% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/evaluationwithmixedeffect.R \name{inferenceToExpected_withMixedEff} \alias{inferenceToExpected_withMixedEff} \title{Compare the mixed-effects inference to expected values.} \usage{ inferenceToExpected_withMixedEff(tidy_tmb, ground_truth_eff) } \arguments{ \item{tidy_tmb}{tidy model results obtained from fitting a mixed-effects model.} \item{ground_truth_eff}{A data frame containing ground truth effects.} } \value{ A data frame with the comparison of estimated mixed effects to expected values. } \description{ This function compares the mixed-effects inference obtained from a mixed-effects model to expected values derived from a ground truth dataset. The function assumes a specific type I mixed-effect structure in the input model. } \examples{ \dontrun{ inferenceToExpected_withMixedEff(tidy_tmb(l_tmb), ground_truth_eff) } }