% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/actualinteractionfixeffects.R
\title{Get the actual interaction values for a given interaction term in the data.}
getActualInteractionFixEff(labelsInInteraction, data, categorical_vars)
\item{labelsInInteraction}{A character vector containing the labels of the categorical levels
involved in the interaction.}

\item{data}{The dataset containing the gene expression data and categorical variables.}

\item{categorical_vars}{A character vector containing the names of the categorical variables in
the dataset.}
A data frame containing the actual interaction values.
This function takes an interaction term, the dataset, and the names of the categorical variables
as inputs. It calculates the actual interaction values based on the difference in log-transformed
mean expression levels for the specified interaction term. The function first prepares the data for
computing the interaction values and then generates the actual interaction values.