From f664caecf682cc9692606bf41b12a50a742e0083 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: aduvermy <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 15:48:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] fix issues with writing the 'group' information in log files
 during model update

 R/basal_expression__scaling.R            | 82 ------------------------
 R/fitmodel.R                             |  9 +--
 R/update_fittedmodel.R                   | 14 ++--
 dev/flat_full.Rmd                        | 49 ++++++++------
 man/addBasalExpression.Rd                | 17 +----
 man/fitModel.Rd                          |  6 +-
 man/fitUpdate.Rd                         |  6 +-
 man/generate_basal_expression.Rd         | 11 +---
 man/getBinExpression.Rd                  | 13 +---
 tests/testthat/test-fitmodel.R           | 17 +++--
 tests/testthat/test-update_fittedmodel.R |  9 ++-
 vignettes/htrfit.Rmd                     |  1 -
 12 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 163 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 R/basal_expression__scaling.R

diff --git a/R/basal_expression__scaling.R b/R/basal_expression__scaling.R
deleted file mode 100644
index c2ddc5d..0000000
--- a/R/basal_expression__scaling.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# WARNING - Generated by {fusen} from /dev/flat_full.Rmd: do not edit by hand
-#' Get bin expression for a data frame.
-#' This function divides the values of a specified column in a data frame into \code{n_bins} bins of equal width.
-#' The bin labels are then added as a new column in the data frame.
-#' @param dtf_coef A data frame containing the values to be binned.
-#' @param n_bins The number of bins to create.
-#' @return A data frame with an additional column named \code{binExpression}, containing the bin labels.
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' dtf <- data.frame(mu_ij = c(10, 20, 30, 15, 25, 35, 40, 5, 12, 22))
-#' dtf_with_bins <- getBinExpression(dtf, n_bins = 3)
-getBinExpression <- function(dtf_coef, n_bins){
-      col2bin <- "mu_ij"
-      bin_labels <- cut(dtf_coef[[col2bin]], n_bins, labels = paste("BinExpression", 1:n_bins, sep = "_"))
-      dtf_coef$binExpression <-  bin_labels     
-      return(dtf_coef)
-#' Generate BE data.
-#' This function generates basal expression data for a given number of genes, in a vector of basal expression values.
-#' @param n_genes The number of genes to generate BE data for.
-#' @param basal_expression a numeric vector from which sample BE for eacg genes
-#' @return A data frame containing gene IDs, BE values
-#' @examples
-#' generate_basal_expression(n_genes = 100, 10)
-#' @export
-generate_basal_expression <- function(n_genes, basal_expression) {
-  ## --avoid bug if one value in basal_expr
-  pool2sample <- c(basal_expression, basal_expression)
-  BE <- sample(x = pool2sample, size = n_genes, replace = T)
-  l_geneID <- base::paste("gene", 1:n_genes, sep = "")
-  ret <- list(geneID = l_geneID, basalExpr = BE) %>%
-  return(ret)
-#' Compute basal expresion for gene expression based on the coefficients data frame.
-#' This function takes the coefficients data frame \code{dtf_coef} and computes
-#' basal expression for gene expression. The scaling factors are generated 
-#' using the function \code{generate_basal_expression}.
-#' @param dtf_coef A data frame containing the coefficients for gene expression.
-#' @param n_genes number of genes in simulation
-#' @param basal_expression gene basal expression vector
-#' @return A modified data frame \code{dtf_coef} with an additional column containing
-#'         the scaling factors for gene expression.
-#' @export
-#' @examples 
-#' list_var <- init_variable()
-#' N_GENES <- 5
-#' dtf_coef <- getInput2simulation(list_var, N_GENES)
-#' dtf_coef <- getLog_qij(dtf_coef)
-#' addBasalExpression(dtf_coef, N_GENES, 1)
-addBasalExpression <- function(dtf_coef, n_genes, basal_expression){
-    BE_df  <-  generate_basal_expression(n_genes, basal_expression )
-    dtf_coef <- join_dtf(dtf_coef, BE_df, "geneID", "geneID")
-    return(dtf_coef) 
diff --git a/R/fitmodel.R b/R/fitmodel.R
index de0d84b..b38b1df 100644
--- a/R/fitmodel.R
+++ b/R/fitmodel.R
@@ -105,18 +105,19 @@ is_fullrank <- function(metadata, formula) {
 #' Fit a model using the fitModel function.
