% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/evaluation_withmixedeffect.R \name{calculate_actualMixed} \alias{calculate_actualMixed} \title{Calculate actual mixed effects.} \usage{ calculate_actualMixed( data_gene, labelRef_InCategoricalVar, labelOther_inCategoricalVar ) } \arguments{ \item{data_gene}{Data for a specific gene.} \item{labelRef_InCategoricalVar}{The reference label for the categorical variable.} \item{labelOther_inCategoricalVar}{Labels for the categorical variable other than the reference label.} } \value{ A data frame containing the calculated actual mixed effects. } \description{ This function calculates actual mixed effects based on the given data for a specific type I mixed-effect structure. } \examples{ \dontrun{ calculate_actualMixed(data_gene, labelRef_InCategoricalVar, labelOther_inCategoricalVar) } }