--- title: IFB (Institu Français de bio-informatique) Cloud author: "Laurent Modolo" output: rmdformats::downcute: self_contain: true use_bookdown: true default_style: "light" lightbox: true css: "./www/style_Rmd.css" --- ```{r include = FALSE} if (!require("fontawesome")) { install.packages("fontawesome") } if (!require("klippy")) { install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("rlesur/klippy") } library(fontawesome) knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = NA) klippy::klippy( position = c('top', 'right'), color = "white", tooltip_message = 'Click to copy', tooltip_success = 'Copied !') ``` <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/"> <img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png" /> </a> [](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) Objective: Start and connect to an appliance on the IFB cloud Instead of working on your computer where you don't have an Unix-like OS or have limited right, we are going to use the [IFB (Institu Français de bio-informatique) Cloud]( https://biosphere.france-bioinformatique.fr/). # Creating an IFB account 1. Access the [**https://biosphere.france-bioinformatique.fr/**](https://biosphere.france-bioinformatique.fr/) website 2. On the top right (First) steps with GNU/Linux Instead of working on your computer where you don't have an Unix-like OS or have limited right, we are going to use the [IFB (Institu Français de bio-informatique) Cloud]( https://biosphere.france-bioinformatique.fr/). For this you will need: 1. Access the [**https://biosphere.france-bioinformatique.fr/**](https://biosphere.france-bioinformatique.fr/) website 2. On the top right of the screen click on <img src="./img/signin_ifb.png" alt="sign in" style="zoom:150%;" /> 3. Then click on  4. Use the **Incremental search field** to select your identity provider (CNRS / ENS de Lyon / etc.) 5. Login 6. Complete the form with your **Name**, **First Name**, **Town** and **Zip Code**. You can ignore the other field and click on **accept**. 7. Go to your **Groups** parameters on the top right  8. Click on  and type **LBMC Unix 2020** 9. You can click on the **+** sign to register and wait to be accepted in the group # Starting the LBMC Unix 2020 appliance To follow this practical you will need to start the **[LBMC Unix 2020](https://biosphere.france-bioinformatique.fr/catalogue/appliance/177/)** appliance from the [IFB Cloud](https://biosphere.france-bioinformatique.fr/) and click on the  button after login with your account. In the IFB jargon, appliance means **virtual machine** (VM). Remember how a universal Turing machine can run any programs ? A virtual machine, is a simulation program, simulating a physical computer. VM's have the following advantages: - Copies of the VM will be identical (there will be no differences between your running *LBMC Unix 2020 appliance* and mine ) - Upon starting the VM is reset to the *LBMC Unix 2020 appliance* state - You can break everything in your VM, terminate it and start a new one. To access to your appliance you can go to the [**myVM** tab](https://biosphere.france-bioinformatique.fr/cloud/)  You will see the list of your running or starting appliances.  **Don't forget to terminate your appliances at the end of the session by clicking on**  You will need to start this appliance at the start of each session of this course and terminate it afterward. The  symbol indicates that your appliance is starting. # Accessing the LBMC Unix 2020 You can open the **https** link next to the termination button of your appliance in a new tab. You will have the following message  This means that the https connection is encrypted with a certificate unknown to your browser. As this certificate is going to be destroyed when you terminate your appliance, we don't want to pay a certification authority to validate it. Therefore you can safely add an exception for this certificate.  The webpage you will load will display only the following line: ```sh achinea3e18205-1f8c-4ee1-995e-d33ef57afa3c login: ``` To get your identification information you can click on the **Params** next to the **https** link. **The password and the https links are one of the only things that going to change when you start a new appliance.** ```sh Password: ``` To copy / paste your password, you will need to perform a right-click and select **past from the browser.**  Then paste your password in the dialog box. Don't worry the password will not be displayed (not even in the form of `*****`, so someone looking at your screen will not be able to guess it's length), you can press **enter** to log on your VM. [First steps in a terminal.](./3_first_steps_in_a_terminal.html)