% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/simulation.R \name{getMu_ij} \alias{getMu_ij} \title{Calculate mu_ij values based on coefficient data frame and scaling factor} \usage{ getMu_ij(dtf_coef) } \arguments{ \item{dtf_coef}{Coefficient data frame containing the log_qij values} } \value{ Coefficient data frame with an additional mu_ij column } \description{ This function calculates mu_ij values by raising 2 to the power of the log_qij values from the coefficient data frame and multiplying it by the provided scaling factor. } \examples{ list_var <- init_variable() dtf_coef <- getInput2simulation(list_var, 10) dtf_coef <- getLog_qij(dtf_coef) dtf_coef <- addBasalExpression(dtf_coef, 10, c(10, 20, 0)) getMu_ij(dtf_coef) }