+#' @param group group id to save in glmmTMB obj (usefull for update !)
 #' @param formula Formula specifying the model formula
 #' @param data Data frame containing the data
 #' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the glmmTMB::glmmTMB function
 #' @return Fitted model object or NULL if there was an error
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-#' fitModel(formula = mpg ~ cyl + disp, data = mtcars)
-fitModel <- function(formula, data, ...) {
+#' fitModel("mtcars" , formula = mpg ~ cyl + disp, data = mtcars)
+fitModel <- function(group, formula, data, ...) {
   # Fit the model using glm.nb from the GLmmTMB package
   model <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(formula, ..., data = data ) 
   model$frame <- data
+  model$groupId <- group
    ## family in ... => avoid error in future update
   additional_args <- list(...)
   familyArgs <- additional_args[['family']]
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ fitModel <- function(formula, data, ...) {
 #'                  data = iris )
 subsetData_andfit <- function(group, group_by, formula, data, ...) {
   subset_data <- data[data[[group_by]] == group, ]
-  fit_res <- fitModel(formula, subset_data, ...)
+  fit_res <- fitModel(group, formula, subset_data, ...)
   #glance_df <- glance.negbin(group_by ,group , fit_res)
   #tidy_df <- tidy.negbin(group_by ,group,fit_res )
   #list(glance = glance_df, summary = tidy_df)
diff --git a/R/update_fittedmodel.R b/R/update_fittedmodel.R
index 5184432..ffafac2 100644
--- a/R/update_fittedmodel.R
+++ b/R/update_fittedmodel.R
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ parallel_update <- function(formula, list_tmb, n.cores = NULL,
 #' Fit and update a GLMNB model.
 #' This function fits and updates a GLMNB model using the provided formula.
+#' @param group group id to save in glmmTMB obj (usefull for update !)
 #' @param glmm_obj A glmmTMB object to be updated.
 #' @param formula Formula for the updated GLMNB model.
 #' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the glmmTMB::glmmTMB function.
@@ -88,11 +88,13 @@ parallel_update <- function(formula, list_tmb, n.cores = NULL,
 #' formula <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length
 #' fitted_models <- fitModelParallel(formula, iris, group_by, n.cores = 1)
 #' new_formula <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width 
-#' updated_model <- fitUpdate(fitted_models[[1]], new_formula)
-fitUpdate <- function(glmm_obj, formula , ...){
-  data = glmm_obj$frame
+#' updated_model <- fitUpdate("setosa", fitted_models[[1]], new_formula)
+fitUpdate <- function(group, glmm_obj, formula , ...){
+  data <- glmm_obj$frame
   resUpdt <- stats::update(glmm_obj, formula, ...)
   resUpdt$frame <- data
+  ## save groupID => avoid error in future update
+  resUpdt$groupId <- group
   ## family in ... => avoid error in future update
   additional_args <- list(...)
   familyArgs <- additional_args[['family']]
@@ -123,11 +125,11 @@ fitUpdate <- function(glmm_obj, formula , ...){
 #' new_formula <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width 
 #' updated_model <- launchUpdate(fitted_models[[1]], new_formula)
 launchUpdate <- function(glmm_obj, formula,  ...) {
-  group = deparse(substitute(glmm_obj))
+  group <- glmm_obj$groupId
     expr = {
-        fitUpdate(glmm_obj, formula, ...),
+        fitUpdate(group ,glmm_obj, formula, ...),
         warning = function(w) {
           message(paste(Sys.time(), "warning for group", group ,":", conditionMessage(w)))
diff --git a/dev/flat_full.Rmd b/dev/flat_full.Rmd
index c6694dc..d634a49 100644
--- a/dev/flat_full.Rmd
+++ b/dev/flat_full.Rmd
@@ -2517,18 +2517,19 @@ is_fullrank <- function(metadata, formula) {
 #' Fit a model using the fitModel function.
