diff --git a/src/model.fit/HTRfit/DESCRIPTION b/src/model.fit/HTRfit/DESCRIPTION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4682d71e0ef5d4d89c3e39dff3bc3ea0eee307b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/model.fit/HTRfit/DESCRIPTION
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Package: HTRfit
+Title: What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
+    person("First", "Last", , "first.last@example.com", role = c("aut", "cre"),
+           comment = c(ORCID = "YOUR-ORCID-ID"))
+Description: What the package does (one paragraph).
+License: `use_mit_license()`, `use_gpl3_license()` or friends to pick a
+    license
+Encoding: UTF-8
+Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
+RoxygenNote: 7.2.2
+    tidyverse
+    broom,
+    dplyr,
+    furrr,
+    future,
+    MASS,
+    purrr,
+    stats
diff --git a/src/model.fit/HTRfit/NAMESPACE b/src/model.fit/HTRfit/NAMESPACE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c3cb52f58d274f3b9711f056d7e60af5b2879721
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/model.fit/HTRfit/NAMESPACE
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
diff --git a/src/model.fit/HTRfit/R/model_fitting.R b/src/model.fit/HTRfit/R/model_fitting.R
index f4d9b472888bc74c805adcec688ccce4be71f1f4..9c23dc098281791552a00cefb135974dbc7d79c1 100644
--- a/src/model.fit/HTRfit/R/model_fitting.R
+++ b/src/model.fit/HTRfit/R/model_fitting.R
@@ -6,63 +6,71 @@
 #' @param threads
 #' @import future
 #' @import furrr
-#' @return fit list 
+#' @return fit list
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-launch.glm <- function( data2fit, model2fit = k_ij ~ genotype + environment + genotype:environment, 
-                    fit_by = "gene_id", threads = 4 ) {
-    iteration_list = data2fit[fit_by] %>% unique() %>% as.vector() %>% unname() %>% .[[1]]  
+launch.glm <- function(data2fit,
+                       model2fit = k_ij ~ genotype + environment + genotype:environment,
+                       fit_by = "gene_id",
+                       threads = 4) {
+    iteration_list <- data2fit[fit_by] %>%
+        unique() %>%
+        as.vector() %>%
+        unname() %>%
+        .[[1]]
     future::plan(multisession, workers = threads)
-    fit_list = iteration_list %>% furrr::future_map(.x = ., 
-                                ~fit.glm( data2fit[data2fit[fit_by] == .x,], 
-                                          .x, 
-                                           model2fit) )
+    fit_list <- iteration_list %>% furrr::future_map(
+        .x = .,
+        ~ fit.glm(
+            data2fit[data2fit[fit_by] == .x, ],
+            .x,
+            model2fit
+        )
+    )
 #' fit model on data
-#' @param data 
+#' @param data
 #' @param id
 #' @import MASS
 #' @import dplyr
-#' @return fit 
+#' @return fit
 #' @export
 #' @examples
 fit.glm <- function(data, id, model2fit) {
-  fit = MASS::glm.nb(model2fit, data = data, link = log)
-  fit.dtf = tidySummary(fit)
-  fit.dtf$inference = fit.dtf$inference %>% dplyr::mutate(gene_id = id)
-  fit.dtf$fitQuality = fit.dtf$fitQuality %>% dplyr::mutate(gene_id = id)
-  return(fit.dtf)
+    fit <- MASS::glm.nb(model2fit, data = data, link = log)
+    fit.dtf <- tidySummary(fit)
+    fit.dtf$inference <- fit.dtf$inference %>% dplyr::mutate(gene_id = id)
+    fit.dtf$fitQuality <- fit.dtf$fitQuality %>% dplyr::mutate(gene_id = id)
+    return(fit.dtf)
 #' fit model on data
-#' @param fit 
+#' @param fit
 #' @import broom
-#' @return list of element 
+#' @return list of element
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-tidySummary <- function(fit){
-    dtf = broom::tidy(fit)
-    gl = broom::glance(fit)
-    return( list(inference = dtf, fitQuality = gl) )
+tidySummary <- function(fit) {
+    dtf <- broom::tidy(fit)
+    gl <- broom::glance(fit)
+    return(list(inference = dtf, fitQuality = gl))
 #' convert list to dataframe
-#' @param fit 
+#' @param fit
 #' @return list of dtf
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-listFit2dtf <- function(list_fit){
-    tmp = do.call(cbind, list_fit)
-    inference.dtf = do.call(rbind, tmp[1,])
-    fitQuality.dtf = do.call(rbind, tmp[2,])
-    return( list(inference = inference.dtf, fitQuality = fitQuality.dtf) )
\ No newline at end of file
+listFit2dtf <- function(list_fit) {
+    tmp <- do.call(cbind, list_fit)
+    inference.dtf <- do.call(rbind, tmp[1, ])
+    fitQuality.dtf <- do.call(rbind, tmp[2, ])
+    return(list(inference = inference.dtf, fitQuality = fitQuality.dtf))
diff --git a/src/v3/HTRsim/R/countsGenerator.R b/src/v3/HTRsim/R/countsGenerator.R
index 6f723f6fe73756ffe798511228f5d2cbc7c44641..e51f78cdce1536fdb73b23dfdedd75cc9a5bf954 100644
--- a/src/v3/HTRsim/R/countsGenerator.R
+++ b/src/v3/HTRsim/R/countsGenerator.R
@@ -3,25 +3,45 @@
 #' @param n_genes  an integer
 #' @param n_genotype A int.
