# HTRfit ## Installation * method A: To install the latest version of HTRfit, run the following in your R console : ``` if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_git("https://gitbio.ens-lyon.fr/aduvermy/HTRfit") ``` * method B: Alternatively, you can download a release on https://gitbio.ens-lyon.fr/aduvermy/HTRfit/-/releases. Then, run the following in your R console: ``` ## -- example with release HTRfit-v1.0.0 install.packages('/HTRfit-v1.0.0', repos = NULL, type='source') ``` When dependencies are met, installation should take a few minutes. ## CRAN packages dependencies The following depandencies are mandatory: ``` install.packages(c('car', 'parallel', 'data.table', 'ggplot2', 'gridExtra', 'glmmTMB', 'magrittr', 'MASS', 'plotROC', 'reshape2', 'rlang', 'stats', 'utils', 'BiocManager')) BiocManager::install('S4Vectors', update = FALSE) ## -- optional BiocManager::install('DESeq2', update = FALSE) ``` ### System requirements ### Getting started You can access the package's main vignette from your R console with ``` library(HTRfit) vignette("HTRfit") vignette("HTRfit-pdf") ```