+#' @param group group id to save in glmmTMB obj (usefull for update !)
 #' @param formula Formula specifying the model formula
 #' @param data Data frame containing the data
 #' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the glmmTMB::glmmTMB function
 #' @return Fitted model object or NULL if there was an error
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-#' fitModel(formula = mpg ~ cyl + disp, data = mtcars)
-fitModel <- function(formula, data, ...) {
+#' fitModel("mtcars" , formula = mpg ~ cyl + disp, data = mtcars)
+fitModel <- function(group, formula, data, ...) {
   # Fit the model using glm.nb from the GLmmTMB package
   model <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(formula, ..., data = data ) 
   model$frame <- data
+  model$groupId <- group
    ## family in ... => avoid error in future update
   additional_args <- list(...)
   familyArgs <- additional_args[['family']]
@@ -2556,7 +2557,7 @@ fitModel <- function(formula, data, ...) {
 #'                  data = iris )
 subsetData_andfit <- function(group, group_by, formula, data, ...) {
   subset_data <- data[data[[group_by]] == group, ]
-  fit_res <- fitModel(formula, subset_data, ...)
+  fit_res <- fitModel(group, formula, subset_data, ...)
   #glance_df <- glance.negbin(group_by ,group , fit_res)
   #tidy_df <- tidy.negbin(group_by ,group,fit_res )
   #list(glance = glance_df, summary = tidy_df)
@@ -2688,25 +2689,30 @@ test_that("isValidInput2fit raises an error for missing variable", {
 test_that("fitModel returns a fitted model object", {
   formula <- mpg ~ cyl + disp
-  fitted_model <- suppressWarnings(fitModel(formula, mtcars))
+  fitted_model <- suppressWarnings(fitModel("mtcars", formula, mtcars))
   #expect_warning(fitModel(formula, mtcars))
   expect_s3_class(fitted_model, "glmmTMB")
   # Test with invalid formula
   invalid_formula <- mpg ~ cyl + disp + invalid_var
-  expect_error(fitModel(invalid_formula, mtcars))
+  expect_error(fitModel("mtcars", invalid_formula, mtcars))
+  ## check groupID attr
+  expect_equal(fitted_model$groupId, "mtcars")
    # Additional parameters: 
    #change family + formula
   formula <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + (1 | Species)
-  fitted_models <- suppressWarnings(fitModel(formula = formula, 
-                                                    data = iris, 
-                                                    family = glmmTMB::nbinom1(link = "log") ))
+  fitted_models <- suppressWarnings(fitModel("mtcars",
+                                             formula = formula, 
+                                             data = iris, 
+                                            family = glmmTMB::nbinom1(link = "log") ))
   expect_s3_class(fitted_models$call$family, "family")
   expect_equal(fitted_models$call$formula, formula)
   #change control settings
-  fitted_models <- suppressWarnings(fitModel(formula = formula, 
+  fitted_models <- suppressWarnings(fitModel("mtcars",
+                                              formula = formula, 
                                                     data = iris, 
                                                     family = glmmTMB::nbinom1(link = "log"), 
                                                 control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(iter.max=1e3,
@@ -3014,7 +3020,7 @@ parallel_update <- function(formula, list_tmb, n.cores = NULL,
 #' Fit and update a GLMNB model.
 #' This function fits and updates a GLMNB model using the provided formula.
+#' @param group group id to save in glmmTMB obj (usefull for update !)
 #' @param glmm_obj A glmmTMB object to be updated.
 #' @param formula Formula for the updated GLMNB model.
 #' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the glmmTMB::glmmTMB function.