 #' @param mvrnorm.fit an object fit mvronorm
+#' @fixIntercept
+#' @fixBetaE
 #' @import MASS
+#' @import dplyr
 #' @return a dataframe
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-getBetaforSimulation <- function(n_genes = 100, n_genotypes = 20, mvrnorm.fit){
-    message( "Get actuals beta for each genes ...")
-    ##### Sampling from mvnorm ########
-    n_samplings = n_genes*n_genotypes
-    beta.matrix <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = n_samplings,
-                                    mu = mvrnorm.fit$mu,
-                                    Sigma = mvrnorm.fit$sigma )
-    genes_vec = base::paste("gene", 1:n_genes, sep = "") 
-    genotype_vec = base::paste("G", 0:(n_genotypes-1), sep = "")
-    genotype = genotype_vec %>% rep(time = n_genes)
-    gene_id = rep(genes_vec, each = n_genotypes)
-    beta.dtf = beta.matrix %>% data.frame()
-    return( cbind(gene_id, genotype, beta.dtf) )
+getBetaforSimulation <- function(n_genes = 100, n_genotypes = 20, mvrnorm.fit, fixIntercept = TRUE, fixBetaE = TRUE) {
+  message("Get actuals beta for each genes ...")
+  ##### Sampling from mvnorm ########
+  n_samplings <- n_genes * n_genotypes
+  beta.matrix <- MASS::mvrnorm(
+    n = n_samplings,
+    mu = mvrnorm.fit$mu,
+    Sigma = mvrnorm.fit$sigma
+  )
+  genes_vec <- base::paste("gene", 1:n_genes, sep = "")
+  genotype_vec <- base::paste("G", 0:(n_genotypes - 1), sep = "")
+  genotype <- genotype_vec %>% rep(time = n_genes)
+  gene_id <- rep(genes_vec, each = n_genotypes)
+  beta.dtf <- beta.matrix %>% data.frame()
+  colnames(beta.dtf) <- c("(Intercept)", "betaG", "betaE", "betaGE")
+  res <- cbind(gene_id, genotype, beta.dtf)
+  ## fixing Genotype and GxE effects to 0 for G0 (reference) 
+  ## -> hide in (Intercept)
+  res[res$genotype == "G0", c("betaG", "betaGE")] <- 0
+  if (fixIntercept) {
+  res <- res %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(gene_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate("(Intercept)" = mean(`(Intercept)`)) 
+  }
+  if (fixBetaE) {
+  res <- res %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(gene_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(betaE = mean(betaE)) 
+  }
+  return(res)
 #' Get model matrix
@@ -32,13 +52,13 @@ getBetaforSimulation <- function(n_genes = 100, n_genotypes = 20, mvrnorm.fit){
 #' @examples
 getModelMatrix <- function(n_environments = 2) {
-    environment_vec = base::paste("E", 0:(n_environments-1), sep = "")
-    ########################################
-    m = c(1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1)
-    model.matrix = matrix(data =  m , ncol = 2, byrow = F)
-    colnames(model.matrix) = environment_vec
-    rownames(model.matrix) = c("beta0", "betaG", "betaE", "betaGE")
-    return(model.matrix)
+  environment_vec <- base::paste("E", 0:(n_environments - 1), sep = "")
+  ########################################
+  m <- c(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+  model.matrix <- matrix(data = m, ncol = 2, byrow = F)
+  colnames(model.matrix) <- environment_vec
+  rownames(model.matrix) <- c("(Intercept)", "betaG", "betaE", "betaGE")
+  return(model.matrix)
@@ -50,15 +70,14 @@ getModelMatrix <- function(n_environments = 2) {
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-getLog_qij <- function( beta.dtf , model.matx){
-    beta.matx = beta.dtf[ ,c("beta0", 'betaG', 'betaE', "betaGE") ]  %>% as.matrix()
-    log_qij.matx = beta.matx %*% model.matx ## j samples, i genes
-    ### Some reshaping ###
-    log_qij.dtf = log_qij.matx %>% data.frame()
-    annotations = beta.dtf[ , c("gene_id", 'genotype')]
-    log_qij.dtf = cbind(annotations, log_qij.dtf)
-    return( log_qij.dtf )
+getLog_qij <- function(beta.dtf, model.matx) {
+  beta.matx <- beta.dtf[, c("(Intercept)", "betaG", "betaE", "betaGE")] %>% as.matrix()
+  log_qij.matx <- beta.matx %*% model.matx ## j samples, i genes
+  ### Some reshaping ###
+  log_qij.dtf <- log_qij.matx %>% data.frame()
+  annotations <- beta.dtf[, c("gene_id", "genotype")]
+  log_qij.dtf <- cbind(annotations, log_qij.dtf)
+  return(log_qij.dtf)
 #' Get mu_ij
@@ -69,22 +88,24 @@ getLog_qij <- function( beta.dtf , model.matx){
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-getMu_ij <- function( log_qij.dtf, size_factor ){
