% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/precision_recall.R \name{get_pr_object} \alias{get_pr_object} \title{Gets precision-recall objects for a given parameter.} \usage{ get_pr_object( evaldata_params, col_param = "description", col_truth = "isDE", col_score = "p.adj" ) } \arguments{ \item{evaldata_params}{Data table containing evaluation parameters.} \item{col_param}{Column name specifying the parameter for grouping.} \item{col_truth}{Column name for binary ground truth values.} \item{col_score}{Column name for predicted scores.} } \value{ A list containing precision-recall curves and AUCs for each group and an aggregate precision-recall curve and AUC. } \description{ This function takes a data table of evaluation parameters and returns precision-recall curves for each term and an aggregate precision-recall curve. }