% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/plot_metrics.R \name{subset_glance} \alias{subset_glance} \title{Subset the glance DataFrame based on selected variables.} \usage{ subset_glance(glance_df, focus) } \arguments{ \item{glance_df}{The glance DataFrame to subset.} \item{focus}{A character vector of variable names to keep, including "AIC", "BIC", "logLik", "deviance", "df.resid", and "dispersion".} } \value{ A subsetted glance DataFrame with only the selected variables. } \description{ This function subsets the glance DataFrame to keep only the specified variables. } \examples{ data(iris) models <- fitModelParallel(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length, group_by = "Species",n.cores = 1, data = iris) glance_df <- glance_tmb(models) glance_df$group_id <- rownames(glance_df) subset_glance(glance_df, c("AIC", "BIC")) }