% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/simulation_report.R \name{isValidEvalInput} \alias{isValidEvalInput} \title{Validate input parameters for evaluation} \usage{ isValidEvalInput( mock_obj, list_gene, list_tmb, dds, coeff_threshold, alt_hypothesis, alpha_risk ) } \arguments{ \item{mock_obj}{Mock object containing data for evaluation.} \item{list_gene}{Character vector of gene names to evaluate. Default is NULL.} \item{list_tmb}{List of glmmTMB objects to evaluate. Default is NULL.} \item{dds}{DESeqDataSet object to evaluate. Default is NULL.} \item{coeff_threshold}{Numeric value representing the threshold for coefficients.} \item{alt_hypothesis}{Numeric value representing the alternative hypothesis. Should be one of 'greaterAbs', 'greater', or 'less'.} \item{alpha_risk}{Numeric value representing the alpha risk for hypothesis testing.} } \value{ TRUE or error message } \description{ This function validates the input parameters used for evaluation, ensuring that they meet the required criteria. }