA           0              1           0              1
+## 127        HECTD1           0              1           0              1
+## 143         LARP1           0              1           0              1
+## 144        LARP4B           0              1           0              1
+## 150         MARK1           0              1           0              1
+## 157        MIPOL1           1              1           0              1
+## 160     MPHOSPH10           0              1           0              1
+## 166        MYCBP2           0              1           0              1
+## 171       NDUFAF2           0              1           0              1
+## 172        NDUFB9           0              1           0              1
+## 187         NUP58           0              1           0              1
+## 195          PCNT           0              1           0              1
+## 218         PRIM2           0              1           0              1
+## 220       PRKAR2A           0              1           0              1
+## 227           PVR           0              1           0              1
+## 245         REEP6           0              1           0              1
+## 248         RIPK1           0              1           0              1
+## 253         SAAL1           0              1           0              1
+## 259       SEPSECS           0              1           0              1
+## 261         SIRT5           0              1           0              1
+## 262      SLC25A21           0              1           0              1
+## 296       TMEM39B           0              1           0              1
+## 298       TMPRSS2           0              1           0              1
+## 304       TUBGCP2           0              1           0              1
+## 307         UBAP2           0              1           0              1
+## 310         UGGT2           0              1           0              1
+## 321        ZNF318           0              1           0              1
@@ -416,148 +344,77 @@ Analysis were formatted by the script covid\_comp\_script0\_table.Rnw.
 \hlstd{monddata[monddata}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{bats_dginn3}\hlopt{==}\hlnum{0} \hlopt{&} \hlstd{monddata}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{primate_dginn3}\hlopt{==}\hlnum{1}\hlstd{,]}
-##     tmp$Gene.name bats_dginn3 primate_dginn3 bats_dginn4
-## 19          AP2A2           0              1           0
-## 23           ATE1           0              1           0
-## 31           BRD4           0              1           0
-## 32           BZW2           0              1           0
-## 37         CEP135           0              1           0
-## 40          CEP68           0              1           0
-## 47          CLIP4           0              1           0
-## 48          CNTRL           0              1           0
-## 67          DNMT1           0              1           0
-## 68           DPH5           0              1           0
-## 72         EIF4E2           0              1           0
-## 75           EMC1           0              1           0
-## 80          ERO1B           0              1           0
-## 83         EXOSC2           0              1           0
-## 101         FYCO1           0              1           0
-## 105          GCC2           0              1           0
-## 110         GHITM           0              1           0
-## 111        GIGYF2           0              1           0
-## 112           GLA           0              1           0
-## 118        GOLGB1           0              1           0
-## 119       GORASP1           0              1           0
-## 125         HDAC2           0              1           0
-## 127        HECTD1           0              1           0
-## 131        HS6ST2           0              1           0
-## 143         LARP1           0              1           0
-## 144        LARP4B           0              1           0
-## 145         LARP7           0              1           0
-## 150         MARK1           0              1           0
-## 154          MDN1           0              1           0
-## 160     MPHOSPH10           0              1           0
-## 164         MRPS5           0              1           0
-## 166        MYCBP2           0              1           0
-## 168         NAT14           0              1           0
-## 171       NDUFAF2           0              1           0
-## 172        NDUFB9           0              1           0
-## 176         NGLY1           0              1           0
-## 181          NPC2           0              1           0
-## 187         NUP58           0              1           0
-## 195          PCNT           0              1           0
-## 202        PITRM1           0              1           0
-## 204          PLAT           0              1           0
-## 208         PLOD2           0              1           0
-## 210         PMPCB           0              1           0
-## 214           POR           0              1           0
-## 218         PRIM2           0              1           0
-## 220       PRKAR2A           0              1           0
-## 224         PTBP2           0              1           0
-## 227           PVR           0              1           0
