% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/fitmodel.R \name{drop_randfx} \alias{drop_randfx} \title{Drop Random Effects from a Formula} \usage{ drop_randfx(form) } \arguments{ \item{form}{The formula from which random effects should be dropped.} } \value{ A modified formula with specified random effects dropped. } \description{ This function allows you to remove random effects from a formula by specifying which terms to drop. It checks for the presence of vertical bars ('|') in the terms of the formula and drops the random effects accordingly. If all terms are random effects, the function updates the formula to have only an intercept. } \examples{ # Create a formula with random effects formula <- y ~ x1 + (1 | group) + (1 | subject) # Drop the random effects related to 'group' modified_formula <- drop_randfx(formula) }