diff --git a/src/nt_composition/__main__.py b/src/nt_composition/__main__.py
index 8948a419cae14906965339c7d97260551c1f709e..9b0bd1187bf4a50fead22fe6f52938920a4ca6f7 100644
--- a/src/nt_composition/__main__.py
+++ b/src/nt_composition/__main__.py
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ def launcher(weight: int = 1, global_weight: int = 0, ft_type: str = 'nt',
              same_gene: bool = False, compute_mean: bool = True,
              iteration: int = 10000, kind: str = 'density',
              community_size: int = -1, inter_chr: bool = False,
+             level: str = "exon",
              logging_level: str = "DISABLE"):
     Launch the creation of density file.
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ def launcher(weight: int = 1, global_weight: int = 0, ft_type: str = 'nt',
     than community size. if community_size = -1. This option is deactivated.
     :param inter_chr: True to only get inter-chromosomal interactions \
     False else (default: False)
+    :param level: The kind of feature to analyse (exon or gene)
     :param logging_level: The level of data to display (default 'DISABLE')
     get_interactions_number(weight, same_gene, inter_chr, logging_level)
@@ -56,12 +58,12 @@ def launcher(weight: int = 1, global_weight: int = 0, ft_type: str = 'nt',
     if kind == "density":
         create_all_frequency_figures(ConfigNt.cpu, weight, global_weight,
                                      ft_type, same_gene, compute_mean,
-                                     community_size, inter_chr,
+                                     community_size, inter_chr, level,
         create_all_distance_figures(ConfigNt.cpu, weight, global_weight,
                                     ft_type, same_gene, iteration, inter_chr,
-                                    logging_level)
+                                    level, logging_level)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/nt_composition/distance.py b/src/nt_composition/distance.py
index 5ec3ebdbc1b0695e8f98cfcd80c5a3ed9a9b5e40..41c64c12bc0406061ecaa39c18b05b25f3f6b800 100644
--- a/src/nt_composition/distance.py
+++ b/src/nt_composition/distance.py
@@ -123,7 +123,11 @@ def compute_mean_distance(arr_interaction: np.array,
     #                          for exon1, exon2 in arr_interaction]))
     res = []
     for exon1, exon2 in arr_interaction:
-        if exon1 != exon2:
+        if (
+            exon1 != exon2
+            and dic_freq[exon1] is not None
+            and dic_freq[exon2] is not None
+        ):
             val = abs(dic_freq[exon1] - dic_freq[exon2])
     return float(np.nanmean(res))
@@ -204,7 +208,7 @@ def create_distance_table(arr_interaction: np.array,
     dic = {"iteration": [], 'kind': [], 'distance': [], 'coloc': []}
-    #  Add ctrl distance to the dictionary
+    # Add ctrl distance to the dictionary
     ctrl_distance, nb_int = compute_controls_distances(arr_interaction, dic_freq,
     for k, d in enumerate(ctrl_distance):
@@ -223,7 +227,7 @@ def create_distance_table(arr_interaction: np.array,
 def create_distance_figure(df: pd.DataFrame, project: str, figfile: Path,
-                           ft: str, iteration: int):
+                           ft: str, iteration: int, level: str):
     Create a barplot figure showing the nucleotide distance between \
     co-localised exons in a ChIA-PET project and what this distance would be \
@@ -234,6 +238,7 @@ def create_distance_figure(df: pd.DataFrame, project: str, figfile: Path,
     :param figfile: The file where the figure will be created
     :param ft: The feature of interest
     :param iteration: Number of iteration
+    :param level: The kind of feature to analyse (exon or gene)
     pval = df.loc[-df['kind'].isin(['CTRL', project]), 'kind'].values[0]
@@ -245,7 +250,7 @@ def create_distance_figure(df: pd.DataFrame, project: str, figfile: Path,
                         loc='inside', box_pair_list=[['CTRL', project, pval]],
                         linewidth=2, min_pval=1/iteration)
     plt.title(f"Difference of {ft} frequency distance between "
-              f"co-localized exons and\nthe one of those same exons "
+              f"co-localized {level} and\nthe one of those same {level} "
               f"if the co-localisation where random ({iteration} "
@@ -255,7 +260,7 @@ def create_distance_figure(df: pd.DataFrame, project: str, figfile: Path,
 def create_figures(ft: str, ft_type: str,
                    project: str, weight: int, global_weight: int,
                    same_gene: bool, iteration: int, inter_chr: bool = False,
-                   logging_level: str = "DISABLE"
