% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/evaluationwithmixedeffect.R
\title{Compare inference results to expected values for a given model.}
compareInferenceToExpected(tidy_tmb, ground_truth_eff, formula_used)
\item{tidy_tmb}{A fitted model object convert to tidy dataframe.}

\item{ground_truth_eff}{A ground truth dataset with the simulated effects.}

\item{formula_used}{formula used in model}
A data frame containing the comparison results, including the term names, inference values, and expected values.
This function compares the inference results from a model to the expected values based on a ground truth dataset with the simulated effects. The function handles models with mixed effects and fixed effects separately, ensuring that the comparison is appropriate for the specific model type.
If a model includes mixed effects, the function checks for support for the specific mixed effect structure and provides an informative error message if the structure is not supported.
evalData <- compareInferenceToExpected(l_tmb, ground_truth_eff)