% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/datafrommvrnorm_manipulations.R \name{fillInCovarMatrice} \alias{fillInCovarMatrice} \title{Fill in Covariance Matrix} \usage{ fillInCovarMatrice(covarMatrice, covar) } \arguments{ \item{covarMatrice}{The input covariance matrix.} \item{covar}{A data frame containing the covariance value between two variables.} } \value{ The updated covariance matrix with the specified covariance value filled in. } \description{ This function updates the covariance matrix with the specified covariance value between two variables. } \examples{ covarMat <- matrix(0, nrow = 3, ncol = 3) colnames(covarMat) <- c("label_varA", "label_varB", "label_varC") rownames(covarMat) <- c("label_varA", "label_varB", "label_varC") covarValue <- data.frame("varA.varB" = 0.5) fillInCovarMatrice(covarMatrice = covarMat, covar = covarValue) }