# Image Measurements Derived physical metrics and measurements of an organism by the analysis of image through mathematical morphology. ## Description Add in-depth description. --- ## Installation ### Prerequisites/Requirements - **R** version **4.4.1** ### Steps 1. Download this repository or clone it if you wish to contribute. 2. Build the R environment: * launch the R project `ImageMeasurement.Rproj`, * download the dependencies with the R command: `renv::restore()` --- ## Usage Once you have restore the R environment, you can run the script: `main.R`. If everything goes smoothly, a folder "data/tmp" should be populated with images. --- ## Contributing Found a typo in the documentation? Interested in adding a feature or [fixing a bug][issues]? Then by all means [submit an issue][new-issue] or take a stab at submitting a [pull request][using-pull-requests]. If this is your first pull request, it may be helpful to read up on the [GitHub Flow][github-flow]. [issues]: https://gitbio.ens-lyon.fr/igfl/khila/ImageMeasurement/issues [new-issue]: https://gitbio.ens-lyon.fr/igfl/khila/ImageMeasurement/issues/new [using-pull-requests]: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/ [github-flow]: https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/ ### Pull Requests When submitting a pull request: 1. Clone the repo. 2. Create a branch off of `master` and give it a meaningful name (e.g. `my-awesome-new-feature`) and describe the feature or fix. 3. Open a pull request on GitHub. --- ## License This project is licensed under the CeCiLL License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details. --- ## Project status Ongoing.