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SNP calling pipeline to find homozygote SNPs present in JU2817 strain but not in JU2859
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Analysis of cell-cell variability in Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines of the 1000 Genome project
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script d'installation des machines virtuelles pour la formation RNAseq du CIRI (2020)
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repo with analyses for the LBMC review article on RAPToR
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Scripts exploring Chimp and Gorilla data with different packages for population genetics (pegas, adegenet, popGenome, etc.)
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Positive selection screen on SARS-CoV-2 interactome: Analysis of DGINN pipeline's output.
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This repository allow to reproduce the analysis and create figures as in the current publication.
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Coevolution analysis: Retrieval of orthologs of ComR and RocC in Legionella, alignment and phylogeny.
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This repository is a template containing scripts to help you build your own nextflow pipeline.
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Functional analysis of RNAseq differential expression analysis, on competence mutants. Use of COG annotation for enrichment analysis in Legionella pneumophila.
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