% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/receiver_operating_characteristic.R \name{getLabelExpected} \alias{getLabelExpected} \title{Get Labels for Expected Differential Expression} \usage{ getLabelExpected(comparison_df, coeff_threshold, alt_hypothesis) } \arguments{ \item{comparison_df}{A data frame containing comparison results with actual effect estimates.} \item{coeff_threshold}{The threshold value for determining differential expression.} \item{alt_hypothesis}{The alternative hypothesis for comparison. Possible values are "greater", "less", and "greaterAbs".} } \value{ A modified data frame with an additional column indicating if the gene is differentially expressed. } \description{ This function assigns labels to genes based on whether their actual effect estimates indicate differential expression according to a given threshold and alternative hypothesis. } \examples{ # Generate a sample comparison data frame comparison_data <- data.frame( geneID = c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3"), actual = c(0.5, -0.3, 0.8) ) # Get labels for expected differential expression labeled_data <- getLabelExpected(comparison_data, coeff_threshold = 0.2, alt_hypothesis = "greater") }