-    log_qij.matx = log_qij.dtf[ , c("E0", 'E1') ]  %>% as.matrix()
-    mu_ij.matx = size_factor * 2^log_qij.matx ## size factor * log(qij)
-    mu_ij.dtf = mu_ij.matx %>% data.frame() 
-    annotations = log_qij.dtf[ , c("gene_id", 'genotype')]
-    mu_ij.dtf = cbind(annotations, mu_ij.dtf)
-    mu_ij.matx =  mu_ij.dtf %>% reshape2::melt(., id.vars = c("gene_id", 'genotype'),  
-                            value.name = "mu_ij", variable.name= "environment") %>% 
-                            reshape2::dcast(., gene_id  ~  genotype + environment , value.var = "mu_ij") %>% 
-                            column_to_rownames("gene_id") %>% as.matrix()
-  return( mu_ij.matx )
+getMu_ij <- function(log_qij.dtf, size_factor) {
+  log_qij.matx <- log_qij.dtf[, c("E0", "E1")] %>% as.matrix()
+  mu_ij.matx <- size_factor * 2^log_qij.matx ## size factor * log(qij)
+  mu_ij.dtf <- mu_ij.matx %>% data.frame()
+  annotations <- log_qij.dtf[, c("gene_id", "genotype")]
+  mu_ij.dtf <- cbind(annotations, mu_ij.dtf)
+  mu_ij.matx <- mu_ij.dtf %>%
+    reshape2::melt(.,
+      id.vars = c("gene_id", "genotype"),
+      value.name = "mu_ij", variable.name = "environment"
+    ) %>%
+    reshape2::dcast(., gene_id ~ genotype + environment, value.var = "mu_ij") %>%
+    column_to_rownames("gene_id") %>%
+    as.matrix()
+  return(mu_ij.matx)
 #' Get genes dispersion
@@ -101,34 +122,33 @@ getMu_ij <- function( log_qij.dtf, size_factor ){
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-getGenesDispersions <- function( n_genes, sample_id_list, 
-                                dispersion.vec , dispUniform_btweenCondition = T ) {  
-   if (dispUniform_btweenCondition == T ) {
-    message( "Get dispersion for each genes ...\n")
-    gene_dispersion.dtf = base::sample( dispersion.vec , 
-                                        replace = T, 
-                                        size = n_genes) %>% base::data.frame()
-    n_rep =  length(sample_id_list)
-    gene_dispersion.dtf = gene_dispersion.dtf[ ,base::rep(base::seq_len(base::ncol(gene_dispersion.dtf)), n_rep)]
-    rownames(gene_dispersion.dtf) = base::paste("gene", 1:(n_genes), sep = "")
-    colnames(gene_dispersion.dtf) = sample_id_list
-  }
-  else {
-    message( "Get dispersion for each genes within each conditions ...\n")
+getGenesDispersions <- function(n_genes, sample_id_list,
+                                dispersion.vec, dispUniform_btweenCondition = T) {
+  if (dispUniform_btweenCondition == T) {
+    message("Get dispersion for each genes ...\n")
-    replication_table = sample_ids %>% 
-                            stringr::str_replace(., pattern = "_[0-9]+","" ) %>% table()
-    gene_dispersion.dtf = replication_table %>% 
-                                purrr::map(., ~sample(  dispersion.vec, replace = T, size = n_genes) ) %>% data.frame()
-    gene_dispersion.dtf = gene_dispersion.dtf[ ,rep(seq_len(ncol(gene_dispersion.dtf)), replication_table %>% as.numeric())]
-    colnames(gene_dispersion.dtf) = sample_ids
-    rownames(gene_dispersion.dtf) = base::paste("gene", 1:(n_genes), sep = "")
+    gene_dispersion.dtf <- base::sample(dispersion.vec,
+      replace = T,
+      size = n_genes
+    ) %>% base::data.frame()
+    n_rep <- length(sample_id_list)
+    gene_dispersion.dtf <- gene_dispersion.dtf[, base::rep(base::seq_len(base::ncol(gene_dispersion.dtf)), n_rep)]
+    rownames(gene_dispersion.dtf) <- base::paste("gene", 1:(n_genes), sep = "")
+    colnames(gene_dispersion.dtf) <- sample_id_list
+  } else {
+    message("Get dispersion for each genes within each conditions ...\n")
+    replication_table <- sample_ids %>%
+      stringr::str_replace(., pattern = "_[0-9]+", "") %>%
+      table()
+    gene_dispersion.dtf <- replication_table %>%
+      purrr::map(., ~ sample(dispersion.vec, replace = T, size = n_genes)) %>%
+      data.frame()
+    gene_dispersion.dtf <- gene_dispersion.dtf[, rep(seq_len(ncol(gene_dispersion.dtf)), replication_table %>% as.numeric())]
+    colnames(gene_dispersion.dtf) <- sample_ids
+    rownames(gene_dispersion.dtf) <- base::paste("gene", 1:(n_genes), sep = "")
-  return(gene_dispersion.dtf %>% as.matrix)
+  return(gene_dispersion.dtf %>% as.matrix())