-## 230         RAB14           0              1           0
-## 232         RAB1A           0              1           0
-## 233         RAB2A           0              1           0
-## 242          RBX1           0              1           0
-## 245         REEP6           0              1           0
-## 248         RIPK1           0              1           0
-## 250         RPL36           0              1           0
-## 253         SAAL1           0              1           0
-## 259       SEPSECS           0              1           0
-## 261         SIRT5           0              1           0
-## 262      SLC25A21           0              1           0
-## 277          STOM           0              1           0
-## 290        TIMM8B           0              1           0
-## 296       TMEM39B           0              1           0
-## 298       TMPRSS2           0              1           0
-## 302        TRIM59           0              1           0
-## 303         TRMT1           0              1           0
-## 304       TUBGCP2           0              1           0
-## 307         UBAP2           0              1           0
-## 310         UGGT2           0              1           0
-## 312         USP54           0              1           0
-## 321        ZNF318           0              1           0
-##     primate_dginn4
-## 19               0
-## 23               0
-## 31               1
-## 32               0
-## 37               1
-## 40               1
-## 47               1
-## 48               0
-## 67               1
-## 68               1
-## 72               0
-## 75               1
-## 80               1
-## 83               0
-## 101              1
-## 105              1
-## 110              1
-## 111              1
-## 112              1
-## 118              0
-## 119              0
-## 125              0
-## 127              1
-## 131              0
-## 143              1
-## 144              1
-## 145              0
-## 150              1
-## 154              0
-## 160              1
-## 164              0
-## 166              1
-## 168              0
-## 171              1
-## 172              1
-## 176              0
-## 181              0
-## 187              1
-## 195              1
-## 202              0
-## 204              0
-## 208              0
-## 210              0
-## 214              0
-## 218              1
-## 220              1
-## 224              0
-## 227              1
-## 230              0
-## 232              0
-## 233              0
-## 242              0
-## 245              1
-## 248              1
-## 250              0
-## 253              1
-## 259              1
-## 261              1
-## 262              1
-## 277              0
-## 290              0
-## 296              1
-## 298              1
-## 302              0
-## 303              0
-## 304              1
-## 307              1
-## 310              1
-## 312              0
-## 321              1
+##     tmp$Gene.name bats_dginn3 primate_dginn3 bats_dginn4 primate_dginn4
+## 19          AP2A2           0              1           0              0
+## 23           ATE1           0              1           0              0
+## 31           BRD4           0              1           0              1
+## 32           BZW2           0              1           0              0
+## 37         CEP135           0              1           0              1
+## 40          CEP68           0              1           0              1
+## 47          CLIP4           0              1           0              1
+## 48          CNTRL           0              1           0              0
+## 67          DNMT1           0              1           0              1
+## 68           DPH5           0              1           0              1
+## 72         EIF4E2           0              1           0              0
+## 75           EMC1           0              1           0              1
+## 80          ERO1B           0              1           0              1
+## 83         EXOSC2           0              1           0              0
+## 101         FYCO1           0              1           0              1
+## 105          GCC2           0              1           0              1
+## 110         GHITM           0              1           0              1
+## 111        GIGYF2           0              1           0              1
+## 112           GLA           0              1           0              1
+## 118        GOLGB1           0              1           0              0
+## 119       GORASP1           0              1           0              0
+## 125         HDAC2           0              1           0              0
+## 127        HECTD1           0              1           0              1
+## 131        HS6ST2           0              1           0              0
+## 143         LARP1           0              1           0              1
+## 144        LARP4B           0              1           0              1
+## 145         LARP7           0              1           0              0
+## 150         MARK1           0              1           0              1
+## 154          MDN1           0              1           0              0
+## 160     MPHOSPH10           0              1           0              1
