% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/basal_expression_scaling.R \name{getBinExpression} \alias{getBinExpression} \title{Get bin expression for a data frame.} \usage{ getBinExpression(dtf_coef, n_bins) } \arguments{ \item{dtf_coef}{A data frame containing the values to be binned.} \item{n_bins}{The number of bins to create.} } \value{ A data frame with an additional column named \code{binExpression}, containing the bin labels. } \description{ This function divides the values of a specified column in a data frame into \code{n_bins} bins of equal width. The bin labels are then added as a new column in the data frame. } \examples{ dtf <- data.frame(mu_ij = c(10, 20, 30, 15, 25, 35, 40, 5, 12, 22)) dtf_with_bins <- getBinExpression(dtf, n_bins = 3) }