@@ -137,25 +157,25 @@ getGenesDispersions <- function( n_genes, sample_id_list,
 #' @param mu_ij.matx  a matrix of mu_ij
 #' @param dispersion.matx a matrix of gene dispersion
 #' @param n_genes a matrix of gene dispersion
-#' @param sample_id_list list of sample_ids 
-#' @param idx_replicat 
+#' @param sample_id_list list of sample_ids
+#' @param idx_replicat
 #' @import stats
 #' @return a matrix with counts per genes and samples
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-get_kij <- function(mu_ij.matx, dispersion.matx, n_genes, 
+get_kij <- function(mu_ij.matx, dispersion.matx, n_genes,
                     sample_id_list, idx_replicat) {
-  n_sples = length(sample_id_list)
-  alpha_gene = 1/dispersion.matx
-  k_ij = stats::rnbinom(  length(mu_ij.matx), 
-                           size = alpha_gene , 
-                           mu = mu_ij.matx) %>% 
-                matrix(. , nrow = n_genes, ncol = n_sples )
-  k_ij[is.na(k_ij)] = 0
-  colnames(k_ij) = base::paste(sample_id_list, idx_replicat, sep = '_')
-  rownames(k_ij) = rownames(mu_ij.matx) 
+  n_sples <- length(sample_id_list)
+  alpha_gene <- 1 / dispersion.matx
+  k_ij <- stats::rnbinom(length(mu_ij.matx),
+    size = alpha_gene,
+    mu = mu_ij.matx
+  ) %>%
+    matrix(., nrow = n_genes, ncol = n_sples)
+  k_ij[is.na(k_ij)] <- 0
+  colnames(k_ij) <- base::paste(sample_id_list, idx_replicat, sep = "_")
+  rownames(k_ij) <- rownames(mu_ij.matx)
@@ -175,24 +195,26 @@ get_kij <- function(mu_ij.matx, dispersion.matx, n_genes,
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-getCountTable <- function( mu_ij.matx, dispersion.matx, 
-                            n_genes, n_genotypes, 
-                            n_environments = 2, sample_id_list, 
-                            replication.matx ) {
-    ### Iterate on each replicates
-    message( "Get k_ij :")
-    message( "k_ij ~ NegativBinomial( mu_ij, dispersion_ij )\n")
-    kij.simu.list = purrr::map(.x = 1:max_n_replicates, 
-                      .f = ~get_kij(mu_ij.matx[ ,replication.matx[.x, ]], 
-                                    dispersion.matx[ ,replication.matx[.x, ]],
-                                    n_genes = n_genes,
-                                    sample_id_list[replication.matx[.x, ]],
-                                    .x)  )
-    tableCounts.simulated = do.call(cbind, kij.simu.list)
-    return(tableCounts.simulated)
+getCountTable <- function(mu_ij.matx, dispersion.matx,
+                          n_genes, n_genotypes,
+                          n_environments = 2, sample_id_list,
+                          replication.matx) {
+  ### Iterate on each replicates
+  message("Get k_ij :")
+  message("k_ij ~ NegativBinomial( mu_ij, dispersion_ij )\n")
+  max_n_replicates <- dim(replication.matx)[1]
+  kij.simu.list <- purrr::map(
+    .x = 1:max_n_replicates,
+    .f = ~ get_kij(mu_ij.matx[, replication.matx[.x, ]],
+      dispersion.matx[, replication.matx[.x, ]],
+      n_genes = n_genes,
+      sample_id_list[replication.matx[.x, ]],
+      .x
+    )
+  )
+  tableCounts.simulated <- do.call(cbind, kij.simu.list)
+  return(tableCounts.simulated)
@@ -205,9 +227,9 @@ getCountTable <- function( mu_ij.matx, dispersion.matx,
 #' @examples
 uniform_replication <- function(maxN, n_samples) {
-    return(rep(T, time = maxN) %>% 
-                rep(., each = n_samples ) %>% 
-                    matrix(ncol = n_samples) )
+  return(rep(TRUE, time = maxN) %>%
+    rep(., each = n_samples) %>%
+    matrix(ncol = n_samples))
@@ -220,11 +242,13 @@ uniform_replication <- function(maxN, n_samples) {
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-random_replication <- function(maxN, n_samples){
-  replicating <- function(maxN) return(sample(x = c(T,F), size = maxN, replace = T))
-  res = purrr::map(1:n_samples, ~replicating(maxN-1))
-  rep_table = do.call(cbind, res)
-  rep_table = rbind(rep(T, times = n_samples), rep_table)
+random_replication <- function(maxN, n_samples) {
+  replicating <- function(maxN) {
+    return(sample(x = c(TRUE, FALSE), size = maxN, replace = T))
+  }
+  res <- purrr::map(1:n_samples, ~ replicating(maxN - 1))
+  rep_table <- do.call(cbind, res)
