% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/actual_interactionfixeffects.R
\title{Generate actual values for the interaction fixed effect.}
\item{labelsInInteraction}{A vector containing the labels of the interaction terms.}

\item{l_categoricalVarsInInteraction}{A vector containing the names of categorical variables
involved in the interaction.}

\item{data2computeInteraction}{The data frame used to compute interaction values.}

\item{l_RefInCategoricalVars}{A list containing the reference levels of categorical variables.}
A data frame with the actual values for the interaction fixed effect.
The data frame includes columns: term, actual, and description.
This function calculates the actual values for the interaction fixed effect
based on the input labels in the interaction, categorical variables in the interaction,
data to compute interaction values, actual intercept, and the reference levels in
categorical variables.