+                   level: str = "exon", logging_level: str = "DISABLE"
                    ) -> None:
     Create a distance figure for the project `project` for the nucleotide \
@@ -274,6 +279,7 @@ def create_figures(ft: str, ft_type: str,
     :param inter_chr: True to only get inter-chromosomal interactions \
     False else
     :param logging_level: The level of information to display
+    :param level: The kind of feature to analyse (exon or gene)
     :param iteration: The number of iteration
     logging_def(ConfigNt.interaction, __file__, logging_level)
@@ -285,8 +291,9 @@ def create_figures(ft: str, ft_type: str,
         cnx = sqlite3.connect(ConfigNt.db_file)
         arr_interaction = get_project_colocalisation(cnx, project, weight,
                                                      global_weight, same_gene,
-                                                     inter_chr=inter_chr)
-        dic_freq = get_frequency_dic(cnx, ft, ft_type)
+                                                     inter_chr=inter_chr,
+                                                     level=level)
+        dic_freq = get_frequency_dic(cnx, ft, ft_type, level)
         df = create_distance_table(arr_interaction, dic_freq, project,
                                    iteration, ft, ft_type)
         df.to_csv(outfile, sep="\t", index=False)
@@ -294,7 +301,7 @@ def create_figures(ft: str, ft_type: str,
                                             ft_type, ft, fig=True,
-        create_distance_figure(df, project, figfile, ft, iteration)
+        create_distance_figure(df, project, figfile, ft, iteration, level)
 def execute_density_figure_function(project: str,
@@ -302,7 +309,8 @@ def execute_density_figure_function(project: str,
                                     global_weight: int,
                                     same_gene: bool,
                                     iteration: int,
-                                    inter_chr: bool = False) -> None:
+                                    inter_chr: bool = False,
+                                    level: str = "exon") -> None:
     Execute create_density_figure and organized the results in a dictionary.
@@ -320,17 +328,18 @@ def execute_density_figure_function(project: str,
     the control set.
     :param inter_chr: True to only get inter-chromosomal interactions \
     False else
+    :param level: The kind of feature to analyse (exon or gene)
     logging.info(f'Working on {project}, {ft_type}, {ft} - {os.getpid()}')
     create_figures(ft, ft_type, project, weight,
-                   global_weight, same_gene, iteration, inter_chr)
+                   global_weight, same_gene, iteration, inter_chr, level)
 def create_all_distance_figures(ps: int, weight: int = 1,
                                 global_weight: int = 0, ft_type: str = "nt",
                                 same_gene: bool = True,
                                 iteration: int = 10000,
-                                inter_chr: bool = False,
+                                inter_chr: bool = False, level: str = "exon",
                                 logging_level: str = "DISABLE"):
     Make density figure for every selected projects.
@@ -348,6 +357,7 @@ def create_all_distance_figures(ps: int, weight: int = 1,
     :param inter_chr: True to only get inter-chromosomal interactions \
     False else
     :param ps: The number of processes to create
+    :param level: The kind of feature to analyse (exon or gene)
     logging_def(ConfigNt.interaction, __file__, logging_level)
     if global_weight == 0:
@@ -360,7 +370,7 @@ def create_all_distance_figures(ps: int, weight: int = 1,
     processes = []
     for project, ft, ft_type in param:
         args = [project, ft_type, ft, weight, global_weight, same_gene,
-                iteration, inter_chr]
+                iteration, inter_chr, level]
     for proc in processes:
diff --git a/src/nt_composition/make_nt_correlation.py b/src/nt_composition/make_nt_correlation.py
index 58969b9e7c329f8729656d85dd995a688a0b2d47..f1fcfb709922c12bc1b56b6d333c044887e02b97 100644
--- a/src/nt_composition/make_nt_correlation.py
+++ b/src/nt_composition/make_nt_correlation.py
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ def get_project_colocalisation(cnx: sqlite3.Connection, project: str,
     return result
-def get_frequency_dic(cnx: sqlite3.Connection, ft: str, ft_type: str
-                      ) -> Dict[str, float]:
+def get_frequency_dic(cnx: sqlite3.Connection, ft: str, ft_type: str,
+                      level: str = "exon") -> Dict[str, float]:
     Get the frequency of a feature for every exon in \
     the chia-pet database.