+## 164         MRPS5           0              1           0              0
+## 166        MYCBP2           0              1           0              1
+## 168         NAT14           0              1           0              0
+## 171       NDUFAF2           0              1           0              1
+## 172        NDUFB9           0              1           0              1
+## 176         NGLY1           0              1           0              0
+## 181          NPC2           0              1           0              0
+## 187         NUP58           0              1           0              1
+## 195          PCNT           0              1           0              1
+## 202        PITRM1           0              1           0              0
+## 204          PLAT           0              1           0              0
+## 208         PLOD2           0              1           0              0
+## 210         PMPCB           0              1           0              0
+## 214           POR           0              1           0              0
+## 218         PRIM2           0              1           0              1
+## 220       PRKAR2A           0              1           0              1
+## 224         PTBP2           0              1           0              0
+## 227           PVR           0              1           0              1
+## 230         RAB14           0              1           0              0
+## 232         RAB1A           0              1           0              0
+## 233         RAB2A           0              1           0              0
+## 242          RBX1           0              1           0              0
+## 245         REEP6           0              1           0              1
+## 248         RIPK1           0              1           0              1
+## 250         RPL36           0              1           0              0
+## 253         SAAL1           0              1           0              1
+## 259       SEPSECS           0              1           0              1
+## 261         SIRT5           0              1           0              1
+## 262      SLC25A21           0              1           0              1
+## 277          STOM           0              1           0              0
+## 290        TIMM8B           0              1           0              0
+## 296       TMEM39B           0              1           0              1
+## 298       TMPRSS2           0              1           0              1
+## 302        TRIM59           0              1           0              0
+## 303         TRMT1           0              1           0              0
+## 304       TUBGCP2           0              1           0              1
+## 307         UBAP2           0              1           0              1
+## 310         UGGT2           0              1           0              1
+## 312         USP54           0              1           0              0
+## 321        ZNF318           0              1           0              1
@@ -573,30 +430,18 @@ Analysis were formatted by the script covid\_comp\_script0\_table.Rnw.
 \hlstd{monddata[monddata}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{bats_dginn4}\hlopt{==}\hlnum{1} \hlopt{&} \hlstd{monddata}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{primate_dginn4}\hlopt{==}\hlnum{0}\hlstd{,]}
-##     tmp$Gene.name bats_dginn3 primate_dginn3 bats_dginn4
-## 14          AKAP9           1              0           1
-## 26        ATP6AP1           1              0           1
-## 44          CISD3           1              0           1
-## 71          EDEM3           1              1           1
-## 77         ERGIC1           1              0           1
-## 136        IMPDH2           1              0           1
-## 137         INHBE           1              0           1
-## 231         RAB18           1              0           1
-## 239      RAP1GDS1           1              1           1
-## 267       SLC44A2           1              0           1
-## 283          TBK1           1              0           1
-##     primate_dginn4
-## 14               0
-## 26               0
-## 44               0
-## 71               0
-## 77               0
-## 136              0
-## 137              0
-## 231              0
-## 239              0
-## 267              0
-## 283              0
+##     tmp$Gene.name bats_dginn3 primate_dginn3 bats_dginn4 primate_dginn4
+## 14          AKAP9           1              0           1              0
+## 26        ATP6AP1           1              0           1              0
+## 44          CISD3           1              0           1              0
+## 71          EDEM3           1              1           1              0
+## 77         ERGIC1           1              0           1              0
+## 136        IMPDH2           1              0           1              0
+## 137         INHBE           1              0           1              0
+## 231         RAB18           1              0           1              0
+## 239      RAP1GDS1           1              1           1              0
+## 267       SLC44A2           1              0           1              0
+## 283          TBK1           1              0           1              0
@@ -609,48 +454,27 @@ Analysis were formatted by the script covid\_comp\_script0\_table.Rnw.
