% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/simulation_report.R \name{get_eval_data} \alias{get_eval_data} \title{Gets evaluation data from both TMB and DESeqDataSet (dds) objects.} \usage{ get_eval_data(l_tmb = NULL, dds = NULL, mock_obj, coefficient, alt_hypothesis) } \arguments{ \item{l_tmb}{A list of TMB models (default is NULL).} \item{dds}{A DESeqDataSet object (default is NULL).} \item{mock_obj}{A mock object containing ground truth information.} \item{coefficient}{Threshold value for coefficient testing (default is 0). This threshold corresponds to the natural logarithm of the fold change (ln(FC)).} \item{alt_hypothesis}{The alternative hypothesis for wald test} } \value{ A list containing data frames for model parameters and dispersion. } \description{ This function retrieves evaluation data from TMB and DESeqDataSet (dds) objects, combining the results into a list containing data frames for model parameters and dispersion. }