+  rep_table <- rbind(rep(TRUE, times = n_samples), rep_table)
@@ -232,16 +256,16 @@ random_replication <- function(maxN, n_samples){
 #' @param maxN  a integer : number of replicates
 #' @param n_genotypes an integer : number of genotypes
-#' @param n_environments 
+#' @param n_environments
 #' @param uniformNumberOfReplicates bool
 #' @return a matrix of 0 and 1
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-getReplicationDesign <- function(maxN, n_genotypes, n_environments = 2, 
-                                uniformNumberOfReplicates = T ) {
-    nb_sample = n_genotypes*n_environments
-    if ( uniformNumberOfReplicates == T ) rep.matrix = uniform_replication( maxN, nb_sample )
-    if ( uniformNumberOfReplicates == F) rep.matrix = random_replication( maxN, nb_sample )
-    return(rep.matrix)
+getReplicationDesign <- function(maxN, n_genotypes, n_environments = 2,
+                                 uniformNumberOfReplicates = T) {
+  nb_sample <- n_genotypes * n_environments
+  if (uniformNumberOfReplicates == T) rep.matrix <- uniform_replication(maxN, nb_sample)
+  if (uniformNumberOfReplicates == F) rep.matrix <- random_replication(maxN, nb_sample)
+  return(rep.matrix)
diff --git a/src/v3/HTRsim/R/evaluation.R b/src/v3/HTRsim/R/evaluation.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c974a80934660c4c967a92db4198a6852588f86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/v3/HTRsim/R/evaluation.R
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#' Get deseq results
+#' @param dds_simu.mcols  dds object obtain on simulation
+#' @param threads
+#' @import stringr
+#' @import dplyr
+#' @import future
+#' @import DESeq2
+#' @import furrr
+#' @return a dataframe of beta obtained with deseq2
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+deseq_fitExtraction <- function(dds_simu, threads = 4) {
+    listBeta <- DESeq2::resultsNames(dds_simu)
+    future::plan(multisession, workers = threads)
+    res <- listBeta %>% furrr::future_map(
+        .x = .,
+        ~ DESeq2::results(dds_simu,
+            contrast = list(.x),
+            tidy = TRUE
+        ) %>%
+            dplyr::select(-baseMean) %>%
+            dplyr::mutate(term = .x) %>%
+            dplyr::rename(
+                estimate = log2FoldChange,
+                std.error = lfcSE,
+                statistic = stat,
+                p.value = pvalue,
+                gene_id = row
+            ),
+        .options = furrr_options(seed = TRUE)
+    )
+    deseq_inference <- do.call("rbind", res)
+    deseq_inference.dtf <- deseq_inference %>% mutate(term = term %>%
+        stringr::str_replace("Intercept", "(Intercept)") %>%
+        stringr::str_replace("_vs_G0", "") %>%
+        stringr::str_replace("_vs_E0", "") %>%
+        stringr::str_replace_all("_", "") %>%
+        stringr::str_replace("\\.", ":"))
+    return(deseq_inference.dtf)
+#' Get deseq results
+#' @param inference a obj output of [deseq, glm, glmm]
+#' @param actual parameters used during simulation
+#' @param threads nb of threads
+#' @param threshold
+#' @param alphaRisk
+#' @import reshape2
+#' @import dplyr
+#' @import data.table
+#' @return a dataframe to compare actual and infered betas
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+getDfComparison <- function(inference, actual, threads = 4) {
+    actual.dtf <- actual %>%
+        reshape2::melt(
+            id = c("gene_id", "genotype"),
+            value.name = "value", variable.name = "beta"
+        ) %>%
+        dplyr::group_by(gene_id, beta) %>%
+        dplyr::mutate(
+            actual.value =
+                dplyr::if_else(beta %in% c("(Intercept)", "betaE"),
+                    mean(value), value
+                )
+        ) %>%
+        ungroup() %>%
+        dplyr::select(-value) %>%
+        dplyr::mutate(
+            term =
+                dplyr::case_when(
+                    beta == "(Intercept)" ~ "(Intercept)",
+                    beta == "betaG" ~ paste("genotype", genotype, sep = ""),
+                    beta == "betaE" ~ paste("environment", "E1", sep = ""),
+                    beta == "betaGE" ~ paste("genotype", genotype, ":environmentE1", sep = "")
+                )
+        )
+    actual.dtf <- actual.dtf %>% dplyr::select(-genotype)