 \hlstd{monddata[monddata}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{bats_dginn3}\hlopt{==}\hlnum{1} \hlopt{&} \hlstd{monddata}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{primate_dginn3}\hlopt{==}\hlnum{0}\hlstd{,]}
-##     tmp$Gene.name bats_dginn3 primate_dginn3 bats_dginn4
-## 5           ACAD9           1              0           0
-## 11           AGPS           1              0           0
-## 14          AKAP9           1              0           1
-## 26        ATP6AP1           1              0           1
-## 44          CISD3           1              0           1
-## 49         COL6A1           1              0           0
-## 77         ERGIC1           1              0           1
-## 122       GRIPAP1           1              0           0
-## 123        GRPEL1           1              0           0
-## 136        IMPDH2           1              0           1
-## 137         INHBE           1              0           1
-## 151         MARK2           1              0           0
-## 185        NUP214           1              0           0
-## 217         PRIM1           1              0           0
-## 226         PUSL1           1              0           0
-## 231         RAB18           1              0           1
-## 266       SLC30A9           1              0           0
-## 267       SLC44A2           1              0           1
-## 268      SLC9A3R1           1              0           0
-## 283          TBK1           1              0           1
-##     primate_dginn4
-## 5                0
-## 11               0
-## 14               0
-## 26               0
-## 44               0
-## 49               0
-## 77               0
-## 122              0
-## 123              0
-## 136              0
-## 137              0
-## 151              0
-## 185              0
-## 217              0
-## 226              0
-## 231              0
-## 266              0
-## 267              0
-## 268              0
-## 283              0
+##     tmp$Gene.name bats_dginn3 primate_dginn3 bats_dginn4 primate_dginn4
+## 5           ACAD9           1              0           0              0
+## 11           AGPS           1              0           0              0
+## 14          AKAP9           1              0           1              0
+## 26        ATP6AP1           1              0           1              0
+## 44          CISD3           1              0           1              0
+## 49         COL6A1           1              0           0              0
+## 77         ERGIC1           1              0           1              0
+## 122       GRIPAP1           1              0           0              0
+## 123        GRPEL1           1              0           0              0
+## 136        IMPDH2           1              0           1              0
+## 137         INHBE           1              0           1              0
+## 151         MARK2           1              0           0              0
+## 185        NUP214           1              0           0              0
