% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/rocr_pkg_classes.R \docType{class} \name{prediction-class} \alias{prediction-class} \title{Class \code{prediction}} \description{ Object to encapsulate numerical predictions together with the corresponding true class labels, optionally collecting predictions and labels for several cross-validation or bootstrapping runs. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{predictions}}{A list, in which each element is a vector of predictions (the list has length > 1 for x-validation data.} \item{\code{labels}}{Analogously, a list in which each element is a vector of true class labels.} \item{\code{cutoffs}}{A list in which each element is a vector of all necessary cutoffs. Each cutoff vector consists of the predicted scores (duplicates removed), in descending order.} \item{\code{fp}}{A list in which each element is a vector of the number (not the rate!) of false positives induced by the cutoffs given in the corresponding 'cutoffs' list entry.} \item{\code{tp}}{As fp, but for true positives.} \item{\code{tn}}{As fp, but for true negatives.} \item{\code{fn}}{As fp, but for false negatives.} \item{\code{n.pos}}{A list in which each element contains the number of positive samples in the given x-validation run.} \item{\code{n.neg}}{As n.pos, but for negative samples.} \item{\code{n.pos.pred}}{A list in which each element is a vector of the number of samples predicted as positive at the cutoffs given in the corresponding 'cutoffs' entry.} \item{\code{n.neg.pred}}{As n.pos.pred, but for negatively predicted samples.} }} \note{ Every \code{prediction} object contains information about the 2x2 contingency table consisting of tp,tn,fp, and fn, along with the marginal sums n.pos,n.neg,n.pos.pred,n.neg.pred, because these form the basis for many derived performance measures. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by using the \code{prediction} function. } \seealso{ \code{\link{prediction}}, \code{\link{performance}}, \code{\link{performance-class}}, \code{\link{plot.performance}} } \author{ Tobias Sing \email{tobias.sing@gmail.com}, Oliver Sander \email{osander@gmail.com} }