@@ -3028,11 +3034,13 @@ parallel_update <- function(formula, list_tmb, n.cores = NULL,
 #' formula <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length
 #' fitted_models <- fitModelParallel(formula, iris, group_by, n.cores = 1)
 #' new_formula <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width 
-#' updated_model <- fitUpdate(fitted_models[[1]], new_formula)
-fitUpdate <- function(glmm_obj, formula , ...){
-  data = glmm_obj$frame
+#' updated_model <- fitUpdate("setosa", fitted_models[[1]], new_formula)
+fitUpdate <- function(group, glmm_obj, formula , ...){
+  data <- glmm_obj$frame
   resUpdt <- stats::update(glmm_obj, formula, ...)
   resUpdt$frame <- data
+  ## save groupID => avoid error in future update
+  resUpdt$groupId <- group
   ## family in ... => avoid error in future update
   additional_args <- list(...)
   familyArgs <- additional_args[['family']]
@@ -3063,11 +3071,11 @@ fitUpdate <- function(glmm_obj, formula , ...){
 #' new_formula <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width 
 #' updated_model <- launchUpdate(fitted_models[[1]], new_formula)
 launchUpdate <- function(glmm_obj, formula,  ...) {
-  group = deparse(substitute(glmm_obj))
+  group <- glmm_obj$groupId
     expr = {
-        fitUpdate(glmm_obj, formula, ...),
+        fitUpdate(group ,glmm_obj, formula, ...),
         warning = function(w) {
           message(paste(Sys.time(), "warning for group", group ,":", conditionMessage(w)))
@@ -3178,17 +3186,20 @@ test_that("fitUpdate function returns correct results", {
   fitted_models <- fitModelParallel(formula, iris, group_by, n.cores = 1)
   new_formula <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width 
-  updated_model <- fitUpdate(fitted_models[[1]], new_formula)
+  updated_model <- fitUpdate("setosa",fitted_models[[1]], new_formula)
   expect_is(updated_model, "glmmTMB")
+  ## -- check groupId presence
+  expect_equal(updated_model$groupId, "setosa")
   # Additional parameters: 
    #change family + formula
-  updated_model <- suppressWarnings(fitUpdate(fitted_models[[1]], new_formula, 
+  updated_model <- suppressWarnings(fitUpdate("setosa", fitted_models[[1]], new_formula, 
                                               family = glmmTMB::nbinom1(link = "log") ))
   expect_s3_class(updated_model$call$family, "family")
   expect_equal(updated_model$call$formula, new_formula)
   #change control
-  updated_model <- suppressWarnings(fitUpdate(fitted_models[[1]], 
+  updated_model <- suppressWarnings(fitUpdate("setosa", fitted_models[[1]], 
                                               family = glmmTMB::nbinom1(link = "log"), 
                                               control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(iter.max=1e3,
diff --git a/man/addBasalExpression.Rd b/man/addBasalExpression.Rd
index fec7fd9..e3c969f 100644
--- a/man/addBasalExpression.Rd
+++ b/man/addBasalExpression.Rd
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/basal_expression__scaling.R,
-%   R/basal_expression_scaling.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/basal_expression_scaling.R
 \title{Compute basal expresion for gene expression based on the coefficients data frame.}
-addBasalExpression(dtf_coef, n_genes, basal_expression)
 addBasalExpression(dtf_coef, n_genes, basal_expression)
@@ -17,17 +14,10 @@ addBasalExpression(dtf_coef, n_genes, basal_expression)
 \item{basal_expression}{gene basal expression vector}
-A modified data frame \code{dtf_coef} with an additional column containing
-the scaling factors for gene expression.
 A modified data frame \code{dtf_coef} with an additional column containing
 the scaling factors for gene expression.
-This function takes the coefficients data frame \code{dtf_coef} and computes
-basal expression for gene expression. The scaling factors are generated
-using the function \code{generate_basal_expression}.
 This function takes the coefficients data frame \code{dtf_coef} and computes
 basal expression for gene expression. The scaling factors are generated
 using the function \code{generate_basal_expression}.