+## 217         PRIM1           1              0           0              0
+## 226         PUSL1           1              0           0              0
+## 231         RAB18           1              0           1              0
+## 266       SLC30A9           1              0           0              0
+## 267       SLC44A2           1              0           1              0
+## 268      SLC9A3R1           1              0           0              0
+## 283          TBK1           1              0           1              0
@@ -787,6 +611,111 @@ Analysis were formatted by the script covid\_comp\_script0\_table.Rnw.
+Restreindre ce tableau aux gènes présent dans l'analyse de Krogan.
+\definecolor{shadecolor}{rgb}{0.969, 0.969, 0.969}\color{fgcolor}\begin{kframe}
+\hlcom{# Reading the Krogan table}
+  \hlstr{"data/COVID_PAMLresults_332hits_plusBatScreens_2020_Apr14.csv"}\hlstd{),}
+        \hlkwc{fill}\hlstd{=T,} \hlkwc{h}\hlstd{=T,} \hlkwc{dec}\hlstd{=}\hlstr{","}\hlstd{)}
+## [1] 332  84
+\hlcom{#Formating the column Gene.name and changing one wierd name}
+\hlcom{#Adding ACE2 and TMPRSS2}
+\hlstd{krogan}\hlkwb{<-}\hlkwd{c}\hlstd{(tab}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{Gene.name,}  \hlstr{"ACE2"}\hlstd{,} \hlstr{"TMPRSS2"}\hlstd{)}
+\hlcom{# The list}
+## [1] 334
+##   [1] "PCNT"      "PVR"       "POLA1"     "FASTKD5"   "PRIM2"     "ITGB1"     "CNTRL"     "SIRT5"     "CEP250"    "MRPS5"    
+##  [11] "CENPF"     "TRMT1"     "SAAL1"     "CEP68"     "NINL"      "AKAP9"     "NDUFAF2"   "GOLGB1"    "UGGT2"     "SEPSECS"  
+##  [21] "ABCC1"     "CDK5RAP2"  "PDE4DIP"   "ACADM"     "PRRC2B"    "SLC25A21"  "PUSL1"     "NDUFB9"    "TOR1AIP1"  "MDN1"     
+##  [31] "GCC2"      "ERLEC1"    "FYCO1"     "GHITM"     "GORASP1"   "USP54"     "ATE1"      "MRPS27"    "VPS39"     "CEP350"   
+##  [41] "ALG11"     "MPHOSPH10" "SLC27A2"   "ALG8"      "BCS1L"     "STOM"      "NUP210"    "GOLGA2"    "EDEM3"     "DCTPP1"   
+##  [51] "GIGYF2"    "UBAP2"     "DDX21"     "RAB18"     "MARK1"     "PRIM1"     "C19orf52"  "ZNF318"    "ALG5"      "EXOSC3"   
+##  [61] "UBXN8"     "PABPC1"    "LMAN2"     "RIPK1"     "JAKMIP1"   "TARS2"     "NDUFAF1"   "PCSK6"     "ANO6"      "SNIP1"    
+##  [71] "DNMT1"     "PRKAR2B"   "PLEKHA5"   "FKBP15"    "KDELC2"    "FBN1"      "NUP88"     "ATP13A3"   "TRIM59"    "NPC2"     
+##  [81] "MEPCE"     "PLAT"      "EXOSC8"    "CEP135"    "GCC1"      "MIPOL1"    "YIF1A"     "AASS"      "GLA"       "FAM162A"  
+##  [91] "FBXL12"    "EXOSC5"    "NGDN"      "ATP6AP1"   "LARP7"     "SIL1"      "NUP62"     "NDFIP2"    "COLGALT1"  "ECSIT"    
+## [101] "EMC1"      "AP3B1"     "POLA2"     "CLIP4"     "SLU7"      "CLCC1"     "ERO1LB"    "ATP5L"     "ERMP1"     "HS6ST2"   
+## [111] "NUPL1"     "EIF4H"     "ZYG11B"    "EXOSC2"    "ADCK4"     "WFS1"      "TAPT1"     "SPG20"     "NGLY1"     "FAR2"     
+## [121] "CHMP2A"    "NLRX1"     "NUP214"    "PIGO"      "PITRM1"    "ATP1B1"    "PPT1"      "HYOU1"     "TUBGCP2"   "KDELC1"   