+    actual_undup.dtf <- actual.dtf[!duplicated(actual.dtf), ]
+    actual2join.dtf <- data.table::data.table(actual_undup.dtf, key = c("gene_id", "term"))
+    inference.dtf <- deseq_fitExtraction(inference, threads = threads)
+    inference2join.dtf <- data.table::data.table(inference.dtf, key = c("gene_id", "term"))
+    joined.dtf <- actual2join.dtf[inference2join.dtf]
+    return(joined.dtf)
+#' Get deseq results
+#' @param comparison.Dtf a obj output of getDfComparison
+#' @param threshold
+#' @param alphaRisk
+#' @import dplyr
+#' @return a dataframe to compare actual and infered betas with annotations
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+getAnnotation <- function(comparison.dtf, threshold = 0, alphaRisk = 0.05) {
+    ## Post inference selection
+    comparison.dtf <- comparison.dtf %>%
+        dplyr::mutate(
+            prediction.label =
+                dplyr::if_else((
+                    abs(estimate) > threshold & padj < alphaRisk),
+                "DE", "nonDE"
+                )
+        )
+    comparison.dtf <- comparison.dtf  %>%
+        dplyr::mutate(
+            actual.label =
+                dplyr::if_else(abs(actual.value) < threshold,
+                    "nonDE", "DE"
+                )
+        )
+    comparison.dtf <- comparison.dtf %>% dplyr::mutate(
+        annotation =
+            dplyr::case_when(
+                (actual.label == "DE" & prediction.label == "DE") ~ "TRUE",
+                (actual.label == "nonDE" & prediction.label == "nonDE") ~ "TRUE",
+                TRUE ~ "FALSE"
+            )
+    )
+    return(comparison.dtf)
diff --git a/src/v3/HTRsim/R/loadEmbeddedFiles.R b/src/v3/HTRsim/R/loadEmbeddedFiles.R
index 2ba458dcfc33bfda49c3fa9c2bbe57e13f01d224..da61905c2d4a2be614afa511c275251107b05225 100644
--- a/src/v3/HTRsim/R/loadEmbeddedFiles.R
+++ b/src/v3/HTRsim/R/loadEmbeddedFiles.R
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 #' Load beta dtf embedded in package
-#' @return an object dds.Extraction 
+#' @return an object dds.Extraction
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-loadObservedValues <- function(){
- ## Import public beta observed
-  fn = system.file("extdata/", "SRP217588_YM_observedParams.rds", package = "HTRsim")
-  dds.extraction = readRDS(file = fn)
+loadObservedValues <- function() {
+  ## Import public beta observed
+  fn <- system.file("extdata/", "SRP217588_YM_observedParams.rds", package = "HTRsim")
+  dds.extraction <- readRDS(file = fn)
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ loadObservedValues <- function(){
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-loadPubliCounTable <- function(){
+loadPubliCounTable <- function() {
   ## Import public counts table
-  fn = system.file("extdata/", "SRP217588_YM_vkallisto.tsv", package = "HTRsim")
+  fn <- system.file("extdata/", "SRP217588_YM_vkallisto.tsv", package = "HTRsim")
   tabl_cnts <- utils::read.table(file = fn, header = TRUE)
   rownames(tabl_cnts) <- tabl_cnts$gene_id
-  tabl_cnts <- tabl_cnts %>% dplyr::select(-gene_id) ##suppr colonne GeneID
-  tabl_cnts = tabl_cnts[ order(tabl_cnts %>% rownames()), ]
-  tabl_cnts = tabl_cnts %>% dplyr::select(., !matches( "ru_rm_5"))
+  tabl_cnts <- tabl_cnts %>% dplyr::select(-gene_id) ## suppr colonne GeneID
+  tabl_cnts <- tabl_cnts[order(tabl_cnts %>% rownames()), ]
+  tabl_cnts <- tabl_cnts %>% dplyr::select(!matches("ru_rm_5"))
@@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ loadPubliCounTable <- function(){
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-loadPublicDesign <- function(){
+loadPublicDesign <- function() {
   ## DESIGN
-  fn = system.file("extdata/", "SRP217588_YM_bioDesign.csv", package = "HTRsim")
-  bioDesign <- utils::read.table(file = fn, header = T, sep = ';')
+  fn <- system.file("extdata/", "SRP217588_YM_bioDesign.csv", package = "HTRsim")
+  bioDesign <- utils::read.table(file = fn, header = TRUE, sep = ";")
   ## defining reference
-  bioDesign$genotype <- factor(x = bioDesign$genotype,levels = c("GSY147", "RM11"))
-  bioDesign$environment <- factor(x = bioDesign$environment, levels = c( "untreated", "treated"))
-  bioDesign = bioDesign %>% dplyr::filter(!str_detect(sample, "ru_rm_5") ) 
