% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/prepare_data2fit.R \name{getColumnWithSampleID} \alias{getColumnWithSampleID} \title{Get column name with sampleID} \usage{ getColumnWithSampleID(dtf_countsLong, metadata) } \arguments{ \item{dtf_countsLong}{Long data frame of counts} \item{metadata}{Metadata data frame} } \value{ Column name with sampleID } \description{ Returns the column name in the metadata data frame that corresponds to the given sampleID. } \examples{ list_var <- init_variable() mock_data <- mock_rnaseq(list_var, n_genes = 3, 2,2) dtf_countLong <- countMatrix_2longDtf(mock_data$counts) getColumnWithSampleID(dtf_countLong, mock_data$metadata) }