@@ -161,23 +161,30 @@ def get_frequency_dic(cnx: sqlite3.Connection, ft: str, ft_type: str
     :param cnx: Connection to chia-pet database
     :param ft: The feature of interest
     :param ft_type: The type of feature of interest
+    :param level: The kind of feature to analyse (exon or gene)
     :return: The frequency dic
     logging.debug('Calculating frequency table')
-    query = "SELECT id_exon, frequency " \
-            "FROM cin_exon_frequency " \
+    reg = ''
+    if level == "gene":
+        reg = "AND region='gene'"
+    query = f"SELECT id_{level}, frequency " \
+            f"FROM cin_{level}_frequency " \
             f"WHERE ft = '{ft}' " \
-            f"AND ft_type = '{ft_type}'"
+            f"AND ft_type = '{ft_type}' " \
+            f"{reg}"
     c = cnx.cursor()
     result = c.fetchall()
     if len(result) == 0:
-        msg = f'No Frequencies found for {ft} ({ft_type})'
+        msg = f'No Frequencies found for {level} {ft} ({ft_type})'
         raise NoInteractionError(msg)
-    dic = {}
-    for exon, freq in result:
-        dic[exon] = freq
+    if level == "exon":
+        dic = {exon: freq for exon, freq in result}
+    else:
+        dic = {str(exon): freq for exon, freq in result}
     logging.debug({k: dic[k] for k in list(dic.keys())[0:5]})
     return dic
@@ -203,7 +210,8 @@ def get_dic_co_regulated_exon(arr_interaction: np.array):
     return d
-def density_mean(arr_interaction: np.array, dic_freq: Dict[str, float]):
+def density_mean(arr_interaction: np.array, dic_freq: Dict[str, float],
+                 level: str):
     Create the density table, a table showing the frequency of \
     a nucleotide in every exon in a chia-pet project and the mean \
@@ -211,26 +219,29 @@ def density_mean(arr_interaction: np.array, dic_freq: Dict[str, float]):
     :param arr_interaction: array of interaction between exons.
     :param dic_freq: The frequency dataframe.
+    :param level: The kind of feature to analyse (exon or gene)
     :return: The density table
     exons_dic = get_dic_co_regulated_exon(arr_interaction)
-    dic = {'exon': [], 'freq_exon': [], 'freq_coloc_exon': [], 'oexon': []}
+    dic = {f'{level}': [], f'freq_{level}': [], f'freq_coloc_{level}': [],
+           f'o{level}': []}
     for exon in exons_dic.keys():
         freq_ex = dic_freq[exon]
         oexon = np.unique(exons_dic[exon])
         freq_oexon = np.nanmean(np.asarray([dic_freq[ex] for ex in oexon],
         if freq_ex is not None and not np.isnan(freq_oexon):
-            dic['exon'].append(exon)
-            dic['freq_exon'].append(freq_ex)
-            dic['freq_coloc_exon'].append(freq_oexon)
-            dic['oexon'].append(", ".join(oexon))
+            dic[level].append(exon)
+            dic[f'freq_{level}'].append(freq_ex)
+            dic[f'freq_coloc_{level}'].append(freq_oexon)
+            dic[f'o{level}'].append(", ".join(oexon))
     df = pd.DataFrame(dic)
     return df
-def simple_density(arr_interaction: np.array, dic_freq: Dict[str, float]):
+def simple_density(arr_interaction: np.array, dic_freq: Dict[str, float],
+                   level: str):
     Create the density table, a table showing the frequency of \
     a nucleotide in every exon in a chia-pet project and the \
@@ -238,24 +249,27 @@ def simple_density(arr_interaction: np.array, dic_freq: Dict[str, float]):
     :param arr_interaction: array of interaction between exons.
     :param dic_freq: The frequency dataframe.
