% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/actual_interactionfixeffects.R
\title{Generate Actual Interaction Values for Three Fixed Effects}
\item{labelsInInteraction}{A character vector of labels for the three fixed effects.}

\item{l_categoricalVarsInInteraction}{A list of categorical variable names corresponding to the three fixed effects.}

\item{data2computeInteraction}{The dataset on which to compute the interaction values.}

\item{l_RefInCategoricalVars}{A list of reference values for the categorical variables.}
A data frame with geneID, term description, and actual interaction values.
This function generates actual interaction values for three fixed effects in a dataset. It takes the labels of the three fixed effects, the dataset, and the reference values for the categorical variables. The function computes the actual interaction values and returns a data frame containing the geneID, the term description, and the actual interaction values.