@@ -38,9 +28,4 @@ N_GENES <- 5
 dtf_coef <- getInput2simulation(list_var, N_GENES)
 dtf_coef <- getLog_qij(dtf_coef)
 addBasalExpression(dtf_coef, N_GENES, 1)
-list_var <- init_variable()
-N_GENES <- 5
-dtf_coef <- getInput2simulation(list_var, N_GENES)
-dtf_coef <- getLog_qij(dtf_coef)
-addBasalExpression(dtf_coef, N_GENES, 1)
diff --git a/man/fitModel.Rd b/man/fitModel.Rd
index a54618e..56f945e 100644
--- a/man/fitModel.Rd
+++ b/man/fitModel.Rd
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
 \title{Fit a model using the fitModel function.}
-fitModel(formula, data, ...)
+fitModel(group, formula, data, ...)
+\item{group}{group id to save in glmmTMB obj (usefull for update !)}
 \item{formula}{Formula specifying the model formula}
 \item{data}{Data frame containing the data}
@@ -20,5 +22,5 @@ Fitted model object or NULL if there was an error
 Fit a model using the fitModel function.
-fitModel(formula = mpg ~ cyl + disp, data = mtcars)
+fitModel("mtcars" , formula = mpg ~ cyl + disp, data = mtcars)
diff --git a/man/fitUpdate.Rd b/man/fitUpdate.Rd
index b904948..b4e7af9 100644
--- a/man/fitUpdate.Rd
+++ b/man/fitUpdate.Rd
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
 \title{Fit and update a GLMNB model.}
-fitUpdate(glmm_obj, formula, ...)
+fitUpdate(group, glmm_obj, formula, ...)
+\item{group}{group id to save in glmmTMB obj (usefull for update !)}
 \item{glmm_obj}{A glmmTMB object to be updated.}
 \item{formula}{Formula for the updated GLMNB model.}
@@ -26,5 +28,5 @@ group_by <- "Species"
 formula <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length
 fitted_models <- fitModelParallel(formula, iris, group_by, n.cores = 1)
 new_formula <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width 
-updated_model <- fitUpdate(fitted_models[[1]], new_formula)
+updated_model <- fitUpdate("setosa", fitted_models[[1]], new_formula)
diff --git a/man/generate_basal_expression.Rd b/man/generate_basal_expression.Rd
index 3c96870..25d7446 100644
--- a/man/generate_basal_expression.Rd
+++ b/man/generate_basal_expression.Rd
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/basal_expression__scaling.R,
-%   R/basal_expression_scaling.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/basal_expression_scaling.R
 \title{Generate BE data.}
-generate_basal_expression(n_genes, basal_expression)
 generate_basal_expression(n_genes, basal_expression)
@@ -15,18 +12,12 @@ generate_basal_expression(n_genes, basal_expression)
 \item{basal_expression}{a numeric vector from which sample BE for eacg genes}
-A data frame containing gene IDs, BE values
 A data frame containing gene IDs, BE values
-This function generates basal expression data for a given number of genes, in a vector of basal expression values.
 This function generates basal expression data for a given number of genes, in a vector of basal expression values.
 generate_basal_expression(n_genes = 100, 10)
-generate_basal_expression(n_genes = 100, 10)
diff --git a/man/getBinExpression.Rd b/man/getBinExpression.Rd
index f0c234e..14063ff 100644
--- a/man/getBinExpression.Rd
+++ b/man/getBinExpression.Rd
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/basal_expression__scaling.R,
-%   R/basal_expression_scaling.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/basal_expression_scaling.R
 \title{Get bin expression for a data frame.}
-getBinExpression(dtf_coef, n_bins)
 getBinExpression(dtf_coef, n_bins)
@@ -15,14 +12,9 @@ getBinExpression(dtf_coef, n_bins)
 \item{n_bins}{The number of bins to create.}
-A data frame with an additional column named \code{binExpression}, containing the bin labels.
 A data frame with an additional column named \code{binExpression}, containing the bin labels.
-This function divides the values of a specified column in a data frame into \code{n_bins} bins of equal width.
-The bin labels are then added as a new column in the data frame.
 This function divides the values of a specified column in a data frame into \code{n_bins} bins of equal width.
 The bin labels are then added as a new column in the data frame.