+  bioDesign$genotype <- factor(x = bioDesign$genotype, levels = c("GSY147", "RM11"))
+  bioDesign$environment <- factor(x = bioDesign$environment, levels = c("untreated", "treated"))
+  bioDesign <- bioDesign %>% dplyr::filter(!str_detect(sample, "ru_rm_5"))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/v3/HTRsim/R/manipulationsDDS_obj.R b/src/v3/HTRsim/R/manipulationsDDS_obj.R
index 3689f0faf83611321a477df722fe406c32e65d79..c4a758cab14c186cda46ce7f4200e643e4014e9e 100644
--- a/src/v3/HTRsim/R/manipulationsDDS_obj.R
+++ b/src/v3/HTRsim/R/manipulationsDDS_obj.R
@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
 #' @param tabl_cnts table containing counts per genes & samples
 #' @param bioDesign table describing bioDesgin of input
+#' @param model
 #' @import DESeq2
 #' @import dplyr
 #' @return DESEQ2 object
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-run.deseq <- function(tabl_cnts, bioDesign, model = ~ genotype + environment + genotype:environment){
-  message( "Run DESEQ2 ...\n")
-  tabl_cnts = tabl_cnts %>% dplyr::mutate(across(where(is.double), as.integer))
-  dds = DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix( countData = round(tabl_cnts), colData = bioDesign , design = model )
+run.deseq <- function(tabl_cnts, bioDesign, model = ~ genotype + environment + genotype:environment) {
+  message("Run DESEQ2 ...\n")
+  tabl_cnts <- tabl_cnts %>% dplyr::mutate(across(where(is.double), as.integer))
+  dds <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = round(tabl_cnts), colData = bioDesign, design = model)
   dds <- DESeq2::DESeq(dds, quiet = TRUE)
@@ -28,39 +28,43 @@ run.deseq <- function(tabl_cnts, bioDesign, model = ~ genotype + environment + g
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-ddsExtraction <-  function(dds_obj){
+ddsExtraction <- function(dds_obj) {
   ## Beta
-  dds.mcols = S4Vectors::mcols(dds_obj, use.names=TRUE)
-  beta0 <- dds.mcols$Intercept
+  dds.mcols <- S4Vectors::mcols(dds_obj, use.names = TRUE)
+  Intercept <- dds.mcols$Intercept
   betaG <- dds.mcols$genotype_RM11_vs_GSY147
   betaE <- dds.mcols$environment_treated_vs_untreated
   betaGE <- dds.mcols$genotypeRM11.environmenttreated
-  beta.dtf = cbind(beta0,betaG,betaE,betaGE) %>% as.data.frame() %>% tidyr::drop_na()
+  beta.dtf <- cbind(Intercept, betaG, betaE, betaGE) %>%
+    as.data.frame() %>%
+    tidyr::drop_na()
+  colnames(beta.dtf) <- c("(Intercept)", "betaG", "betaE", "betaGE")
   ## Dispersion
-  gene_disp = dds.mcols$dispersion %>% stats::na.omit()
+  gene_disp <- dds.mcols$dispersion %>% stats::na.omit()
-  return(list(beta = beta.dtf,
-              gene_dispersion = gene_disp))
+  return(list(
+    beta = beta.dtf,
+    gene_dispersion = gene_disp
+  ))
 #' Extract beta distribution from DESEQ2 object
 #' @import dplyr
 #' @import utils
-#' @return output of dds extraction 
+#' @return output of dds extraction
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-publicDDS_extraction <- function(){
-  tabl_cnts = loadPubliCounTable()
-  bioDesgin = loadPublicDesign()
+publicDDS_extraction <- function() {
+  tabl_cnts <- loadPubliCounTable()
+  bioDesign <- loadPublicDesign()
   ## Launch DESEQ2
-  dds = run.deseq(tabl_cnts, bioDesign = bioDesign)
+  dds <- run.deseq(tabl_cnts, bioDesign = bioDesign)
   ## Extract
-  dds.extraction = ddsExtraction(dds_obj = dds)
+  dds.extraction <- ddsExtraction(dds_obj = dds)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/v3/HTRsim/R/workflow.R b/src/v3/HTRsim/R/workflow.R
index d09d2e0ab3002f03e15ad69022764916a50a9695..eeb1ac08f3c76599182e13ca0965068315f3dcc3 100644
--- a/src/v3/HTRsim/R/workflow.R
+++ b/src/v3/HTRsim/R/workflow.R
@@ -1,58 +1,90 @@
+#' get design
+#' @param count_table
+#' @import stringr
+#' @import dplyr
+#' @return dataframe
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+summariseDesign <- function(count_table) {
+  sample_id_list <- colnames(count_table)
+  experimental_design <- sample_id_list %>%
+    stringr::str_split(pattern = "_", simplify = TRUE) %>% .[, c(1, 2)] %>% data.frame()
+  colnames(experimental_design) <- c("genotype", "environment")
+  experimental_design <- experimental_design %>%
+    dplyr::mutate(sample_id = sample_id_list) %>%