+    :param level: The kind of feature to analyse (exon or gene)
     :return: The density table
-    dic = {'exon1': [], 'freq_exon': [], 'freq_coloc_exon': [], 'exon2': []}
+    dic = {f'{level}1': [], f'freq_{level}': [],
+           f'freq_coloc_{level}': [], f'{level}2': []}
     for exon1, exon2 in arr_interaction:
         freq_ex = dic_freq[exon1]
         freq_ex2 = dic_freq[exon2]
         if freq_ex is not None and freq_ex2 is not None:
-            dic['exon1'].append(exon1)
-            dic['freq_exon'].append(freq_ex)
-            dic['freq_coloc_exon'].append(freq_ex2)
-            dic['exon2'].append(exon2)
+            dic[f'{level}1'].append(exon1)
+            dic[f'freq_{level}'].append(freq_ex)
+            dic[f'freq_coloc_{level}'].append(freq_ex2)
+            dic[f'{level}2'].append(exon2)
     df = pd.DataFrame(dic)
     return df
 def create_density_table(arr_interaction: np.array, dic_freq: Dict[str, float],
-                         compute_mean: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
+                         compute_mean: bool = False, level: str = "exon"
+                         ) -> pd.DataFrame:
     Create the density table, a table showing the frequency of \
     a nucleotide in every exon in a chia-pet project and the mean \
@@ -266,19 +280,21 @@ def create_density_table(arr_interaction: np.array, dic_freq: Dict[str, float],
     :param dic_freq: The frequency dataframe.
     :param compute_mean: True to compute the mean frequency of co-localised \
     exons, false to only compute the frequency of one co-localized exons.
+    :param level: The kind of feature to analyse (exon or gene)
     :return: The density table
     logging.debug(f'Calculating density table ({os.getpid()})')
     if compute_mean:
-        return density_mean(arr_interaction, dic_freq)
+        return density_mean(arr_interaction, dic_freq, level)
-        return simple_density(arr_interaction, dic_freq)
+        return simple_density(arr_interaction, dic_freq, level)
 def create_density_fig(df: pd.DataFrame, project: str, ft_type: str, ft: str,
                        weight: int, global_weight: int,
                        community_size: Optional[int],
-                       inter_chr: bool) -> Tuple[float, float]:
+                       inter_chr: bool, level: str
+                       ) -> Tuple[float, float]:
     Compute a density file showing if the feature frequency of \
     an exons correlates with the frequency in other co-localised exons.
@@ -296,23 +312,26 @@ def create_density_fig(df: pd.DataFrame, project: str, ft_type: str, ft: str,
     seen in `global_weight` project are taken into account
     :param inter_chr: True to only get inter-chromosomal interactions \
     False else
+    :param level: The kind of feature to analyse (exon or gene)
     :return: The correlation and the p-value
     logging.debug('Creating the density figure')
     plt.figure(figsize=(20, 12))
-    df2 = df[['freq_exon', 'freq_coloc_exon']].copy()
-    s, i, r, p, stderr = linregress(df.freq_exon, df.freq_coloc_exon)
-    sns.kdeplot(df2.freq_exon, df2.freq_coloc_exon, shade=True,
+    df2 = df[[f'freq_{level}', f'freq_coloc_{level}']].copy()
+    s, i, r, p, stderr = linregress(df[f"freq_{level}"],
+                                    df[f'freq_coloc_{level}'])
+    sns.kdeplot(df2[f'freq_{level}'], df2[f'freq_coloc_{level}'], shade=True,
-    plt.plot(df.freq_exon, i + s * df.freq_exon, 'r',
+    plt.plot(df[f"freq_{level}"], i + s * df[f"freq_{level}"], 'r',
              label=f'r={round(r,4)}, p={round(p, 4)}')
-    plt.xlabel(f"Freq of {ft} in an exon")
-    plt.ylabel(f"Freq of {ft} in co-localized exons")
-    title = f'Freq of {ft} of exons and their co-localized partner in ' \
+    ml = "an exon" if level == "exon" else "a gene"
+    plt.xlabel(f"Freq of {ft} in {ml}")
+    plt.ylabel(f"Freq of {ft} in co-localized {level}s")
+    title = f'Freq of {ft} of {level}s and their co-localized partner in ' \
     if inter_chr:
         title += '\n(inter chromosomal interactions)'
@@ -329,7 +348,7 @@ def create_density_figure(nt: str, ft_type: str,
                           project: str, weight: int, global_weight: int,
                           same_gene: bool, compute_mean: bool,
                           community_size: Optional[int],
-                          inter_chr: bool = False,
+                          inter_chr: bool = False, level: str = "exon",
                           logging_level: str = "DISABLE"
                           ) -> Tuple[float, float]:
@@ -352,6 +371,7 @@ def create_density_figure(nt: str, ft_type: str,
