% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/anova.R \name{anovaParallel} \alias{anovaParallel} \title{Perform ANOVA on Multiple glmmTMB Models in Parallel} \usage{ anovaParallel(list_tmb, ...) } \arguments{ \item{list_tmb}{A list of \code{glmmTMB} models, with model names corresponding to the groups.} \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to \code{\link[stats]{anova}} function.} } \value{ A list of ANOVA results for each group. } \description{ This function performs analysis of variance (ANOVA) on a list of \code{glmmTMB} models in parallel for different groups specified in the list. It returns a list of ANOVA results for each group. } \examples{ # Perform ANOVA data(iris) list_tmb<- fitModelParallel( Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length, data = iris, group_by = "Species", n.cores = 1 ) anov_res <- anovaParallel(list_tmb , type = "III") }