+    dplyr::select("sample_id", "genotype", "environment")
+  return(experimental_design)
 #' perform all workflow
 #' @param n_genes number of genes
-#' @param n_genotypes number of genotypes 
+#' @param n_genotypes number of genotypes
 #' @param n_environments number of env
+#' @param sequencing_factor
 #' @param dds.extraction output of dds.extraction
 #' @param max_n_replicates  max number of replicates
 #' @param uniformNumberOfReplicates boolean
 #' @param uniformDispersion boolean
-#' @return list 
+#' @return list
 #' @export
 #' @examples
-rnaMock <- function(n_genes, 
-                    n_genotypes, 
-                    n_environments = 2, 
-                    max_n_replicates,  
-                    uniformNumberOfReplicates = T, 
+rnaMock <- function(n_genes,
+                    n_genotypes,
+                    n_environments = 2,
+                    max_n_replicates,
+                    sequencing_factor = 2,
+                    uniformNumberOfReplicates = T,
                     uniformDispersion = T,
-                    dds.extraction = loadObservedValues() ) {
-    ## Fit mvnorm ##
-    fit.mvnorm  = mvnormFitting(dds.extraction$beta)
-    ##### Ground truth ######
-    beta.actual = getBetaforSimulation( n_genes, 
-                                        n_genotypes, 
-                                        fit.mvnorm )
-    ##### build input for simulation ####
-    model.matx = getModelMatrix()
-    log_qij = getLog_qij( beta.actual, model.matx )
-    mu_ij = getMu_ij(log_qij.dtf = log_qij, 1)
-    sample_ids = colnames(mu_ij)
-    gene_dispersion.vec = dds.extraction$gene_dispersion
-    dispersion.matrix = getGenesDispersions(n_genes, 
-                                        sample_ids, 
-                                        dispersion.vec = gene_dispersion.vec, 
-                                        uniformDispersion )
-    ##### Design replicates ######
-    designReplication.matx = getReplicationDesign( max_n_replicates, 
-                                                    n_genotypes, 
-                                                    n_environments,  
-                                                    uniformNumberOfReplicates)
-    ##### build counts table ####
-    countTable = getCountTable( mu_ij, dispersion.matrix, 
-                                n_genes, n_genotypes , 
-                                sample_id_list = sample_ids,  
-                                replication.matx = designReplication.matx)
-    return( list( countTable = countTable, dispersion = dispersion.matrix, 
-                    beta = beta.actual, mvnorm = fit.mvnorm ))
+                    dds.extraction = loadObservedValues()) {
+  ## Fit mvnorm ##
+  fit.mvnorm <- mvnormFitting(dds.extraction$beta)
+  ##### Ground truth ######
+  beta.actual <- getBetaforSimulation(
+    n_genes,
+    n_genotypes,
+    fit.mvnorm
+  )
+  ##### build input for simulation ####
+  model.matx <- getModelMatrix()
+  log_qij <- getLog_qij(beta.actual, model.matx)
+  mu_ij <- getMu_ij(log_qij.dtf = log_qij, sequencing_factor)
+  sample_ids <- colnames(mu_ij)
+  gene_dispersion.vec <- dds.extraction$gene_dispersion
+  dispersion.matrix <- getGenesDispersions(n_genes,
+    sample_ids,
+    dispersion.vec = gene_dispersion.vec,
+    uniformDispersion
+  )
+  ##### Design replicates ######
+  designReplication.matx <- getReplicationDesign(
+    max_n_replicates,
+    n_genotypes,
+    n_environments,
+    uniformNumberOfReplicates
+  )
+  ##### build counts table ####
+  countTable <- getCountTable(mu_ij, dispersion.matrix,
+    n_genes, n_genotypes,
+    sample_id_list = sample_ids,
+    replication.matx = designReplication.matx
+  )
+  design <- summariseDesign(countTable)
+  actualParam <- list(
+    dispersion = dispersion.matrix,
+    beta = beta.actual, mvnorm = fit.mvnorm
+  )
+  return(list(
+    design = design, countTable = countTable,
+    actualParameters = actualParam
+  ))
diff --git a/src/v3/HTRsim/devtools_history.R b/src/v3/HTRsim/devtools_history.R
index aee52fac6c104d5d505eec6f956e088d401233fa..9cfb13ef81146dfb7f8fe894a6b869a009b8a2a4 100644
--- a/src/v3/HTRsim/devtools_history.R
+++ b/src/v3/HTRsim/devtools_history.R
@@ -11,5 +11,6 @@ usethis::use_package("base")