+## [131] "WHSC1"     "GDF15"     "NARS2"     "AKAP8"     "TBK1"      "BRD4"      "GRIPAP1"   "PRKAR2A"   "MOGS"      "SCAP"     
+## [141] "AATF"      "BRD2"      "FBN2"      "AKAP8L"    "OS9"       "SIGMAR1"   "MTCH1"     "LARP4B"    "FAM134C"   "ARL6IP6"  
+## [151] "RBM28"     "MRPS2"     "CEP112"    "LARP1"     "INHBE"     "AGPS"      "MRPS25"    "MTARC1"    "F2RL1"     "MFGE8"    
+## [161] "SLC9A3R1"  "CWC27"     "CYB5B"     "MAP7D1"    "IDE"       "PMPCA"     "GGH"       "QSOX2"     "GNG5"      "PKP2"     
+## [171] "PMPCB"     "RRP9"      "NIN"       "CUL2"      "ADAM9"     "TMEM39B"   "RAB8A"     "CYB5R3"    "GPAA1"     "TM2D3"    
+## [181] "COMT"      "SLC30A9"   "PLD3"      "CHPF"      "SRP19"     "FKBP7"     "DDX10"     "ATP6V1A"   "AAR2"      "VIMP"     
+## [191] "NAT14"     "MYCBP2"    "ERC1"      "DCAF7"     "FBLN5"     "CSDE1"     "TCEB1"     "RAB14"     "BZW2"      "VPS11"    
+## [201] "CIT"       "SLC30A6"   "DPY19L1"   "RTN4"      "AP2M1"     "RNF41"     "TOR1A"     "PSMD8"     "SLC44A2"   "MOV10"    
+## [211] "RAB10"     "NEU1"      "MIB1"      "TYSND1"    "USP13"     "ZC3H7A"    "IMPDH2"    "DNAJC11"   "NEK9"      "PLEKHF2"  
+## [221] "IL17RA"    "GNB1"      "GRPEL1"    "ARF6"      "FKBP10"    "PABPC4"    "HMOX1"     "FOXRED2"   "NOL10"     "SRP72"    
+## [231] "ZDHHC5"    "PTGES2"    "TMED5"     "HOOK1"     "POFUT1"    "SUN2"      "ERP44"     "PRKACA"    "GOLGA3"    "ADAMTS1"  
+## [241] "CSNK2B"    "THTPA"     "PIGS"      "RBM41"     "C1orf50"   "TMEM97"    "RAB2A"     "STC2"      "SMOC1"     "FAM98A"   
+## [251] "INTS4"     "RAB7A"     "HECTD1"    "STOML2"    "POR"       "CSNK2A2"   "HS2ST1"    "DCAKD"     "SRP54"     "SDF2"     
+## [261] "ZNF503"    "SBNO1"     "RAE1"      "TUBGCP3"   "UPF1"      "ERGIC1"    "TLE1"      "TOMM70A"   "KIAA1033"  "DPH5"     
+## [271] "UBAP2L"    "CHPF2"     "GFER"      "TIMM8B"    "RAB5C"     "GOLGA7"    "TIMM10"    "HSBP1"     "BCKDK"     "ACSL3"    
+## [281] "PDZD11"    "GGCX"      "RALA"      "LOX"       "TBKBP1"    "CCDC86"    "NUP98"     "SCCPDH"    "SCARB1"    "CRTC3"    
+## [291] "ETFA"      "FGFR1OP"   "SLC30A7"   "HEATR3"    "COL6A1"    "RDX"       "G3BP1"     "TCF12"     "ZC3H18"    "G3BP2"    
+## [301] "AP2A2"     "PLOD2"     "MARK2"     "TIMM9"     "TIMM10B"   "RHOA"      "REEP5"     "REEP6"     "FAM8A1"    "PPIL3"    
+## [311] "TLE3"      "AES"       "RAP1GDS1"  "HDAC2"     "GTF2F2"    "NUP54"     "MAT2B"     "TCEB2"     "MARK3"     "PTBP2"    
+## [321] "RPL36"     "TBCA"      "NUTF2"     "EIF4E2"    "GPX1"      "RAB1A"     "DNAJC19"   "RBX1"      "CISD3"     "NPTX1"    
+## [331] "BAG5"      "ACAD9"     "ACE2"      "TMPRSS2"
+\hlcom{#In the table, I select line that match the krogan gene name liste}
+\hlstd{tabloK}\hlkwb{<-}\hlstd{tablo[tablo}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{`tmp$Gene.name`} \hlopt{%in%} \hlstd{krogan,]}
+\hlcom{# How many gene lost?}
+## [1] 323   3
+## [1] 311   3
+\hlcom{# Les gènes perdus (dans le tableau mais pas dans la liste de Krogan)}
