% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/simulation_initialization.R \name{fillInVariable} \alias{fillInVariable} \title{Fill in Variable} \usage{ fillInVariable(name, mu, sd, level) } \arguments{ \item{name}{The name of the variable.} \item{mu}{A numeric value or a numeric vector (of length = level) representing the mean.} \item{sd}{A numeric value representing the standard deviation, or NA if not applicable.} \item{level}{A numeric value specifying the number of levels to simulate.} } \value{ A data frame or a list containing the simulated data for the variable. } \description{ This function fills in a variable with simulated data based on the provided parameters. } \examples{ variable_data <- fillInVariable(name = "myVariable", mu = c(2, 3), sd = NA, level = 2) }