     :param inter_chr: True to only get inter-chromosomal interactions \
     False else
+    :param level: The kind of feature to analyse (exon or gene)
     :param logging_level: The level of information to display
     :return: The correlation and the p-value
@@ -368,17 +388,20 @@ def create_density_figure(nt: str, ft_type: str,
         arr_interaction = get_project_colocalisation(cnx, project, weight,
                                                      global_weight, same_gene,
                                                      False, exons_bc,
-                                                     inter_chr)
-        dic_freq = get_frequency_dic(cnx, nt, ft_type)
-        df = create_density_table(arr_interaction, dic_freq, compute_mean)
+                                                     inter_chr, level=level)
+        dic_freq = get_frequency_dic(cnx, nt, ft_type, level)
+        df = create_density_table(arr_interaction, dic_freq, compute_mean,
+                                  level)
         df.to_csv(outfile, sep="\t", index=False)
         r, p = create_density_fig(df, project, ft_type, nt, weight,
-                                  global_weight, community_size, inter_chr)
+                                  global_weight, community_size, inter_chr,
+                                  level)
         logging.debug(f'The file {outfile} exist, recovering data '
         df = pd.read_csv(outfile, sep="\t")
-        s, i, r, p, stderr = linregress(df.freq_exon, df.freq_coloc_exon)
+        s, i, r, p, stderr = linregress(df[f"freq_{level}"],
+                                        df[f"freq_coloc_{level}"])
     return r, p
@@ -433,7 +456,8 @@ def execute_density_figure_function(di: pd.DataFrame, project : str,
                                     same_gene: bool,
                                     compute_mean: bool,
                                     community_size: Optional[int],
-                                    inter_chr: bool = False
+                                    inter_chr: bool = False,
+                                    level: str= "exon",
                                     ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
     Execute create_density_figure and organized the results in a dictionary.
@@ -455,20 +479,20 @@ def execute_density_figure_function(di: pd.DataFrame, project : str,
     :param inter_chr: True to only get inter-chromosomal interactions \
     False else
+    :param level: The kind of feature to analyse (exon or gene)
     logging.info(f'Working on {project}, {ft_type}, {ft} - {os.getpid()}')
     r, p = create_density_figure(ft, ft_type, project, weight,
                                  global_weight, same_gene, compute_mean,
-                                 community_size, inter_chr)
+                                 community_size, inter_chr, level)
     if global_weight == 0:
-        tmp = {"project": project, "ft_type": ft_type,
+        return {"project": project, "ft_type": ft_type,
                "ft": ft, "cor": r, "pval": p,
                'nb_interaction': di[di['projects'] == project].iloc[0, 1]}
-        tmp = {"project": project, "ft_type": ft_type,
+        return {"project": project, "ft_type": ft_type,
                "ft": ft, "cor": r, "pval": p}
-    return tmp
 def combine_dic(list_dic: List[Dict]) -> Dict:
@@ -524,7 +548,7 @@ def create_all_frequency_figures(ps: int, weight: int = 1,
                                  global_weight: int = 0, ft_type: str = "nt",
                                  same_gene = True, compute_mean: bool = True,
                                  community_size: Optional[int] = None,
-                                 inter_chr: bool = False,
+                                 inter_chr: bool = False, level: str = "exon",
                                  logging_level: str = "DISABLE"):
     Make density figure for every selected projects.
@@ -545,6 +569,7 @@ def create_all_frequency_figures(ps: int, weight: int = 1,
     :param ps: The number of processes to create
     :param inter_chr: True to only get inter-chromosomal interactions \
     False else
+    :param level: The kind of feature to analyse (exon or gene)
     logging_def(ConfigNt.interaction, __file__, logging_level)
     if global_weight == 0:
@@ -560,7 +585,7 @@ def create_all_frequency_figures(ps: int, weight: int = 1,
     processes = []
     for project, ft, ft_type in param:
         args = [di, project, ft_type, ft, weight, global_weight, same_gene,
-                compute_mean, community_size, inter_chr]
+                compute_mean, community_size, inter_chr, level]
     results = [proc.get(timeout=None) for proc in processes]