@@ -30,7 +22,4 @@ The bin labels are then added as a new column in the data frame.
 dtf <- data.frame(mu_ij = c(10, 20, 30, 15, 25, 35, 40, 5, 12, 22))
 dtf_with_bins <- getBinExpression(dtf, n_bins = 3)
-dtf <- data.frame(mu_ij = c(10, 20, 30, 15, 25, 35, 40, 5, 12, 22))
-dtf_with_bins <- getBinExpression(dtf, n_bins = 3)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-fitmodel.R b/tests/testthat/test-fitmodel.R
index f1a3d80..edd210a 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-fitmodel.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-fitmodel.R
@@ -19,25 +19,30 @@ test_that("isValidInput2fit raises an error for missing variable", {
 test_that("fitModel returns a fitted model object", {
   formula <- mpg ~ cyl + disp
-  fitted_model <- suppressWarnings(fitModel(formula, mtcars))
+  fitted_model <- suppressWarnings(fitModel("mtcars", formula, mtcars))
   #expect_warning(fitModel(formula, mtcars))
   expect_s3_class(fitted_model, "glmmTMB")
   # Test with invalid formula
   invalid_formula <- mpg ~ cyl + disp + invalid_var
-  expect_error(fitModel(invalid_formula, mtcars))
+  expect_error(fitModel("mtcars", invalid_formula, mtcars))
+  ## check groupID attr
+  expect_equal(fitted_model$groupId, "mtcars")
    # Additional parameters: 
    #change family + formula
   formula <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + (1 | Species)
-  fitted_models <- suppressWarnings(fitModel(formula = formula, 
-                                                    data = iris, 
-                                                    family = glmmTMB::nbinom1(link = "log") ))
+  fitted_models <- suppressWarnings(fitModel("mtcars",
+                                             formula = formula, 
+                                             data = iris, 
+                                            family = glmmTMB::nbinom1(link = "log") ))
   expect_s3_class(fitted_models$call$family, "family")
   expect_equal(fitted_models$call$formula, formula)
   #change control settings
-  fitted_models <- suppressWarnings(fitModel(formula = formula, 
+  fitted_models <- suppressWarnings(fitModel("mtcars",
+                                              formula = formula, 
                                                     data = iris, 
                                                     family = glmmTMB::nbinom1(link = "log"), 
                                                 control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(iter.max=1e3,
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-update_fittedmodel.R b/tests/testthat/test-update_fittedmodel.R
index f38b308..74702cd 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-update_fittedmodel.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-update_fittedmodel.R
@@ -94,17 +94,20 @@ test_that("fitUpdate function returns correct results", {
   fitted_models <- fitModelParallel(formula, iris, group_by, n.cores = 1)
   new_formula <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width 
-  updated_model <- fitUpdate(fitted_models[[1]], new_formula)
+  updated_model <- fitUpdate("setosa",fitted_models[[1]], new_formula)
   expect_is(updated_model, "glmmTMB")
+  ## -- check groupId presence
+  expect_equal(updated_model$groupId, "setosa")
   # Additional parameters: 
    #change family + formula
-  updated_model <- suppressWarnings(fitUpdate(fitted_models[[1]], new_formula, 
+  updated_model <- suppressWarnings(fitUpdate("setosa", fitted_models[[1]], new_formula, 
                                               family = glmmTMB::nbinom1(link = "log") ))
   expect_s3_class(updated_model$call$family, "family")
   expect_equal(updated_model$call$formula, new_formula)
   #change control
-  updated_model <- suppressWarnings(fitUpdate(fitted_models[[1]], 
+  updated_model <- suppressWarnings(fitUpdate("setosa", fitted_models[[1]], 
                                               family = glmmTMB::nbinom1(link = "log"), 
                                               control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(iter.max=1e3,
diff --git a/vignettes/htrfit.Rmd b/vignettes/htrfit.Rmd
index cbd246a..f299228 100644
--- a/vignettes/htrfit.Rmd
+++ b/vignettes/htrfit.Rmd
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ knitr::opts_chunk$set(
 ```{r setup}