% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/evaluation_identity.R \name{eval_identityTerm} \alias{eval_identityTerm} \title{Generate an identity term plot and get metrics associated} \usage{ eval_identityTerm( data_identity, palette_color = c(DESeq2 = "#500472", HTRfit = "#79cbb8"), palette_shape = c(DESeq2 = 17, HTRfit = 19), ... ) } \arguments{ \item{data_identity}{A data frame containing comparison results with "actual" and "estimate" columns.} \item{palette_color}{dict-like palette default: palette_color = c(DESeq2 = "#500472", HTRfit ="#79cbb8")} \item{palette_shape}{Optional parameter that sets the point shape for plots.Default : c(DESeq2 = 17, HTRfit = 19).} \item{...}{additional parameters to pass geom_point aes} } \value{ A ggplot2 identity plot and R2 metric associated } \description{ This function generates an identity plot for comparing actual values with estimates } \examples{ comparison_data <- data.frame( actual = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), estimate = c(0.9, 2.2, 2.8, 4.1, 5.2), description = rep("Category A", 5), term = rep("Category A", 5), from = c("A", "B", "B", "A", "B")) eval_identityTerm(comparison_data, palette_color = c(A = "#500472", B ="#79cbb8"), palette_shape = c(A = 17, B = 19)) }