+\hlkwd{sort}\hlstd{(tablo}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{`tmp$Gene.name`[tablo}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{`tmp$Gene.name`} \hlopt{%in%} \hlstd{krogan}\hlopt{==}\hlstd{F])}
+##  [1] COQ8B   ELOC    ERO1B   MARC1   NSD2    NUP58   PCSK5   RETREG3 SPART   TIMM29  TOMM70  WASHC4 
+## 442 Levels: AAR2 AASS AATF ABCC1 ACAD9 ACADM ACE2 ACSL3 ADAM9 ADAM9[0-2769] ADAM9[0-3120] ADAM9[2768-3030] ... ZYG11B
+\hlcom{# Les gènes de Krogan non présent dans cette liste}
+\hlkwd{sort}\hlstd{(krogan[krogan} \hlopt{%in%} \hlstd{tablo}\hlopt{$}\hlstd{`tmp$Gene.name`}\hlopt{==}\hlstd{F])}
+##  [1] "ADCK4"    "AES"      "ARL6IP6"  "ATP5L"    "BCS1L"    "C19orf52" "C1orf50"  "CYB5R3"   "ERO1LB"   "FAM134C"  "FGFR1OP" 
+## [12] "KIAA1033" "MFGE8"    "MTARC1"   "NUPL1"    "SIGMAR1"  "SPG20"    "TCEB1"    "TCEB2"    "TOMM70A"  "USP13"    "VIMP"    
+## [23] "WHSC1"
+\hlkwd{write.csv}\hlstd{(tabloK,} \hlstr{"primatesVbats_onlykrogan.csv"}\hlstd{,} \hlkwc{row.names}\hlstd{=}\hlnum{FALSE}\hlstd{,} \hlkwc{quote}\hlstd{=}\hlnum{FALSE}\hlstd{)}
diff --git a/figure/mondrianbats-1.pdf b/figure/mondrianbats-1.pdf
index 88a028767f0b688f3d86cff65ac526019bf15e78..f118888ce3962b7a49a63c18ded160cf1522a58b 100644
Binary files a/figure/mondrianbats-1.pdf and b/figure/mondrianbats-1.pdf differ
diff --git a/figure/mondrianbats-2.pdf b/figure/mondrianbats-2.pdf
index 4c00affe25ec1a6d9889513bd814f559d2635cd5..75e09245b05a8d05588e6113cebd103a3cfaceff 100644
Binary files a/figure/mondrianbats-2.pdf and b/figure/mondrianbats-2.pdf differ
diff --git a/figure/subsetbats-1.pdf b/figure/subsetbats-1.pdf
index 9c64b0e5931dc71e5880451e059b0ab80bcf7d10..ac68c5c640816f906700cc0513548c99ba9ad18e 100644
Binary files a/figure/subsetbats-1.pdf and b/figure/subsetbats-1.pdf differ
diff --git a/figure/subsetbats-2.pdf b/figure/subsetbats-2.pdf
index d606faa72e324e1d8d16beca74e1d2c7ad8e0ed1..7be7aa03ad42911125eb39240e9d65869ea1b10a 100644
Binary files a/figure/subsetbats-2.pdf and b/figure/subsetbats-2.pdf differ
diff --git a/figure/subsetbats-3.pdf b/figure/subsetbats-3.pdf
index 8c630df5848249bdacb3658878b7bacd5be68700..eb7db81d96ff6dd8232dbbe216d72b844fb8bcbf 100644
Binary files a/figure/subsetbats-3.pdf and b/figure/subsetbats-3.pdf differ
diff --git a/figure/tablo-1.pdf b/figure/tablo-1.pdf
index 108e006722ae5c7384879c3b274a1de78877d9f7..b9b9dcf90a67e8228b623b14c9fa1008483b4fcb 100644
Binary files a/figure/tablo-1.pdf and b/figure/tablo-1.pdf differ
diff --git a/figure/unnamed-chunk-3-1.pdf b/figure/unnamed-chunk-3-1.pdf
index 7fe25254fd3191ffe605fe654ef8b761739a96aa..a6dd4305d3cf982dc6b0d6654a864108360c15e2 100644
Binary files a/figure/unnamed-chunk-3-1.pdf and b/figure/unnamed-chunk-3-1.pdf differ
diff --git a/primatesVbats_onlykrogan.csv b/primatesVbats_onlykrogan.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1872775fe38d4347754d5fa9dd0803536aff3901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primatesVbats_onlykrogan.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@